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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. I was repleying specifically to this: "They wernt getting hit at all they just used to button now as you said"
  2. I agree, I have noticed this and I am especially annoyed by it happening when I am winning battles. The enemy should know when they are beaten, and firing at unbuttoned tank commanders is just not cricket.
  3. I've noticed that many of my vehicles, perhaps half per battle, are suffering a crew casualty, forcing the vehicle to remain buttoned. Nothing more to say really except that it seems to happen far more than before.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rob already has relative spotting. Thats when his father mounts his leg.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> lol When relative spotting appears in CM3, I might actually have to adopt good tactics. In the mean time, my map-hugging infantry are safe in their hideaways.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>M. Bates/The Commissar: Ok I've got a question. Are you setting ambushes? Or just letting your troops popup on their own when the enemy gets close enough?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My aim is to destroy the enemy's armour, or at least part of it. I also destroy immediately any buildings which enemy infantry occupies. My advice is let the enemy come to you. Once the key engagements have been won, only then is the correct time to bring up your infantry to occupy important positions. Of course, all the time my infantry perhaps advances a little bit, but the main aim is to kill enemy tanks, then move in for the kill.
  6. It's great that you follow your own charter, you set a magnificent example for others to follow.
  7. www.portland.co.uk then go to v3 and get one of those direction URLs.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding squad sizes, try the German Sturmkompanie, with Sturmgruppe squads of thirteen men each and the following fine firepower numbers: 283, 172, 87, 43, 0.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Aren't they 9 men squads? Anyway, most German players get three standard Cannon Fodder, ie a company of riflemen and a couple of mg42s.
  9. Read the signature Monsieur Shandorf!! Mr Yoda - or I forget what his name is - can keep his 5 dollars, because my contempt for your good self is demonstrated by your contempt for Professor Stevan Hawker. As a great fan and admirer of Mr Hawker's work, I am shocked by your attitude. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  10. Last two PBEM games I have had great success by hiding or putting all my units behind cover. The exceptions are: arty spotters and heavy machine guns. The former can rain shells on the enemy player's men as he takes positions, and the machine guns can spot the enemy and dish out casualties. If your opponent can't see your units, then he has nothing to fire at. Originally in games I had tried advancing slowly or quickly with infantry, and then edging out my tanks to try and kill his vehicles. But I am now of the opinion that this is asking for trouble and casualties. Also, originally I took the view that the German player holds many advantages. In reality, the Allied side with their larger squads can hold their own better. Artillery can be disasterous for German infantry. Allied armoured cars appear to be superior. I seem also to have more luck by going light on the infantry and buying lots of SP guns, then destroying all the buildings around victory locations. More tips are welcome!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I definitely recall there being widespread glee in Ireland when the US team beat the English team a few years back. What made it all the more wonderful was that the winning goal was scored by a part-time rocker with long hair... Then again, we do love any embarrasment to England. Remember that game where San Marino scored in about 45 seconds? That got airtime for days afterwards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> All this can be consigned to the dark days of "Turnip Taylor" and his men. Although considering the recent events involving England supporters, I am *glad* that we didn't qualify for USA 1994. The thought of a losing team and hooligans 'over there' sends shivers down my spine... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW, I don't see where you say the British have no team to play Germany. Last I checked they had at least three. (England, Scotland, Wales)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The only circumstance in which a UK team might play is in the Olympics. It'd be nice to see Giggs, Beckham and Sullivan on the same side but it will never happen.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding the US team....I think in about 10 years they will be on par with one of the Nordic teams, but I think a lot has to be done. After all, it's tough to keep good players in the US when the salaries for good players are so much better in the EU. I also feel that if the EU teams have the choice, they certainly aren't going to risk one of their non-EU spots for some poor American slob, unless he can prove himself. Bottom Line: America...Developing Country...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It would be good for soccer (or football whatever) as a whole if the USA team started winning and progressing. Nike etc are already heavily into the European game. Can't wait for 2002!! I take Brazil to win, or possibly the Germans.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding the US team....I think in about 10 years they will be on par with one of the Nordic teams, but I think a lot has to be done. After all, it's tough to keep good players in the US when the salaries for good players are so much better in the EU. I also feel that if the EU teams have the choice, they certainly aren't going to risk one of their non-EU spots for some poor American slob, unless he can prove himself. Bottom Line: America...Developing Country...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It would be good for soccer (or football whatever) as a whole if the USA team started winning and progressing. Nike etc are already heavily into the European game. Can't wait for 2002!! I take Brazil to win, or possibly the Germans.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding the US team....I think in about 10 years they will be on par with one of the Nordic teams, but I think a lot has to be done. After all, it's tough to keep good players in the US when the salaries for good players are so much better in the EU. I also feel that if the EU teams have the choice, they certainly aren't going to risk one of their non-EU spots for some poor American slob, unless he can prove himself. Bottom Line: America...Developing Country...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It would be good for soccer (or football whatever) as a whole if the USA team started winning and progressing. Nike etc are already heavily into the European game. Can't wait for 2002!! I take Brazil to win, or possibly the Germans.
  15. I have a family member who looks EXACTLY like Lalas. Scary! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Two World Wars and One World Cup, Do Da Do Da."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's just a nasty taunt against German supporters, I wouldn't take it too literally. The fans who sing those kinds of songs probably don't have the intelligence to know what century WW2 was actually in.
  16. Using Beta 23, my sharpshooters and flame throwers have no ammo.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The zero ammo sharpshooter and flamethrower teams bug is known and already been fixed by us. If you don't want to play with Beta code, then DON'T.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I just played a couple of scenarios on Beta 23 and all the Sharpshooters had '0' for ammo. ------------------ Great Quotes Maximus: "And what's that Rob? The rest of the world doesn't care? I can assure you that when Boris Yeltsin stepped down in Russia last New Years, the world cared. Oh wait, you live in Canada. That's right, Canada only cares 'aboot' Canada. The whole world could be on the brink of destruction and as long as Canadian soil isn't involved, they could care less. Does the phrase, "Isolationist China" mean anything to ya?" Rob/1: "Lets just say I dont like americans ok... if you have a prolbem with that Minumis is one of the resions." jshandorf: "Suck" jshandorf: "How about Stephen Hawkins! Yeah! I would kick his skinny, whellchair ass any day of the week! Bring it on roller boy!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>British soccer hooligan singing the above to camp town races at a Brit/German Soccer match.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There isn't even a British national team so how can they have played Germany?
  19. I didn't copy the whole page, I copied and pasted a table. I'll take down the index page and alter it. I don't think there is anything wrong in principal with linking to files directly. It's more efficient to link to individual elements that to the html files which hold them all together.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>M. Bates - Why have you copied a big proportion of my site?!. An explanation please!.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've forgotten how I made up the lists, it was a while ago. I hadn't finished it yet, so there would have been other scenarios than those at your site. I just thought it would be a good idea to tie everything together into one site, with just links, but not actually hosting any files.
  21. Just posting a topic about the new scenario I have created. It's based on the first breakout from Hitler's Berlin bunker late in the war. It's a Huge map, 25 turns, and is meant to be played as the German defender. Your task is to 1) defend the Reich Chancellery and 2) successfully get the first breakout group to the Freidrichstrasse subway station. It's been under testing and I am told that the geography is fine as a ROUGH approximation of wartime Berlin. Feedback appreciated. Download here >> http://combatmission.portland.co.uk/BERLIN.ZIP (BTW, is that site worth updating or not? http://combatmission.portland.co.uk/ ) P.S. there's a nice Easter Egg for fans of this forum. Well, a few Easter Eggs actually. Keep those eyes peeled! [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 12-20-2000).]
  22. Going back to the thread subject matter, I recommend War On The Eastern Front by James Lucas. It's published by Greenhill Books, there is also a US publisher. The book concentrates on infantry and SP gun tactics with an emphasis from the first two years of the war from the German perspective. Loads of first person accounts, I thought it was a great "overview read".
  23. Getting mixed up here, do the latest two patches work together, or is every patch entirely different and require both players to be using the same version?
  24. Steve, guessing you're in the UK from what you said, Check the listings for Channel 4 on Christmas Day. A Bridge Too Far in widescreen. Not bad!
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