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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. The forum is moderated,not censored. If, as sometimes happens, someone posts something hugely offensive about the Holocaust, then the thread is locked. If a particular character, say, posts cretinous and stupid remarks about CM's graphics without any understanding, then that gets locked. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  2. Since most CM engagements take place at close range, all German tanks are at a slight disadvantage. However the Panzer IV is especially vulnerable because of its thin armour. Whereas the Tigers can afford to make a mistake and take a few hits, the IV will be toast. Be aware of Greyhounds and flanking attacks by Shermans. On the other hand, the Panzer IV does have a good gun, is less likely to get bogged down than the other heavy German tanks, and the turret speed is not too painful either. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical] [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 01-26-2001).]
  3. Maximus, that looks to be just the ticket!! The weathered edges look special.
  4. It was awful for a Mac owner like myself, in the end it was guesswork: which is the ORIGINAL and which is the ADD-ON???? I would be most grateful if someone could point me towards a Sherman mod which has all the Sherman models, and does not need to be messed around with. I probably gave it already - I have all the Allied mods from CMHQ - but the Allied tanks page was totally confusing, my brain was melting under the strain from working out what to do. Rant/sob story over! ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  5. Maximus, You sound fairly well clued up so maybe you can help: After downloading all the Sherman mods from CMHQ, and installed them, the textures are completely f*cked up. The problem is that Bloke No.1 (Bergman?) made these Sherman mods, then Bloke No.2 added insignia, camoflauge and all these other bits and pieces. Installing the mods was a nightmare. So, will these new mods be "self-contained", with no additions to confuse the matter? Thanks. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  6. What is the exact purpose in releasing CM2, CM3 or CM4?? Why not release 'Combat Mission XL', where the US army can fight the evil Canadians/ Australians/ British/ French/ Germans/ Finnish/ Italians/ Romanians/ Hungarians/ Arabs/ Eskimos... from the years 1939 to 1946... and be done with it? Just include the necessary desert, grass, snow textures and we have a hit on our hands! After all - once the weaponary for the Eastern Front is done, combined with the existing CM1 stuff - there is not much more to be included. I can't be the only one who will pay good money to engage 1939 Bavarian peasants (infantry only, no air support) against the 1946 coalition of SS and Soviet troops (combined arms, w/ artillery pts traded for armor pts)!! Who will need historical accuracy with the New Improved Consumer Friendly Quick Battle Editor? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical] [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 01-26-2001).]
  7. If you look at a globe, you will see that it is divided by nationalistic lines. The more divided the planet is, the more wars there will be. Communism is the only answer. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  8. MUHAHA!! It's a parody of your signature and hopefully is not true! ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  9. Don't be so petty. You have your opinion, I have mine. I have not accused you of forcing your opinion on anyone else, even thouigh it is your opinion which necessitates a change to the way that Combat Mission works!! Mr Heidman, you can only speak for yourself! There is no group of Combat Mission players stood behind you while you type your argument in this thread, nodding sagely and murmuring, "Of course he is right, CM 2 will be improved by letting the French or Russians butcher the US." ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  10. Isn't the greatest battle ever fought interesting enough for people who support this goulish and ridiculous idea?? What matters is whether BTS think that these imaginary conflicts are bad taste or not. Effectively theirs is the only opinion which really counts. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  11. This is a bloody awful idea. Even if former enemies become Allies (Poles and Russians), the time in months and years between the change of circumstances make this 'idea' of Allies vs Allies really tacky and bad.
  12. Worst game... hmmm... how about: Aliens vs Predator on the ATARI JAGUAR. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  13. See here: http://www.combatmissions.co.uk
  14. Someone emailed some buildings which are not PT's and they are pretty good, I had to reducde them by 50% to stop the slowdown on my computer. I also took ALL of DD's terrain mods except the snow ones, and increased the brightness of the green, and also saturated the colour. The result is much much better, if anyone is interested I can email the trees and bases to you. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  15. Don't forget that the Greyhound is better than most of the Puma models... These changes surely mean that the German player overloads with Hetzers??
  16. I don't wish to slight any of the authors mentioned above, but having installed the recommended mods... I wish I hadn't. Come on, Normandy or anywhere else during July and August does NOT look that bleak and bleached out!!! Any other recommendations on mods before I switch back to the Mad Dog ones? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  17. What are the best, out of all available, building and terrain mods? I'd like building mods which don't stray too far from the original style, and terrain which is more realistic without becoming drab and depressing. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  18. Works great. I noticed that it loaded quickly: what image program did you use? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  19. I haven't ever read a post which says "German tanks should be invincible". People prefer to play as the Germans because it is very convenient. It is easier to have a knowledge of German weapons and tactics than each and every individual Allied force. The stereotype is also that Allies fought with a lot of mass-produced "junk" weaponary. The only bleating I have seen is from German players complaining about the Tungsten Team of killer Allied tanks which seems a bit unlikely. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  20. Artillery first, as often that can be a squeeze to get the right value. Then tanks, infantry, AT guns.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Have you given any thought to actually having a season? Where each player would have scheduled games... the league leaders going to a playoff? Just an idea... right now it just sounds like another ladder to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why not just run a cup competition alongside the league, it's simpler ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk/ For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
  22. The voice is only meant to play when you click on an option, or will loop on the home page ("Select an option love"). Anyone else find the music annoying? It was supposed to be low volume, but then people will own radically different computers to what the site was designed on.
  23. That's a well designed website, good luck with your venture.
  24. Hey guys, Read the AAR at my site to see how effective a regular AT gun is in a Meeting Engagement. I have personally found AT guns to be most resistant to 81mm artillery fire, which is often the standard that players pick. AT guns are a very stealthy way of picking off enemy tanks, and they are cheap! ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk/ For all our AARs (not those which have been lost)
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