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  1. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok, well now we know which camp you are in, and it definitely is not the "liberal peacenik" one.  Hmm, and I wonder which presidential candidate should be best qualified to flex this immense political power and which one is "weak and indecisive"?
    Regardless, we are talking about negotiating from a position of strength here, which runs directly counter to your original position of "Ukraine is out of all options, therefore should sue for peace."  In fact you have been arguing vehemently that there are no military solutions left...and now you want to make some?
    But, ok, lets put that all aside.  So if the US is going to "threaten" it must be ready to follow through.  What you are proposing is on an entire different scale than the support we have seen.  First problem will be getting the US political machine to agree to these levels of spending, and very fast spending - cries of oversight and corruption will ring.  Next problem is putting the UA in a position where they can actually absorb, integrate and operationalize these levels of support; not insurmountable but no small challenge.
    Next, Ukraine will need to demonstrate military victory on the battlefield.  One cannot simply "threaten" with the Russians, we tried that.  One has to demonstrate.  So we are back to creating viable military options.
    And then there is this part: "In negotiations, West agrees not to take Ukraine into NATO, but accepts into EU, and makes concrete security guarantees to in any case. UN peacekeepers in along border. Russia gets symbolic non-NATO status for Ukraine. No future invasion of Ukraine for Russia."
    That is weak.  EU is an economic and diplomatic union, not a military one.  UN peacekeepers is actually an idea I have floated but one would definitely need a new Russian regime to even get Russia in the room to negotiate.  Ukraine outside of NATO would need binding security bi-lats with western troops in Ukraine a la South Korea as a minimum.  I think Ukraine outside of NATO leaves too many dangerous mouseholes open - this is why Finland and Sweden jumped in.  NATO is the one thing that appears to deter Putin and Russia and I suspect it will be the only way to actually secure Ukraine in the long term.
    You are also pretty weak on reparations and war crimes.  Maybe it is the medium but your position kind of feels "oh well...watcha gonna do?"  There can be no road to renormalization with Russia without these conditions being met, that much must be clear.  If we go soft on this, certain political parties will try and weasel back to "business as usual". 
    The only way the US can use its power, short of an all out war, is to push support into Ukraine in order to sustain resistance until Russia falters - we can definitely agree on this.  The idea that "this is easy" and "could be done tomorrow" is dangerously amateur and short-sighted thinking, currently being expressed by some sectors of the US political landscape...and not new to this board. 
    Russia must be in forced into a position of "had enough?"  and not "hey can you please?"  At least under this regime.  This cannot be done "overnight" or "easily" under the current constraints.  This is in fact threading a pretty tough needle.  Too much and one faces uncontrolled escalation, or a full on Russian collapse...both of which are worse that this current war.  Too little and things drag on too long and western resolve and attention slips again.  This is a tricky and challenging situation in that the US cannot employ its immense power to the fullest without making thing worse both internally or externally.  This is also a pretty high stakes proxy war that must; stay limited and result in the slow death of the Putin regime and doctrine, create a secure and stable Ukraine, and somehow set the conditions for future broader regional stability.  This is not a "deal" one can make in a weekend. 
  2. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It could be that to protect the bridge they need the ships out patrolling...
    Who wants to bet that Ukraine has more Drones than Russia has ships...
  3. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from chris talpas in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It could be that to protect the bridge they need the ships out patrolling...
    Who wants to bet that Ukraine has more Drones than Russia has ships...
  4. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This night UKR drones struck Russian oil base in Belgorod oblast. Initailly local authorities reported one fuel tank is burning, but later local media already told about three fuel tanks in fire
  5. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Background sound is old Norvegian folk song in version of Ukrainian medieval-folk group "Spiritual Seasons", who often played on our re-enactments events ) 
  6. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "Sergey Kotov" according to interceptions of radiochat was attacked by 5 drones. Together with a ship Russians lost her onboard helicopter Ka-29
    And again Budanov developed own sense of humor. Soviet rear-admiral Sergey Kotov has died in 1999 in Ukrainian Feodosia. Near Feodosia reportedly the ship "Sergey Kotov" was sunk
  7. Upvote
    Holien reacted to cesmonkey in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  8. Thanks
    Holien got a reaction from Raptor341 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hindsight a wonderful thing....
    As if we even knew Russia WAS going to invade...
    Going forward Europe is showing every intention of upping it's support despite some folk saying otherwise...
    Ukraine is NOT out of the fight and if it addresses some weaknesses it will certainly stay in the fight longer than Russia has...
  9. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Kraft in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Havent seen the news here yet but russia officially ended Armata development, citing its high cost as  mine clearing vehicle
  10. Upvote
    Holien reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Germany never showed "every intention". We have discussed that at length, and we are in line with most of the rest of the West, unfortunately.
    The economy is declining as it sometimes does. "no end in sight" is a bit over the top IMHO.
    The interest in Ukraine has declined. Of course, modern society is easily bored. The amount of newsworthy items has gone down. But look at us: downing an A-50 has even us only occupied for a few days until we derailed again.
    But: the amount of support given by Germany is pretty stable, and I don't see that changing (see below).
    That may not be necessary. The political constellation is currently, that the biggest supporters of Ukraine are both in the government (greens & liberals(*)) and the opposition (conservatives).
    The next government will most likely include one or two of those parties. Thus, it is most unlikely that support for Ukraine will falter.
    (*) not 'liberal' in the US sense of the word
  11. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Vanir Ausf B in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A (probably paywalled) WaPo article about Ukrainian recruitment efforts. It largely echoes @Haiduk's comments from yesterday.
    Syrsky has been tasked with auditing the existing armed forces to find more combat-eligible troops, after Zelensky’s office recently announced that of the 1 million people who have been mobilized, only about 300,000 have fought at the front lines. But nearly a month after his promotion, no one in the military leadership or the presidential administration has explained where those 700,000 are — or what they have been doing.
    More than 4,000 amendments have been made to the mobilization bill, and some lawmakers see the measure as an attempt by Zelensky to pass off responsibility to parliament for inevitably unpopular decisions.
    “It’s time to start an adult conversation with society and not to be afraid of it, ” Bobrovska said. “It’s not 2022, when emotions took over.”
  12. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well then I suggest that those Germans who are reading this, and want Ukraine to be supported get involved and get in touch with their elected representative.
  13. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yep Jon has a very dry sense of humour.
    It is the same level of Joke that with Leopards earlier the war would be already be over...
    We are where we are.
    Hindsight and rewritten history is inevitable, humans being human.
    Doesn't mean that there shouldn't be pushback on those spinning a message so it does have to be countered.
  14. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think the broader point is that Ukraine is not a teenager - all the tragedy but no accountability or responsibility.  There were a lot of strategic failures in the run up to this war and they do not all lay at the feet of Europe or the US.  The global arms industry is incredibly large and Ukraine could have leveraged that to be much better prepared for what was a pretty obvious threat on its eastern border. (https://www.brookings.edu/articles/its-time-to-stop-us-arms-sales-to-saudi-arabia/#:~:text=A total of 73% of,averaging %2410.7 billion per year.)
    Of course hindsight being 20/20 it is also fair to admit that no one really thought Russia would go this far.  We pretty much expected another nibble in the Donbas, maybe consolidate that strategic corridor.  A full on grab was not the assessed most likely COA. Further Ukraine did move mountains within its military in those 8 years, the most important of which was to set themselves up for integration into western C4ISR.
    As has been noted, we are where we are, which is here.  And all that really matters is what we do now.
  15. Like
    Holien got a reaction from LuckyDog in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Simple answers is all people want...
    Make peace - Simple problem solved
    Send more tanks - Simple problem solved 
    Capt keep up the good work - it ain't simple...
  16. Upvote
    Holien got a reaction from Carolus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well then I suggest that those Germans who are reading this, and want Ukraine to be supported get involved and get in touch with their elected representative.
  17. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "Using incomplete Soviet-era drawings, specimen track links from Ukraine, then the inspection of vehicles, manuals and the loan of track specimens from the Tank Museum, Cook reverse-engineered the tracks and drive sprockets for MTLB, BMP, and T72 vehicles... "
  18. Like
    Holien got a reaction from Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Simple answers is all people want...
    Make peace - Simple problem solved
    Send more tanks - Simple problem solved 
    Capt keep up the good work - it ain't simple...
  19. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Seriously and @squatter can look here too.  For anyone advocating Ukraine pursuing peace negotiations or suing for peace - easy to say but no one in this camp has provided a coherent theory of what that would look like right now.
    Let’s say “Ok, you guys are right. Ukraine is out of options here. There are no viable way for Ukraine to continue to prosecute this war.”  Ok, so what?  What would peace negotiations look like?  How exactly do you guys see these “peace negotiations” happening.  Every time I ask this question I get some hand waving but no one has yet to unpack just how any peace negotiations could end up in anything but weakened western influence and a more vulnerable Ukraine that Russia is going to exploit.  What peace negotiation, that Russia is going to accept - while, as we are continually reminded, Russia is still capable of waging offensives to take ground?  What possible leverage does the west or Ukraine have in guaranteeing Ukrainian independence and security.  Is Russia going to offer reparations?  How about war crimes prosecution?  Is Russia going to give up an inch of ground it has taken?  Are they going to push for recognition of Crimea and Donbas as Russian provinces.
    This is what is so disingenuous about this line of advocacy - at best it is delusional liberal left “let’s give peace a chance”.  At worst is it far right BS designed to program failure into this entire war so that their presidential candidate can be “right all along”.  In both cases the idea of peace negotiations right now is an empty coffin where actual ideas on this war go to die.  We may very well need a negotiated end-state in this war, but suing for peace now, while on the back foot is going to embolden Putin and his regime…and is exactly what they are looking for in order to promote themselves “Look we brought them all to their knees”.
    But let’s open the floor.  Please walk us through what a peace process would look like right now.  Let’s stop sideline heckling on won’t work and tell us what you think will work.
  20. Like
    Holien got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Could have been worse than where we are now as Ukraine would have had to take more troops off the front line to learn and integrate an influx of equipment.
    You clearly forget the discussions at the time that we needed to send soviet era kit as easily used by Ukraine.
    We could not just dump modern kit into Ukraine and expect it to be used effectively.
    People want easy answers. This war isn't easy and there is no magic wand. Sure we need to better upgrade Ukrainian military forces, but that ain't easy...
  21. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Russians started to use new 122 mm HEFRAG shells OF56IM-1P for D30/2S1 howitzers. They have a range on 4 km longer (19....20 km), than Soviet shells (15,2 km). This shells very similar to Chineese 122 mm ammunition with the same parameters, but unknown either this direct Chineese supply with Russian markings or Russian produced.
  22. Upvote
    Holien reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yeesh.  Well on the bright side, Ukraine is infinitely better than the other major war partners we had over the last 25 years (governments of Iraq and Afghanistan).  But it won't be Western support that kills Ukraine in this war - it can damn well hurt it and create really terrible end-states.  But the mess that is western support at times, pales in comparison to what will happen if Ukrainians lose the will to fight.  As we learned in both Iraq and Afghanistan - we can send people all the money and guns, but if the will to create their own future is not there it will all mean nothing. 
    If Ukraine loses the will to fight, we could easily see Kyiv fall.  The West will retreat to Poland and draw some pretty stark lines - because it will have to.  It will create a political "out" for the West, "it wasn't us, it was them...oh well."  Russia will stay boxed up.  Western political parties will frame the outcome as a gross negligent failure for "them" and a resounding endorsement of "us", the blame game will go into overdrive.  And we will deal with the post-war mess.  Meanwhile Ukraine will be in for retributions and dark days out of the middle age as Russia enjoys it new gains and make a show of it...all the while the rot and pressure will build to a breaking point later.
  23. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Mobilization campaign failed + Russian PsyOps trageted on mobilization is working. Zelenskyi substitued all chiefs of oblast enlistment centers and appointed there mostly wouded officers from frontline. But this was bad decision. Corrupted chiefs didn't forget about opwn pocket, but on other hand mostly performed mobilization plan. They were "bureacrats", which knew all theses 100500 regulation papers. New chiefs not "bereaucrats", they are "warriors". They need a many time to understand all this inner "kitchen" how mobilization process is working. And substitiution didn't change such disgusting happens of abduction of people from the streets by enlistment offices patrols. 
    These stories as well as stories from frontline about higher command doesn't carrying on about lives of soldiers, about typical soviet army "dolboyebizm", about enlistment offices, who don't interest that mobilized man would be effective soldier and send for example good specialist in radioelectronic as usual infantryman, protracted war, which contrasted with "stupid Russians" stories on TV, powerful Russian PsyOps cmapaign against government and mobilization - all this gave on fruits. Government really don't know what to do and where to take a people in order to do not cause social explosion. 
    Now is upgrading for mobilization law is preparing, but from enough radical and tough project deputies removed many things, which can be dangerous for power stability. 
    As a good news and right direction - military units themselves started to attackt motivated people on service via recruiting offers on different work finding boards. Some "new-type" and media-known units already have own recruitment centers ("Azov ", 3rd assault, "Da Vinci Wolves" etc) and wow - people come to them without forcing! And many young people go, which by the law can't be mobilzed (18-26 y.o), except own will. But on other hand we havn't recruitment law. And often enlistment offices and recruitment centers hadn't communication. 
    So, now we started a way of enlistment tarnsformation, but now we at the point, when old Soviet type syetem already showed own insolvency in modern conditions, and new system is just appeared and can't maintain 100 % of army need in manpower. 
    Other aspect - despite we have 880 000 in Defense Forces (jourmalists "rounded this number to million") - Army, National Guard, Border Guard, Police, SBU, GUR, State Special Transport Service, State Special Communication Service,  many of personnel never have seen frontline. Of corse we don't talk about AD crews or techniclal specialists, or logistic service. But now the audit started in Armed Forces and already spotted 8000 servicemen, which just mobilized "as disposal of General Staff", but in real they don't serve anywhere. And this is only beginning. There are also enough units, which never (!!!) were on frontline or were there for short time and more time sit in the rear or guarding Belarus border, than fighting with Russians in that time when the same 110th brigade spent 1,5 years without rotations in Avdiivka. And this probably was another reason to substitute Zaluzhnyi.   
  24. Like
    Holien got a reaction from paxromana in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It will be interesting to see what options that opens for Ukraine.
    It could be more Russian planes shot down if they still want to risk flying without an eye in the sky to watch over them.
    I am hoping it opens a vulnerability that Ukraine ready to exploit.
  25. Upvote
    Holien reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Bradley's ERA blocks protected vehicle after ATGMs hit (likely non-tandem). One missile hit the edge of turret without detonation, the second hit side block and activated it. Reportedly Bradley still operational, crew is ok.
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