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  1. A thought just occured to me while I was reading my newly purchased CMBB strat guide. It seems to me that it a really handy feature would be someone to click on the terrain then be able to type a short note to yourself and leave it there on the map as sort of a post-it note for the battle. I thought it might be a nice little feature to help setting up your troops or even for map makers who could leave a sort of intel breifing directly on the map for the users to read before the battle starts. The notes could be toggled on and off, added and deleted at will etc. Anyways just a thought.
  2. What's your ISP? A friend of mine has the same problem and I believe he's using SBC DSL. He said that SBC (or whatever his ISP is) had a class action suit brought against it for blocking access to various websites for one reason or another. So it's possible that your ISP is to blame, you could try contacting them.
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