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Sgt. Steiner

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Everything posted by Sgt. Steiner

  1. Yes, the German paras in the "Carentan" episode of BoB did indeed have a 37mm with the HC round. Although it did seem a bit unrealistic that they would fire such a round at a single GI, and not save it for enemy armor. But that's Hollywood I suppose..
  2. Yeah, it's just no fun at all without the commissars around to shoot anyone with powder burns on their wounds. Or to hammer empty cartridge cases into the kneecaps of German prisoners.. [ November 24, 2002, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: Sgt. Steiner ]
  3. Hmm, I sense many blonde jokes about to come down the pipe....
  4. OMFG! Thanks for the link, Kwazy..I can see where a lot of my spare change will be going. Too, way too many films there; may have to do a few liquor store heists to pay for them all..
  5. Very nice! Any way you could make it CMMOS-compliant?
  6. I think WWII Magazine also advertised the original CMBO as well. You're right; it's great to see CM plugged in national magazines..
  7. Guy on the left: "Are we there yet?" (10 min later) "Are we there yet?" Guy in back of truck: "Sarge, he's making faces at me, make him stop!" [ November 24, 2002, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: Sgt. Steiner ]
  8. I can hear it already... chirp chirp chirp, tweet tweet, jugarum jugarum, needeep needeep, caw caw! bzzzzzbzzzzz...
  9. Obviously the Russians who run away in CM never read your propaganda, Comrade Jerkov...
  10. Or it may not be because of the emitter at all, but just too much vodka which causes the Ivans to see Tiger II's instead of Panzer II's...
  11. Lock it up? Please no, as this thread's main occupant would then be free to slither out into the rest of the forum...
  12. I've figured it out. The Bolshevik tanks are running away due to German use of the previously unknown "Entsetzen Impulsgeber" or "Fright Emitter". This device generates a hologram around the vehicle using it, which makes it appear to be a King Tiger to the easily deceived eyes of the Untermenschen...
  13. This thread is too much. "A Soviet mission to take control of a central European granary in '42". Must be so they can develop a new Über-vodka that will make human wave assaults unstoppable...
  14. Gordon recently mentioned another batch of CMMOS mods coming down the pipe soon, so maybe what you're looking for will be in with those..
  15. Yes, I've noticed this too. In one scenario I was playing as Germans, I noticed some of the opposing T-34's started backing up when they saw my Pz IIIL(?) 's (w/50mm gun). I advanced the platoon of Mk III's across the map, wiping up the field with the retreating T-34's, and without loss to themselves. One or two of the T-34's did stand and fight, but were waxed along with the cowardly ones. At the end I think every Mk III in the platoon had notched up at least 4 T-34's. Will have to put them up against some JS-2's and see if they run away too...
  16. Just don't let the Verteidigungsministerium get wind of it..
  17. Psst! Hey buddy, wanna buy a used Carcano rifle? Never fired, only dropped once! (Hey, just like ARVN rifles)
  18. A just found WW2 German training film? Where can I get a copy! I already have "Men Against Tanks", "Engineers to the Front", and "Sharpshooter: The Unseen Weapon". Another addition to the collection would be outstanding. Throw us a link, please!
  19. Oddball's sans birds mod will be out soon. Just a little longer and no more birds...
  20. The thing I disliked most about CC is that top-down only view. And needing a magnifying glass to see those tiny little soldiers. CM's 3D, in your face graphics are infinitely more preferable, IMO. The use of real-world physics instead of tables is much better too..
  21. I think there was another recent thread where both sides were thinking they had won. Bug in the game BTS?
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