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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Yep December is free at the moment. Plan it well in advance so I can ring fence it. I will e-mail you tonight Re Nov as I have a cunning plan. H
  2. Ok, I am going to have to do some juggling. And major creeping.... I had laid the ground work for October and you have just pulled the rug from under me.... H
  3. You bugger you!!! You have changed the date and moved it out of October... How Dare you... Bugger Bugger Bugger... Is it going to be a Friday Night / Saturday / Sunday?
  4. Andreas likes it rough... Hmmmm errrrr So I have heard... See your In box.... Good Job I have kept the whole of October Free. H P.s. Can I bring a friend? He is poping over from Canada.
  5. Andreas likes it rough... Hmmmm errrrr So I have heard... See your In box.... Good Job I have kept the whole of October Free. H P.s. Can I bring a friend? He is poping over from Canada.
  6. Hi Lou, Did you get the followup turn this morning, the reply with your chance to nail my 88? I just don't trust your e-mail any more... H
  7. Cabron66 I think you are truly lost in here. This thread is dedicated to something that I think will just pass you by and you are better off out of it. If you ever fancy a game I shall give you one. If you want to discuss this off line be my guest. I am now going to just sit back and laugh at the humour I see. I am not laughing at you (just in case you misunderstand me.) Each to their own... Cheers H Edited:- Andreas shssssshhhh she did not know you ran amok!!! Come to think of it I did not know you ran amok!!! Where and when?? When will Jim get his act together for the next session? [ September 19, 2003, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  8. Cabron66 I tried to help but you have enterd the realm of Peng... You have but one chance.... Leave now...... (After you have humped the leg senseless....) BTW Debbie my Wife thinks you are all being horrible to him.... She did have a good laugh at some of the imagery being thrown around, truly wonderful... I don't normally let her read the Peng Thread but she was woken by laughs and demanded to know what was happening... H (P.s. I shall now go back into lurk mode.....)
  9. I see others have tried to explain further before I managed to hit enter. Ohhh and another word that comes to mind is bait. If you dangle it then the fish will come snapping. And my there are some mighty big fish in these waters. In fact some would call them sharks, but then I am being cheeky and better remove my fingers as they will get bitten off.... Anyway have fun.... Life is too short..... H
  10. Hi Cabron66, In answer to your question. If you disagree with Andreas on something which he felt was a sense of humour issue then there are a couple of ways to approach it. 1. E-mail him directly. This keeps it private and allows no-one from the community to express their views. By posting as you did, you in effect raised a very large flag saying come and get me. If you post here then everyone will have a view and some of those you will find not to your liking. 2. If you do decide to express your dislike of someones view try to do it in terms that do not make the situation worse. For example Andreas and others tried in a clumsy fashion to explain that it was a poor attempt at humour. By making a personal attack the gloves were off as you were picking on someone who is well respected here. This is a community and when someone makes a personal attack people take offence and then wade in. Silly, but human nature. So to say that it was just between you and Andreas is not true as you posted your views of him in front of everyone and not everyone agreed. Funny that. I am very certain that Andreas did not mean to disrespect your nationality and he knows as we all do that some people have different views. A simple off line e-mail to Andreas asking him what did you mean would have saved all this grief. I could go on but all I am trying to do is give you an insight to what I think happened, of course I am only human and could be seeing it all wrong. So lets hope some sense can be restored. H
  11. Cheers Lou. After being excluded last time I did not want to be left out, especialy as the other (Southern)tourney seems to be dead. I have just sent you a turn so I hope BT let it through... H
  12. If you have another tourney I demand entry.... Or I will scream and scream and scream until I can scream no more. Failing that I shall rescind your invite for the open house next year. H
  13. If you really are after this I might be able to help... If you are not... I shall get my coat.... and BTW it is a legit original. I shall see where I put it. H P.s. I have quite a few other old games and I guess there must now be a market for them? A bit like my action men. Did you know how much people will pay for that stuff. I shall be flogging my old action men on E-bay soon.
  14. Ohhh how I love to see the whole world get along. A belated Happy Birthday MD. As for someone else your words say all we need to know. John good post on the movement rates and it will be interesting to see what you think of that Jason. Of course the whole snow debate is only useful for the next version of the game but if it does prove that it is over done then we shall end up with a better game. Pity I have to wade through so much name calling. H
  15. Meep Meep.... I guess sometimes humour hits a raw nerve. It is not often that we find a German with a sense of humour and since he has been on the program in London it has been developed further to what you see today. I guess we need to give him some coaching on how sensitive some Canadians can be. Until now he has only had MD to play word games with and now you come along and he has to re-learn what is acceptable. Anyway, in a German way he attempted to offer an Olive branch and he is accused of being a dolt. Meep! Meep! (Beaker that has a certain ring to it and I wondered where I had seen him before, be careful this might have hit a raw nerve with Andreas as we are talking about his brother.) Anway back to the thread. Jon great photo's. And the original thread, I still think the snow is white enough and the abstraction in the game makes sense when you throw in the ideas expressed by certain chaps from the pool.... (who keep slipping out, tut tut). H [ September 17, 2003, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. A pity.... Laughter is so much fun... Now Mr MD will you stop bumping this thread and e-mail Jason directly... We all know he won't respond here... Or will he.... And on topic I think the modelling of snow is fine. It is white enough and stuff you don't really want to fight in... H
  17. Is this tourney continuing? Shall I go back to sleep? H
  18. Hi, I feel I need to qualify that previous statement. What I did not like was the way you defended, which gave me sod all chance (IMO) of taking the flags. That and me forgeting that when you re-target smoke rounds you have to use the K key rather than the T or I key. This rather hurt my mass of men charging across that open ground towards your trench line. A double whammy. I will e-mail results to KF tonight. H
  19. Hi, 10 turns to go and will be finished. Hoping that my American opponent will dish the dirt in the next few hours so I can get this last game out of the way. H
  20. Update for anyone interested. Emm386 removed and a dodgy update of Det Drivers unloaded and the latest 4523 driver loaded. CMBB just crashed this morning with the latest PBEM turn but this time I was able to jump out of it and use Alt Dlt to ask windows to close it down (CMBB) without shutting down windows. So perhaps the removal of EMM386 has helped. Still crashing though so I will try an older version of ZA and see what happens. H
  21. Right more research has thrown up the possibility that I do not require EMM386 to be loaded? Does CMBB require it? Does anyone out there know if EMM386 is useful on a Win 98 Second Ed op sys? H
  22. Ahhh Hahhh. I know why the e-mail spam is happening and I would guess one of my Finish Opponents has an infected PC. http://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid14_gci920149,00.html This site explains it. I would also guess that they have sorted it as the attacks have stopped from Finland. I guess the other source is someone I know in the UK but that will be harder to track down and I just hope they find out that they have a virus sooner rather than later. This clever little thing spoofs an e-mail at random and then people think it is that person. By looking at who is (spoofed) sending the e-mails to me I can get an idea of who the person is from the content of their e-mail address book, as every mail is spoofed from their e-mail address book. As for CMBB this is still causing me grief (not CMBB's fault BTW.) H
  23. Hi, Further woes... I unloaded the latest of ZA and then loaded the previous version. This locked up when I tried to play the video and I manged to get a message up before rebooting the PC. Black screen with EMM386 Error #a6 in application in memory location @ 0000:01D2. Not sure if anyone knows what that means but I throw it out in hope of an answer. Off to do a google search and try an older version of ZA. I am also getting today and the last few days heaps of spam with attachments. The first day I had over fourteen from mainly Finland. Of course all the attachements were dodgy and all killed by me. Then I started getting messages from other sites saying I was sending out messages with attachments. I have the latest Macfree Dat etc... and my system seems clean. I presume someone is sending out stuff to other people pretending that it comes from my E-mail Address? I presume that is possible? I need to get clued up on how to track down spam e-mail and see if someone is targeting me. This stuff is not the normal junk mail and is specific attempts to send me a virus and seems a tad hostile. I guess someone out there has too much time on their hands. Ohhh the joys of computing. Any advice welcomed. Cheers H
  24. Hi, No Instant Message progs, killed them yoonks ago as they were a pain in the bum. Previous to posting I had uninstalled ZA and put it back as a clean build. I shall see if putting it back a version helps. As a general observation the PC seems less stable since putting Directx 9b on it. This is of course pure speculation and as I have limited life time to spend on computers I shall not be trying to prove this. Has anyone done an upgrade to XP from Second Ed 98? Is it worth doing? Anything to watch out for if I do it? H
  25. Just happened again... Bugger... at least I saved the turn just before it ping'd... So I had loaded, Zone Alarm, Several Windows Browsers, and Macfree was loaded as well. I played the vid a few times then started to issue orders in the PBEM. about 5 minutes or more through it Ping... Then I could not jump back to desktop and only Ctl Alt Dlt re-booted the PC. Something is now conflicting with this version of CMBB and I never used to have this problem. I can only guess that it is something in the recent Windows Patches or the latest Freebie Zone Alarm for home users. I guess I could take Zone Alarms back to the previous version.... Hmmmm I shall try this same file with out Zone Alarm loaded. H
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