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M. Bates

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Everything posted by M. Bates

  1. How can it be muddy without people walking all over the grass, I'm not trying to be difficult or anything. Maybe the grass should be a darker green to reflect more ground moisture. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  2. Don't download any Sherman mods. They are very confusing at the moment, and a new batch are about to be released. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  3. Sounds like the Germans are in need of players, so sign me up for them, I have no unit preference. If Germans are filled up I'll take the Brits. m.batespbem@btinternet.com
  4. Nah it's essentially an immoral idea. I did something very similar but encountered a rightfully negative reaction.
  5. For Christ's sake give these people a CHANCE. CM is a "we go" system. GI Combat is REAL TIME. CM lets you play around with BATTALIONS, and GI Combat DOES NOT. They are two fundamentally different games. The only similarity which people are wetting themselves over is the "oblong orders menu" which is very similar to CM's. GI Combat cannot compete with CM for realism and strategy.. but some people actually do like real time games. There is room for lots of WW2 games without the CM Church getting hysterical.
  6. How can you tell this model is no good? It looked alright to me.
  7. Sorry guys, did not make myself clear, and Slapdragon should take some of the blame for making it sound like I have the Summer '98 iMac... I actually got an iMac DV, 256MB for a very reasonable price. I'm sure that these are upgradable! The forum users here seem to be graphics card whizzkids, so what do you recommend? Thanks in advance.
  8. Just got a 2nd hand iMac, the screen res goes up to 1024 x 768, is that considered "hi-res" enuff for Combat Mission play? Also, what is the best graphics card to buy for a Macintosh at the moment? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  9. I can't add anything to this topic except to say: "Good stuff!" ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  10. Excellent mod there, looking forward to getting it from combatmissions.co.uk Anyone else agree with me that tracks placed on turrets look out of place? I can understand that they would be included if the tracks are part of the 3D model, but it doesn't quite work in CM - they look flat.
  11. I withdraw my earlier comments, this is a domestic sports final, and there are not many of those which attract a worldwide audience.
  12. I predict that 99% of the world does not give a ****.
  13. That'll serve you right for setting up a tent in a shopping mall!!
  14. Based on what Rob writes, Bush should nuke Canada ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  15. I have read about the scavenging that takes place in France and the Low Countries, it's really disappointing. Especially when you consider that the road to freedom for these countries is paved with the dead bodies of Allied servicemen, but there you go ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  16. You are unfortunately correct, I will work on this now. TAR files are good for PC users, right? Those buildings were sent to me by someone. I don't know their forum handle, it escapes me. The story is that he sent them to CMHQ at around the same time as Panzertruppen's building mods: everyone raved over PT's work, and so the buildings that I use were mostly forgotten. I like them a lot: they stay faithful to the original style, while improving as well: they are also suitable for both urban and rural settings. I'll ask for permission to host them on my site. I installed DD's terrain mods (grass, snow and trees, bases) but I was disapointed by the look. People on the forum have praised the "subdued look" without much justification: the grass was just totally unsuitable for Europe during spring and summer. So I increased the colour saturation, brightened the green element, and downsized the grass textures by half. I left the snow textures alone. The result is that the terrain looks better and is less of a system strain. ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical] [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 01-28-2001).]
  17. The words "safe" and "Sherman" look strange near each other ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  18. Hullo gents, Here is a brand new "Ronson" Sherman mod based on Tiger's new weathered Shermans. It replaces "3812.bmp" and is a small download. Here are the piccies: Here is the download link: http://combatmissionicq.tripod.com/RONSON.zip - 102k (Unfortunately it is on Tripod, but when my FTP is working again it will be on the regular site in my signature). Enjoy! Edit: New texture affects the following: Sherman M4A1; M4A1(76W); _(76)W+; Sherman II ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical] [This message has been edited by M. Bates (edited 01-28-2001).]
  19. Presumably you like them enough to name yourself after one of their tanks!! ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  20. Anal. Seriously Ksak, surely these guys are furthering our knowledge? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  21. Alright stfu you drunk limeys Everyone knows that the Russians would have pushed the Germans two times across the planet given half a chance Sherman: The USA owns Canada, right?? ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
  22. A good topic would be AT guns. If you write it don't resort to; "Anti tank guns are often more effective when they have a limited LOS"(!) I'm sure you can do a good write up tho! ------------------ Rugged Defense England Team Website: http://combatmission.portland.co.uk For all our AARs ------------------ "I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]
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