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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. Jeff, I have think you miss some of the point in that; CM's scenarios HAVE to be hypothetical to some extent, because the player has to prove his skill, and he will never fight exactly the same battle as happened all those years ago. I bet if some Finnish members of this board wanted their armed forces to appear in CM3 North Africa, everyone would disagree with them. Only the Nazis ever believed or hoped in their twisted minds that the Allies and the Russians would be trading shots over the remains of Berlin.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>precisely. I was thinking -- what made it easier for that 37mm shell to punch through and knock out the Pz IVG?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Terence, you have discovered the Power Of Greyhound. The M8 is just as good a tank killer at close range as the Hellcat is. It won't use any of your Armor points and it is cheap!!
  3. The armed forces of the United States will not be appearing in Combat Mission 2, so just get over it. Any messing around with CM2 would be tacky and in bad taste. Instead of trying to turn Combat Mission into the Big Mac and Fries of wargamming, let's all concentrate on the participants of the Eastern Front - wacky as it may seem, these were Germany and her allies against the Soviet Union.
  4. I think this has already been discussed, but why do you just want a Pacific theatre? Why not China and India as well? That at least would make the proposition more palatible. I'd rather see the Russian front and North Africa first though.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If the enemy can see them, the enemy will fire, and your squads will return fire, so the simple solution is to keep your men out of LOS of the enemy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Surely this is a problem with the engine! Why can't two groups of opposing soldiers face each other at a distance without them wasting ammo!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hello, Are you stating Fionn is banned from the BTS webboard ?? If so, may I enquire as to why ?? Fionn claims to be some sort of beta tester working for BTS. Is this correct ?? Regards, GB<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unusually civilised there. In your own words Gunny Bunny, maybe this will help you out: Originally posted by Gunny Bunny on alt.games.combat-mission: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I have compiled a list of suspected BTS spies attempting to disrupt and shut down the pure and holy alt.games.combat-mission. I forbid the following people from posting here anymore: - Ms. Fionna - Erik Astrup - Etienne Le Chevalier - Clay Cahill Regards, Gunny Bunny ** Wabbits are pure...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There you have it, he is a spy!!
  7. Rob/1 asked me to buy him a 'dwictionnery' but I don't think that bookshops stock those
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What is with all of this Fionn bashing anyway? Is it that people are jealous of his knowledge of WWII? Or that he plays CM really well? Sad really, as Fionn has added quite a bit of historical knowledge (before the ban that is) and seems to be a good guy IMO. Too bad a few people (to remain nameless) baited him into going on the offensive (that may have led to his removal here). Ray<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well in the newsgroup, Gunny Bunny, or someone purporting to be him keeps called Fionn , 'Fionna'. That's like calling a Michael 'Michaela' or Roberta 'Roberta' etc etc.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Here's an idea Lewis. Get a four-button mouse for your PC, and it should have software which allows you to assign commands to each button for each program you use. I have one for my Mac, so I'm sure you'd be the first to boast that PCs can do much more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> EXACTLY. I use an Intellimouse which has 5 buttons and a scroll wheel. There is absolutely no reason why you can't map the necessary keys to the buttons on a mouse. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes. I am lazy. I like to kick back and pick my ass and just use the mouse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, but you used a keyboard to create and respond to this very topic did you not??
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rob/1, really, why don´t you use the spell-checker that this BBS has? It really would save you a lot of harassment. Epée<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd have to agree. With spelling like that it is possible to misconstrue what someone is trying to say. I mean, at the very least people should have correct spelling in their topic headers. Note that Gunny Bunny never responds to posts in his own topic - he probably just wants more people in his newsgroup.
  11. I just 'logged on' to alt.games.combat-mission and having gone through many of the posts there... I am confused. Is Gunny Bunny (the newsgroup initiator) being impersonated by someone??
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I just tried them out for the first time, solo. I wasn't impressed. No doubt they can squish any German tank out there, but their performance against buildings was unimpressive. I would have figured a 290mm mortar would flatten all but the heaviest buildings, but even light buildings took many hits. I won't be rushing out to purchase any soon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's interesting, I have found their anti-buildings fire to be most effective. A light building will be destroyed very quickly. I would have thought that the AVRE was terrible against enemy tanks, given the slowness of fire. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  13. Does anyone think that Churchill AVREs are worth buying?? I had one in a PBEM game that won a draw for me, but then I was facing a massed infantry attack with NO tank support. I think people are better off with a standard tank, since infantry are pinned whatever size of ammo they are facing, 75mm or 290mm. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  14. I agree, there needs to be far more control over fire power. It's all very well saying this is 'micro-management' but that won't get your troops very far after they have run out of ammo at 15 turns of play. Also, artillery should be 'staggered' by pressing 'P'. This would add 5 seconds to the time it takes for the artillery to fall. This at least is an idea which would be easy to implement. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  15. In any case, this is a silly argument. America would still have invented and then used the A Bomb, and Russia would still have relocated their factories. Whatever happened at Stalingrad or Midway, the outcome was always going to be the same.
  16. Alright guys, the scenario is nearly done so carry on printing your emails to get the beta version! ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  17. What is ASL? Is it a cross between Monopoly and Risk? BTW... anyone remember Diplomacy? I think that was the name of the game. I loved the back-stabbing and dealing in that game. Probably one of the few games which couldn't be simulated on computer so well. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh dear.
  19. Wanted: testers for my new Berlin scenario. It's based on the breakout from the Berlin bunker, and I have substituted Polish for Russians, but given them Russian names. It begins with some vicious anti-SP gun fighting, before the breakout proper can begin. The objective for General Mohnke's group is the U-Bahn subway to the north of the Berlin Bunker <<this is where the scenario ends>> where a fictional group of SS Guards then escort the group under the Russian ring and out of the city. If you think this sounds interesting, then print your email addresses below and you will receive a 'beta version' by the end of the week. Obviously, some geographical knowledge of Berlin would help - I am using rough maps - although any interest is appreciated.
  20. I suppose you are right... the Germans reckoned on under 40 Commonwealth divisions in Britain, and they themselves invaded Russia with over 130.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And we must note that while Britain could not have won the war without American help, they saved the war for the allies. From the fall of France to Operation Barbarossa they stood alone against Germany, and we should never forget that. Had they acquieced, there would have been no base of operations for the invasion of the continent, and the US would have been powerless to contest Hitler in europe. That and the whole ultra thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The thing I can never quite comprehend, is why didn't the Germans invade Britain? Sure, they would have had to cross the Channel, but with those nice European roads they would have been in Glasgow by teatime!! A successful invasion would have also removed the threat of a second front in France, and would have led to the anhilation of Allied forces in North Africa. I think some one in this thread mentioned the relationship between the Japanese and Germans. As I understand it, the Germans were always a bit 'snobbish' and standoffish towards the Japanese. In the end there was not enough enthusiasm from the Germans to work towards an Axis link-up in Asia somewhere. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck"
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, thank god for you, M. Bates. The shining light of your wit has kept me sane in these bleak, bleak days. Who besides the mighty Bates would have the strength and wisdom to quote other people in his signature? Who besides the insightful Bates would have the perserverence to continue fighting the good fight in such a den of iniquity as the Peng Thread? Who besides the marvellous Bates would have the razor-edged sense of humor to make masturbation jokes? Bauhaus doesn't count. Who besides me thinks that Bates should place his head through a closed window?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In more civilised times your head would be hanging off a bridge to warn others against such flagrantly offensive behaviour.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I can imagine no fate worse than to be quoted in an M.Bates sig. Considering the company I have in that spot I can already start the feel my mere existence in the world to fade just ever so slightly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rob/1 might have spelt 'suck' differently - the 'f' is only two spaces away from 's' on the qwerty keyboard. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The reason I use the world "suck" to describe you is because you are worthy of no other word larger than 4 letters and since "suck" fits the bill so nicely I use it. Truly only one as you can be so undeserving of a true insult. Anything more would be a waste of effort.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I can't begin to imagine what I have done to offend you so, but it might just be my cheap and nasty persona. By the way, I now have Illustrator 9, so I might start uploading some artwork to the board unless I get some deserved recognition and respect for my campaigning to improve Combat Mission. My signature is repeated, for annoyance. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck"
  24. I have said the same thing. BUT the Allies so have more durable infantry, and the Greyhound. So it's about even. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck"
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