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Everything posted by Holien

  1. Hi, I can jump in and out of the game, so that seems fine and I would guess the problem lies elsewhere. Hmmmm H
  2. PBEM Mode... I have just tried updating the Directx driver to 9.0b. This failed first time and caused some odd problems on the PC. I then tried a second install. This seemed to go all the way and after a reboot seemed to update the settings but right at last moment the PC locked up and came up with DXDLLREG caused Illegal Error. So I have re-booted PC and it seems OK now. I am trying to find out what that DLL does. I will now experiment with CMBB. BTW it was CMBB 1.02 as it was a ROW game I was doing the turns on. Will try to jump out of it now... More soon. I hate PC's at times and this is one of those times... H
  3. Hi Guys, I See from a thread below that there has been an issue with Win XP and freeze ups trying to tab out of the game. Since getting back from my Honeymoon and all the fuss about a certain virus, I updated my PC with all the latest Windows fixes, and a new version of Zone Alarm. I now get a ping of death when playing CMBB and the whole PC locks up. I then have to reboot and I can not jump out of the game to the desktop. I am running Second Ed 98. I will test at home tonight to see if I can jump out of the game before it pings. Just wondering if anyone else is having the problem? Reading the thread about XP I am hoping that MS have not introduced something in Win98 as per XP. Any advice taken as this has happened too often now (since Monday when I got back). Cheers H
  4. This Tourney is dead. (Some might say it is sleeping, or dormant?) But it looks pretty dead and only the usual old rogues keep posting inane rubbish to keep this thread barely moving. Ohhh for the days of JK and witty banter followed up by great AAR's.... Anyway I have sent the turn. Now leave me alone while I beat up Orcs with my mace in Gothic II and try and save the digital world. And before I finish typing; you old sod, send me a video so I may marvel at your skill and wonder where it all went wrong. H P.s. I might even gather up enough energy to send you a video or two back....
  5. YAwn.... I had given up on that game... So you still want to play? I guess I had better chek my Mail Box. You do realise that due to this delay, this game is unlikely to be finished until well into September. H H
  6. Nick, Send the save file to me and I can look at it. I will then compare it with mine. H
  7. Hi, I have recently played this scenario with Andreas and it did the same and called a ceasefire just as I was about to swamp Andreas. We did not press the button and it was more likley / acceptable in our game as the Russian moral was very low. In fact I was surprised it was not an Auto Surrender. As for Nick if he says he did not press CF and it takes a two step process to do so, please stop saying he pressed it as it is a bit poor to question him on this. I will see if I have the saved file of my game and see if it meets teh mutal CF rules as I did not really check it and just went ho hum. BTW a good scenario for doing an Infantry only attack. You should review it at the Scenario Depot H
  8. Hi KR, At this rate I am not going to hit the end of August. I might not have mentioned to Mipsi that I have a slight engagement in August and we needed to get cracking, as a big chunk of August will be taken on other things. I sent him my set up 20th June. Still no response back. As you know at least I have the other two games finished. H
  9. I am waiting for Prestor John to announce the results of our game. He is a gentleman and I offered to replay as he got the short end of a very crappy stick which there was no way in hell he could have overcome. Anyway he has stated that the result stands and if this tourney continues I am awaiting for the next round. H
  10. Why bother to bump it, only the same old people that bother to get involved or write anything. To add something a bit meaningful I have three turns left with Pacestick and he continues to beat me over the head with it. Mpisi has yet to do the set up. I bet he is like me, suffering from the various contours and problems with mountains.. Ohh how I love mountain maps... Now which is a cliff and which is not?? H
  11. Hi, That is a sensible way to go about it. Play it again but with him knowing what he would do as the attacker. This is what I try and do when I have an opinon about a scenario, and the opponent disagrees. By both sides knowing everything the balance is changed but it still represents a what if you did it this way. Now that what if could still have been taken by a blind attacker, it is just this time they have a full knowledge of what and when other things will arrive. You see blind play in itself gives a different slant on how a game is balanced, between two players. As mention by Berli, each scenario tends to have a certain approach which will work better than others. If you can find that approach then the balance can be enhanced to your favour and hence appear massively unbalanced to the loser. The skill (if you call it that) is finding the correct approach and making your whole force work in unison in achieving that avenue of attack or defence. So while there are certainly scenarios out there that favour one side or another this is mitigated by who you are playing and their approach to the scenario. It is tough to recognise where you have failed as well and all too easy to blame the scenario designers (although we all do it). By playing the game again you will both learn something new about it. If he does not take you up on the offer I will, as I have not played that scenario. H
  12. Hi it has been mentioned but I will express it again. Balance is not just about points but about who is playing who and what luck is brought to the party. The one thing I have learnt from the ROW tourneys is that all scenarios appear to be balanced when you have enough people play them. Yet for some people they do not appear balanced because they have approached it (with their opponent) in a certain way. Now this is the key, depending on how each person approaches the scenario that in itself can throw the balance or make it more so. So just saying scenario designers use X or Y points is too simple and impossible as even if you did that the rules above would apply. Not sure if I have expressed that well but I will try again if need be. H
  13. Redwolf, IMO you are one of the stars of the forum for posting advice and help to players and you were missed in the tourney. Once it is over it would be good to see what you thought of some of the scenarios and how you tackled them. I also think whoever should win each group should at least give something back to the tourney by providing some AAR's and thoughts and views on how and why they won through. H
  14. mPisi. Turn on way and (just sent) and I can send you my AAR's if you wish. All I ask is for your own in return. I have plenty to learn and the last couple of games have certainly shown that. H
  15. HI KF, On a more serious note I got to thinking about what I have felt has been lacking in this ROW and I think it is the total (or near total) lack of feed back from people. (There are exceptions of course). Just popping back and reviewing who wrote AAR's and of the players in the finals some did not write a single AAR. Criminal IMO. I can remember the first ROW and having to write a bit to be allowed to join in. And then an AAR per game played. I think that is a major part for me that is missing the lack of learning from other players. Now I know some people do not have English as their first language but some attempt could be made to give a bit of feed back. (Even if in their own langauage and then translated by an program that can be found on the net?) And for players who's native tongue is English then it is criminal not to give some feed back through AAR's about what worked and did not work. Too often good players just want to hold onto the knowledge without passing it down and improving the lot of everyone. A pity and it really takes the edge of this competition from what sets it apart from other tourneys. Any views from the players? Or will the debate be non existant as it was on the forum. H P.s. I bet I can name the ones who will chime in and the others that will say nothing and take without giving. [ June 20, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  16. Just a quick bump and interlude.... Justin and Lou can you check your e-mails and let me know if you got my e-mails.... Regards H
  17. Hi, Keep your eyes on the board as KF will announce when the next one will be lanuched. I would guess after summer now. Bulletrat I would give you my spot in the finals, but my opponents would complain about the upgrading of their opponent to someone who can actually play the game. Juha behave yourself and don't drink too much, I don't want you playing poorly when you get back. Pity you did not go drinking before playing me. MPisi I am finally doing your set up and you will get your chance to kick me around the map this weekend at the latest. Sorry for the delay and I hope we can wrap our game up quick as I have to stop playing before the week of 4th of August. Her indoors wants me fresh for the wedding day, and will not accept me thinking about how best to flank my opponents, when stood in front of the vicar. I am halfway through with Pacestick who has more stick than I care to deal with. That and some stupid moves by me are helping create a slope down which I intend to slide into Oblivion. :eek: I think the older I get the more senile I become. For example I order a section of men to get on a tank and then forget to order the tank to wait for them. The comedy scene of the section sat with no where to go as the tank speeds off is one that I wish to forget. I think I should become a scenario designer.... H
  18. Can I add a 5th requirement. The ability to check where reinforcements are placed on the map? He! He! He! H
  19. Game over... Results posted to KF and now the last two to do. Ohhh the joys of being tied to a tourney and getting slapped about. I should have just stayed in bed (for the year!!!) H
  20. Issue over... Please move on nothing to see here... Public flogging of designer after final... (Actually downgraded to a gentle ribbing and tickling with large feather duster, due to efforts elsewhere!!!) H (If you are confused stay that way until later...)
  21. KF or the designer of "XXXX" can you get in touch via e-mail asap. Holien@woodford.gioserve.com I have some important issues to discuss asap. Many thanks. KF acknowledge the e-mail I have sent you if you can please? H [ June 14, 2003, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Holien ]
  22. Bump... Rexford? On another note myself and Prestor are still finding one another in the dark. Prestor has persuaded one of my T34 crews to light a fire in their tank to provide some illumination. In return a shot of canister sent the Germans diving for cover. Pity they were out in the open and no cover was found... Occchh!!! H
  23. Rex (aka Gary) Can you e-mail me from your new address I have something to ask you?? Your e-mail tag comes up with a failure... H
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