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Andrew H.

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Everything posted by Andrew H.

  1. You can still pause at veteran level - just not at elite.
  2. I just played a cool QB that I thought I'd tell y'all about. It's a ME, tiny, open; I have a stryker infantry platoon. The terrain is basically desert, with three oases as VL's. One is close to me; the other is in about the middle of the map, near the top of a hill but on my side; and the third is near the enemy side of the map, on the other side of the hill from my side. There is a road that bisects the map. My plan, such as it is, is to send one stryker to the near oasis and have the MMGs and HQ disembark, armed with a Javelin, for overwatch purposes. Two strykers are going to advance down the road and go to the middle oasis, and the final striker will stay back where he can provide more overwatch for my side of the hill. My general thought is that maybe I can take both oases and then form up on what will be a reverse slope and then take the third. So I disembark the HQ and MMGs at the first oasis with no problem. The 2d stryker speeds to the middle oasis and disembarks his men; the 3d stryker gets there more slowly, and stays a little farther back in the oasis, with all of his men. I see various ? signs and some dust, meaning that the foeman is around on the other side of the hill. Suddenly, from a dust cloud in which the enemy is located, I see a couple of flashes, larger than gunfire, but I'm not sure what they are; I'm thinking RPGs. Then there is a huge explosion near one of my strykers and through the smoke I see two T-72s...one quite close to the oasis. And the turn ends. When I replay the turn, I notice that one of the T-72s has destroyed my overlooking stryker (and its infantry) while I wasn't paying attention; the stryker in my oasis (with the disembarked javelin carriers) is still okay, but they haven't spotted the tanks. In the middle oasis, I have one javelin armed disembarked squad, and two strykers, one with its infantry complement still embarked. Right now the dust and smoke means I can't target anyone, so I give the strykers orders to back up. The smoke clears during the turn and I see two T-72s within 100 meters of the middle oasis. My dismounted javelin man fires at one tank from about 80 meters and destroys it! Yes! The second tank rushes into the middle of my squad in the oasis before the javelin men can reload. The T-72 machines guns one of my men from point blank range (very cool animation) - and there is a sudden explosion as the javelin fired by my HQ squad hits it and brews it up. Unfortunately, because the T-72 was in the middle of my squad, every member of that squad is killed by collateral damage from the javelin. Every man! I disembark my remaining squad in the middle oasis, split it into an AT team and a regular fireteam, and send the fireteam creeping forward to see what is over the hill. When the fireteam clears the hill, it comes under crossfire from a syrian unit off to the side. I send my now empty stryker around and take the syrian unit under flanking fire. But after I've killed the syrian unit, my stryker is destroyed by a third(!) T-72, which also manages to machine gun the member of the AT team carrying the javelin before he can get off a shot (the rifle-carrying member of the team is fine, however :mad: ). My HQ unit still has one javelin, however, and he takes a shot...and narrowly misses! Apparently he damaged the tracks of the T-72 and the smoke launchers...but the tank is still functional. I call for a ceasefire... :eek: Anyway, while this is far from a model for how to conduct military operations, it is the coolest battle I've fought in a long time, including in CMx1.
  3. But what is your suggestion? Keep in mind that the first time it plays out the orders in real time (unlike CMx1 where the turn was first processed and then replayed). The second time it replays that. Are you suggesting that there shouldn't be a replay starting automatically, or even that there simply shouldn't be a replay? Or are you suggesting that when the minute is played out in real time, that should be hidden from the player? Or maybe something else? </font>
  4. I think that would easily double or triple the wish list.
  5. I think metalbrew is right to be concerned, as I've had my troops do the same thing. But I believe - right now, anyway - that this is more of an I-have-to-learn-how-the-new-movement-commands-work issue than a pathfinding issue. But there certainly does need to be a way to have troops moving behind a building stay relatively close together to have the building screen them from fire.
  6. I've been playing in 1680 x 1050 - I just set it to desktop.
  7. I remember the the CMBB D-Day - coming home from work and checking the board to see if anyone had received it yet - and then plotting it day-by-day as it moved throughout the country, with players at some compound in Montana receiving their copy 4 days later than people who lived closer to the coasts. And then 3 weeks later or so it seemed to arrive in Toronto...
  8. Betamax did have slightly better video resolution than VHS (not that most people could notice). But the original Betamax could record only for one hour; VHS could record for 4 hours. This is the primary reason that VHS won out. (Betamax later became able to record for 2 hours; I think VHS went up to 6).
  9. I believe the parameter for the map edge are set by the scenario designer, with the two options being "hard edge" where shells and bullets bounce, and "circular" edge, where shells, units, and bullets leaving one edge will reappear on the opposite edge.
  10. Death animations should be done tastefully, and with class. I recommend basing them on the 15 minute death scene in the opera Boris Gudonov, where the dying Boris manages to actually sing "I am dying" (it's one word; it believe transcribed as "umerayu") for the entire 15 minutes while sinking to the stage floor and then flopping around.
  11. It's even funnier if you are the enemy. </font>
  12. Those are kind of lame specs for a wargame reviewer, I think.
  13. I did too - but apparently emphasizing that you get up *really early* doesn't send the Youth of America beating down the recruiter's door. Kids these days...
  14. No one gets it! Losing all of the plankton worlds in the Rigel counteroffensive of 3964, the space lobsters try one last desperate gamble: they travel in time back to May 1945 in an attempt to change human history by equipping a Hitlerjugend battalion with hover tanks and mertilizer ray technology. Can fanatical teenagers equipped with advanced technology from the distant future defeat the combined might of the allies and win WWII? Stay tuned.
  15. Except this time, they really are all Tigers.
  16. And who needs a bayonet when the barrel of your PPSh is red hot?
  17. Recon units are not kamikaze units because kamikaze units often destroyed their targets.
  18. People only wnat Sir Paul to play "Let it be" because he hasn't written anything better in the interim. No, not even "Ebony and I-vo-ry." Battlefront, presumably, considers CMx1 to be like "When I Saw Her Standing There" - a good song, but really just the beginning.
  19. I'm in the dark on the substantive issue, too, but I will take this opportunity to not that I've never understood why tarring and feathering fell out of favor.
  20. I want play-by-snail-mail (PBSM). And I want to be able to play real time on snail mail, too, since I think it will be easier than clicking on the mouse all the time.
  21. But the award for the gamiest method is to use the Flammpanzer...
  22. It does british, as in a descendant of the PIAT. Perhaps they should have named it the PIAD, for Projector, Infantry, Anti-Door. Seriously, though, I would love to see a video of it in action and have a lot more information on it. What does it do if it hits a person? What does it do if it hits the door on an APC? Does it have a minimum range? Assuming you don't already have it on your weapon, how long does it take to attach it? How close can friendlies stand to the door. What is the effect on people inside the house?
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