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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. You just keep on drinking that fine wine I send you for your fine efforts, 'cause your mods are always A1 in my book Andrew. Clear, detailed as one gentleman mentioned before. Keep it up. Just plain beautiful... Kindest regards, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  2. Your crusade for South African forces in CMAK is noteworthy! [ July 19, 2003, 07:08 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  3. Since 1659 if memory serves correctly. Why, I believe my signature below says it all regarding the type of wines you might be indulging if playing in a RoW tourney and you are lucky enough to beat your opponents into a pulp on the battle field. But then, political events of late seems to conspire against people receiving liquor via mail, especially more so after the Twin Towers debacle... Hello Cpl. Carrot! How did you do in RoW III? Charl Theron
  4. Hello all, Been away for 2 months on my 1st holiday in 8 years. (Mostly to Europe and Madeira). Will take me some time to peruse the RoW III threads scattered over the board. Any news from people about the difficulty of receiving the wine prices/gifts send before I left? Especially to some states in the USA. Let me know. Any news on those that received/tasted the fruits on South Africa's sunshine in the bottles will be much appeciated too. If you didn't like some wines, will be glad to hear which ones. I assume CMBB 1.03 is out long ago, better head over to check and download. Kingfish, drop me an e-mail during your busy schedule if you think there is anything I should know. It's good to back. Regards, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ July 12, 2003, 03:47 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  5. So the wine arrived just in time. PROST! Sincerely, Charl Theron ---------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ May 08, 2003, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  6. Whilst I agree that this thread serves the sincere effort by readers to indicate errors in the revised book, I for one - and I'm speaking only for myself here gentlemen - are almost too embarressed to highlight mistakes I would pick up in the 2nd revised edition. That is, when I receive my free, gratis copy in due time. Why? Call me a thankful customer, receiving great service/value for my money. Mistakes noted in the 2nd edition: I'll make my notes based on this helpful thread and write it down. Any picked up by this reader will be gleefully marked with the following note in the book's sideline: "See, a small imperfection! Nobody is perfect... Bless you BFC for outstanding service! Sincerely, Charl Theron [ May 05, 2003, 05:52 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  7. Ted, how is the legs doing after the soccer op? Good to see you are bored again. Send my best flags to Rune, will you?
  8. My God Jason, You never cease to amaze me with your typing skills, never mind the reasoning Useful indeed Sincerely, Charl
  9. Roger. Got your dates. Will sort the winners out then in due course. Ehmm... Sun tanning will NOT be on the agenda. Wife is not too keen spending 1000's just to turn brown. Can get also enough of that when in the Karoo at my parents farm - sometimes reaching 42 Deg. C. in the shade. What I WILL do is some bull runs in Spain - sober - apart from sampling some old Madeira's at my father-in-laws house. Also taking some SA vino with to convert the Europeans that they have paid too much all these years for decent wine. Catch all RoW participants on the rebound. [ April 28, 2003, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. To Kingfish and possible tourney winners of RoW III. I will be taking my family on an extended holiday to Europe (Madeira, France, Italy) as from 10 May - 8 July. Will be my first proper vacation in 8,5 years. :eek: Therefor, if the RoW III produces a winner(s) before this time, let me know ASAP so that I can send the winners their wine. Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his dedication to CM mods</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  11. My many hours of looking/playing with Andrew Fox mods in CM has now been paid in kind. He reports the consignment arrived safely at his door. Keeping certain select people drunk, including BFC members, have paid off. Thank me. Why you might ask? 'Cause Charles coded the Sturm Tiger into CMBB while under vino influence Cheers Andrew! Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his dedication to CM mods</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguish –Seanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002. [ April 26, 2003, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  12. Scott, I've send you an e-mail with the completed RoW I Excel results. The one you have as a d/l at Boots & Tracks seem to miss a result or 3. Did you receive it? Sincerely Charl
  13. Have you drunk any of the wine send to you Lars? Or did Seanachai grab the lot?
  14. Thanks gents - always a pleasure playing your scenarios. PS: Thank you for updating the RoW tourney section of your site! Best wishes, WineCape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ April 24, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  15. I hereby pledge whatever $'s BFC charge for CMAK first. Take my money now. The rest of the forum members, please join the line, behind me. I'm happy to pay now, before the Pengers charge in with their 100 copies to order.
  16. The package has finally arrived at Lars' place. I have paid my debt in kind. Baie Dankie! Charl Theron Stellenbosch, South Africa
  17. Hey, all I ask is that the BFC gents don't start drinking Spanish wine yet. I have a cellar that needs emptying... Prost! Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  18. Michael, Regarding the correct term for the South Afican forces and those involved in WWII (Italy + North Africa) look here: SA Forces in WWII Basic Info 6th Armored Division in Italy SA Army Formations in WWII "South African Army" will do just fine. It was later changed to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) circa 1960/70's - if memory serves correctly - during the Rhodesian/Angolan bush war Regards, Charl Theron [ April 22, 2003, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  19. Send my regards to all those that play soccer Regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguish –Seanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002.
  20. But me lord, this is the thread for musty ale, is it not? [ April 14, 2003, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  21. Brilliant! Always good to hear wines arrived as INTENDED. The Peng members are useful after all! Send my kindest to Seanachai too for his quick thinking regarding my original dilemma and I thank you again Lars for all the trouble in getting the goodies to South Africa via Minnesota! The radios will be tested during an upcoming hunting trip in Namibia. They work superbly - for up to 4-6 km within our town/hilly area. PS: Let me know what you think of the wine, will you? Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguish –Seanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002. [ April 14, 2003, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  22. I believe Lars is in possession of the liquid gold - see my signature at the very bottom as payment for their kind deeds. Caveat: Larsie has this to say: "I fear the Minnesota contingent of the Peng Challenge will be tracking me down soon. How do I put cheap stuff back in the bottles and re-cork it?" Bless the Peng challenge, and in particular also Seanachai. PS: When do the Peng intend to hold their Gamey Bastard Tourney? Lawyer Joe should then be saddled with all the paper work ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> I have never read a review that made me less sure of humanity's ability to finish out the decade, let alone the next millenium. Obviously this 'Reviewer' [of CMBB] is capable of using a computer, and even finding employment (or at least the right to display their almost inspired lack of intelligence under the auspices of an organization), but it's equally clear that they're both incapable, and unashamed of their inability, to actually come to grips with something that requires more intelligent focus and mental participation than an arcade game. On this planet thousands are daily made homeless, crippled, and even killed in pointless and heart-rending incidents of political, ethnic and religious conflict. If any such incident had managed to whack this reviewer, we'd have to consider it worth the anguish –Seanachai, CMBB Forum, 10/12/2002. [ April 14, 2003, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  23. I demand, I repeat, I demand at least a South African paint scheme on some vehicles for our woeful South African troops that fought in North Africa. Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  24. John Kettler, Please send me your delivery/home address - email in profile. I think it's about time that you should be rewarded (as consolation price) for your inspiring AAR's during the Invitational/RoW series that I had the joy to read. Sorry to hear about your computer debacle. Do let me know if you prefer reds/whites or both. Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ March 28, 2003, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  25. Now now, isn't it this very reason why we support a couple of guys and their "sidekicks" to bring us such delight in warfare and then correct bugs in software if there are any to be found? BRAVO!! You have my dollar/wine for the next 50 years of game development. Sincerely, Charl Theron -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of BTS (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay!)</font>”Thank You” donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Donation send to Team Boots & Tracks for their splendid RoW II scenarios</font>Donation send to Gordon Molek for his outstanding CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
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