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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. As always, thank you Lorrin for the factual insight! Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation send to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool - it even lets you play 2 PBEM turns per e-mail exhange - if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  2. You that hard-up for a PBEM? Drop me a mail if you're interested in these details, have a mean system and want to play Russkies. Sincerely, Charl Theron
  3. Marcus, Drop me a mail when you have sorted this mess out via your posting of said mod on the mod site. I need that messy mod. Cheers, Charl Theron
  4. Fredrock + JonS, Thanks for replying, I've got enough takers at the moment, what with some movie PBEM files hitting 3.0MB+ per turn my mailbox is surely tested, never mind my hardware. If you are still interested in a couple of weeks time, just e-mail me a reminder as I need to finish the 3-4 current tests first before I take on another set. JonS, "ford" it should be. Well aware of the difference; should tell that to my spellchecker. Thanks for noticing. I will update my briefing likewise. Always better to have more than one set of eyes proof reading. Stoffel, I see you are going for the "multi-prong" attack/recon in force with our current battle, keeping me guessing as where you are about to launch your major crossing. Cheers! Charl Theron
  5. Can I point/direct you to the Peng thread Dorosh? It seems you've lost the way and escaped from the green house. Please don't dither too long in the pool, it is not kosher for your sanity...
  6. Second above post regarding PBEM Helper, was/is Taylor's opponent and the fast&secure mode works absolutely B_E_A...utifully. I suggest to start as from move/PBEMfilename001 (i.e. convert your first move to fast&secure rather than doing it mid-game, as for some reason I could not get in going as per Taylor's description above. But once we got fast&secure method going via another test PBEM game, PBEM Helper works as promised, with game e-mail exchange files cut to 2-3 times less between players. Wow! Impressive way to play PBEM and much quicker. Just make sure that both players have the latest PBEM Helper program version. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation send to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool - it even lets you play 2 PBEM turns per e-mail exhange - if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> -------------------History Note------------------ On 22 December 1944 General Heinrich von Lüttwitz, commander of the German XLVII Armoured Corps, sent a message to General McAuliffe, commander of 101st Airborne Division* demanding he surrender the surrounded town of Bastogne. McAuliffe’s reply, “NUTS!” is probably unequalled in the annals of military history, both for its brevity and the amount of confusion it caused in the German camp before it was deciphered. *The 101st Airborne Division held out in Bastogne from 19-26 December 1944. The 4th American Armoured Division, under Patton’s Third Army, relieved the “Battered Bastards of Bastogne” during the German Ardennes offensive.
  7. Hey wachudd! CMAK is being programmed on South African wine. ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation send to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool - it even lets you play 2 PBEM turns per e-mail exhange - if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ September 11, 2003, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  8. Fuerte, We need a better description (in your release notes) exactly WHEN to change to fast&secure mode when 2 players have a non-fast&secure PBEM going. As I understand it - please correct me if I'm wrong - is that you can only change a non-fast&secure game into one via the following two steps: </font> Only select fast&secure mode when a player has viewed a 60 sec. movie/film sequence and the PBEM file allows this same player to plot directly after viewing said 60 sec. movie sequence; (i.e. only every 3rd file turn, or at file turn 6 or file turn 9 etc? <-- Is this assumption correct?)</font>Make sure that if you do (1) above that it is only done when the game file status within PBEM Helper = "SEND"</font>Is this correct? My opponent did just that (both have latest version of PBEM v1.3.332) where he, on turn 6, viewed a movie file and immediately after this viewing plotted his moves. This file was then - after converting it in the message box to fast&secure when play status was "send" - onforwarded to me no success. :confused: Exactly when (what turn # with a non-quickbattle) should I convert a ONGOING pbem game to fast&secure mode to have some success? Sincerely, Charl [ September 09, 2003, 08:45 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. Will be ever so thankful if you could release alongside the grey + weathered looks a more colourful mod a-la-Jorge's style. If you're up to it that is. For every grog on the board there is a patzer like me that wishes their AFV's NOT to be so completely dull and weathered and completely authentic looking... [ September 08, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. Scenario on its way Henk - need an Allied player to test this.
  11. Did you get an impression that water was my favorite tipple? Andrew, ever toyed with the idea to battle paint your mods in little more vivacious colours? Thinking of a Panther D mod here on my HD by some gentleman - I think JorgeMC - that had a "octupus-like green" battle paint. Simply stunning - and it goes well with the CMBB surrounds without being too outrageous. Though I know that the die-hard grogs here will cry foul... Sincerely, Charl ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation on offer to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> -------------------History Note------------------ On 22 December 1944 General Heinrich von Lüttwitz, commander of the German XLVII Armoured Corps, sent a message to General McAuliffe, commander of 101st Airborne Division* demanding he surrender the surrounded town of Bastogne. McAuliffe’s reply, “NUTS!” is probably unequalled in the annals of military history, both for its brevity and the amount of confusion it caused in the German camp before it was deciphered. *The 101st Airborne Division held out in Bastogne from 19-26 December 1944. The 4th American Armoured Division, under Patton’s Third Army, relieved the “Battered Bastards of Bastogne” during the German Ardennes offensive. [ September 08, 2003, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  12. Excellentisimo! One of my favorite modders is getting better all the time...
  13. Son, I'll take it off you hands. Need to buy it for a Namibian friend, who alas has lost his CMBO nirvana - dog chewed his CD. Aint no way I'm giving him a 2nd new game from Battlefront. I need to know if it is a ... (1) Windows version? (2) Price? (3) Are you prepared to parcel post it to my address in South Africa? (4) If so, I'll add the freight costs to the selling price. (5) How do you like to get paid? Bank transfer, credit card? E-mail in my profile. Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation send to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font>
  14. See Fuerte, I have attached your big bright brain at the top of the signature below.. ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Wine donation on offer to Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER, an excellent tool if you play more than one PBEM at a time and have a Windows OS</font>Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> EDIT: Fuerte is a bit shy gents, hence editing of first signature line... [ September 04, 2003, 05:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  15. Whaaat, And miss the opportunity to promote his thingy-majingy here on the forum? Tsk, Tsk...
  16. Fuerte, follow -----> here if you want to feel lucky...
  17. Do I have to dig up all PBEM HELPEr posts so that you can clain your prize?
  18. Fuerte, this IS a clear indication that you have won a 6-unit lottery...
  19. Another promotional bump. Fuerte, By now I have your attention I assume...
  20. Bump. Fuerte, please go here and supply the needed details.
  21. A promise made is a promise kept. Time for delivery Fuerte! Please provide me with your address for you know what.... Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- </font> Sponsor of the (now infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn’s Brazilian customs drank the wine prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honor of Nabla (His scoring system revolutionized CM tourney play)</font>Rumblings of War, aka RoW I/II/III and beyond tourney sponsor (Wreck/Ali+Kanonier+Jon_L/~)</font>Grateful donateur to the drinking habits of Battlefront.com (Baldy received the Fat Bastard Chardonnay)</font>Thank You donation send to Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Wine donation send to Boots & Tracks for their scenarios created specifically for RoW tournaments</font>Wine donation send to Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility (Thereby making the installing of CM mods a breeze)</font>Wine donation send to Andrew Fox for his CM modding work</font>Wine donation send to Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot for his dedication in hosting CM scenarios</font>Sponsor-to-be of Pengville’s “Gamey Bastard” tourney (In honor of Seanachai + Lars for showing an act of kindness to an outerboarder - Well, bribery does pay.)</font> [ September 02, 2003, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  22. Yup, my limited test confirms what was so ably tested by Sergei earlier regarding Wind vs. Hit% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Target T-34, 847m+ away from these units below, hit % as shown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50mm ATG - Still = 39%, Windy = 39%, Strong = 36% [847m] 37mm ATG - Still = 36%, Windy = 35%, Strong = 33% [855m] 75mm ATG - Still = 44%, Windy = 43%, Strong = 40% [884m] 88mm ATG – Still = 47%, Windy = 47%, Strong = 44% [900m] 76.2mm ATG - Still = 39%, Windy = 38%, Strong = 35% [850m] Pz. IVG - Still = 41%, Windy = 40%, Strong = 38% [863m] Pz. IIIN – Still = 28%, Windy = 27%, Strong = 22% [871m] EDIT: All units above = regular, shooting from N-S, wind lateral from E-W [ September 02, 2003, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  23. Interesting Lorrin... It seems that the typical close tank duel range in CMBB combat might not be THAT much of a influence regarding CM's ballistic engine calculations with regard to wind, seeing that projectile lateral drift being usually less than a metre at range 1000m. At most, Charles (probably) factored a certain lower hit% into a hit probabilities when there is strong wind. That's enough for me IF it is the case. But I will test tank/ATG duels later tonight at 1000m and play with wind settings to see the effect on Hit% as reported by Sergei. Will report later my limited findings...
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