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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. About 3 pages on Combat Mission, not bad for a general article.
  2. If there are "novelty" units like Jagdtigers and Super Pershings, I think that there should be trained snipers. The Commonwealth forces for certain ran sniper courses during WW2 close to the front. I would propose a unit similar to the Sharpshooter, but as a 2 man team. The second man would have binoculars, and since the second man is a trained sniper, there could be a possibility of him using the sniper rifle when the team sustains a casualty. [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 01-07-2001).]
  3. YES withdraw for vehicles! The 60 second stop and start raises issues like this. I bet if you watched a CM game all the way through - like a 30 min movie - that it would be very clear where the 60 second intervals are. Anything which alleviates that is good.
  4. I remember one PBEM game I had in 1.05, where my mortar crews were firing on the enemy, by way of the platoon HQ telling themk what to fire at. The mortars had no LOS of their own, it being blocked by a hill, and so the HQ was the key to this. But now, my arty spotters and mortars are not firing with the aid of HQs. So when an HQ is in command of these units, the units under command do not gain any extra LOS. So what is wrong with the Beta - or more likely - what am I doing wrong??
  5. I read somewhere that the standards at Aberdeen are shoddy - is it really true that they keep WW2 machines outside??
  6. Surely someone wearing a T Shirt for a computer game deserves shooting?? I joke of course.
  7. There is nothing illegal about saying lower than standard retail sales or words to that effect. After all, BTS surely submits its annual accounts, and these are available in the public domain. Presumably from there you would get a good idea of CMBO's sales, since it is overwhelmingly the main game sold by BTS.
  8. IMHO the Tiger has a slow speed and a slow turret, the only task it is really good at is blowing up buildings. The Panther on the other hand is faster in all respects, and has a better gun. I have found that the Tiger can stand up to infantry attacks fairly well, and it is effective against AT guns. Also, it is not so susceptible to flanking attacks by Allied cars and light tanks.
  9. LOL... Mongo Lloyd?? Sounds suspicously like "mongoloid", which could be a dodgy name for someone playing on the Nazi side in a game of CM. === I think a random battle idea as an extension of the Quick Battle would be nice for play against the computer, but against human players it is best to play with weaponary which you know.
  10. Because oif the way that CM - at this moment in time - shows skies, there will be *little or no difference* in the way the sky looks if you use a different texture. The sky starting point is too high, so only in the map-hugging camera views does the player get to see the sky.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Consider this: as it stands now the site uses reviews as loss leaders for the discussion of its boards. So, you read the review, then when you try to click on the link to jump to the forums you're told it will cost you x-dollars and cents per month for this access. Would you willy nilly sign up? If so, please tell me what's going on "in there" these days.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is not entirely accurate. All of their content will be subscription based, not just the forums. Having read the reasons why, I can well understand why they need to do this.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thanks for your knowledge pal, I think we all knew that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So why say "USSR" ?? Everyone knows that the USSR is defunct except your good self.
  13. In that case they would be 'Veteran' rather than 'Regular'. It's not an ideal system. I would like a Regular Panther to have a different kind of crew to a Regular Tiger.
  14. It's a question of phrasing. Often when people say, "the French", they mean, or should say, "the French government/king/parliament/generals" or whatever the context is. On the other hand, a large portion of the German population voted for Adolf Hitler, so perhaps "the Germans" is more apt in that case, but even so, not many would have voted in extremists in Germany post 1945.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I kinda like ther PBEM Dead Beat Black List, I could add a couple names<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think a list of bad players is an awful idea. It depends on the circumstance, sometimes it is acceptable to bail out, if your computer crashes, or your opponent refuses a ceasefire unreasonably, or he is acting like an a**hole.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Is this Russian Sniper movie being filmed in the USSR, or in the USA?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The USSR ceased to exist many years ago. Enemy At The Gates is being filmed somewhere in Germany. There is an epic river crossing a la SPR near the start of the film. Hopefully this new movie will be an improvement on 'Stalingrad', which was filmed as a Television series, and then cut down for the cinematic version. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>At least they're doing this whole thing by merit. The Queen did NOTHING to get her status.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's called the hereditory principle,
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He Bates did you mean weapons of the waffen SS written by Bruce Quarry? Have that one too. bought it in London a few years ago together with Soldiers of destruction for 12 pounds.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes Stoffel, that is the one. According to his introduction, he has also written other books on the Waffen-SS. Not sure if I would buy them though, it's embarrassing to walk out of a shop holding a Waffen-SS book! Seriously, second hand is the only way to go for WW2 books. WW2 is a strong section in most book stores. If you steer away from the books which glamourize Nazism there's some good work. I will probably buy new books on the Russians however, as there is not much on the "Reds".
  18. <size=+3>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!</size> Stop bringing up old threads! This one is over a year old!!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Good heavens, just check my Amazon.com account!! It has certainly shot up because of CM<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't believe that people waste money at Amazon.com for WW2 books! I recently got The Berlin Bunker, With British Snipers To The Reich, Stalingrad, The Battle of the Bulge, Weapons of the Waffen-SS on the same day for about £20.00 ($30.00). The trick is to find some good second hand bookshops. "Hay-on-Wye" in Wales has the largest relative number of new and second hand bookshops in Europe, as I understand.
  20. Excellent news, the link showed a Region 2 version of the film (anamorphic as well). Looks like it is being released in a "classics range", must be why I never saw it. Just one quibble though: The US & Canada version is listed as being 176 minutes long, but the European disc is 168 minutes. Obscure question, but would anyone know if the R2 disc is shorter than the R1 disc, or is the discrepency in minutes because PAL runs at 25fps and NTSC is 30fps?
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>M.Bates. If you can find it, look for the Close Combat Trilogy. Should be at around the same price. It has CC1 - old but still fun CC2 - best of the series CC3 - good with the RealRed upgrades, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wouldn't work on my Mac tho! I think a copy of CC2 could be a good investment. I saw A Bridge Too Far on TV on Boxing Day, looks like an interesting situation there. Off topic, but is A Bridge Too Far on DVD anywhere in the world? I bought a ton of WW2 books over Xmas and Cornelius Ryan's book is among them, but I haven't got round to reading it yet.
  22. During me Christmas shopping I have seen "Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far" on the shelves and in 'bargain bins' at £9.99. It first caught my attention because of the WW2 themed cover, but also because it is a dual CD. It has the PC and Mac versions of the game on the CD, and I own a Mac, and I think I am correct in saying that Close Combat 2 is the last CC game available on Mac. Is Close Combat 2 worth getting or is it a waste of money?
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