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Everything posted by Hans

  1. thread is the classy in-the-know way to speak about tread
  2. Andreas Trust me I have found a role for him that is most suitable "Totsiegen"
  3. Sounds good, I'll be tied up doing real world things until Tuesday but I'll start research then.
  4. Jeg taler ikke dansk. Tal langsommere? It will be a few weeks but when I begin the structuring of the campaign would you like to be a consultant? My initial research has given me excellent info on the Brits, so-so on the Germans and limited and vague information on those brave Norse ancestors. I was looking at Verdalsora, Vist, Dombass, Balberkamp, Tretten, Kvam, Kjorem, Otta and of course an expanded Midtskogen. Some of the bigger ones I would either downsize (company = platoon) or zoom in on a specific moment. Can you suggest any pure Norwegian vs German 'small battles'? My Danish ancestors left Jutland around 1872 if I recall. Pa gensyn
  5. I must ask the following what was the greatest tire of WWII?
  6. Seanachai has been granted a critical role in my project - suitable to one of his charm, charisma and blood type.
  7. "the evil one"? not the pink bunny of love?
  8. Stoffel, have sent you an email That site has a lot of information. What area or place could we look at for a small action (smaller than a battalion say)? I was thinking up North might have some opportunities? With my very bad Danish and German I can get a sense of these materials but it would be easier if you could make a suggestion on a likely place to start.
  9. Andreas and FlamingK thanks, I shall put this information to bad use. Rune feel left out? Well then I may include you too!
  10. Without explaining why could someone provide me with the names of the principals in the battlefront company and who were the cursed individuals included in the "horsemen of the apocalypse"? (nicknames ok for both) Hans
  11. I think the best game would be Guardhouse Mission. You get to command a corporal's guard at an ammunition site in Kansas in 1944 during the dead of winter. -keep hitting the w key to keep your guards awake for their 4 hour shift. -inspect your crack men for uniform violations!!! -live the terror of a bunny moving towards the fence! -special action when the sergeant arrives (drunk) and must be relieved. -the lieutenant arrives to inspect and you can deny him entry to the facility because he doesn't know the pass word, how long can you delay him? -feel the respect for keeping out the enemy agents who are crawling all over Kansas looking for your ammo! This could be followed by Medic Mission which would cover the draft medical physical and especially the short arm inspection. CAN you keep the unfit out of the US army?
  12. Sergei - how about an automated feature in the program that would log back to a central database how you were doing. If the big brother computer monitoring this found you were beating the AI to much it would send secret messages to the computer to secretly up the AI chances-actually I think this already exists and explains why a vehicle will turn around and advance with it rear to the enemy....
  13. Sergei - how about an automated feature in the program that would log back to a central database how you were doing. If the big brother computer monitoring this found you were beating the AI to much it would send secret messages to the computer to secretly up the AI chances-actually I think this already exists and explains why a vehicle will turn around and advance with it rear to the enemy....
  14. Stoffel-large web site any oob or tactical maps in that pool of Dutch? Yes, I'll send it to you, let me see what shape it is in. Old scenario number 146 has been played in the holding pen. I had deleted a number of the reinforcements on both sides and was reducing and redoing the German reinforcements. Johm, thanks for the ideas
  15. True Michael I may up the forces involved in the counter-attack, the main problem is the start. You have a very flat piece of terrain (the airfield is over 1 kilometer in every direction, containing an absolutely flat, featureless grass field)The green Dutch in their historic fixed positions tend to slaughter those who land there - despite history! I'll also look at including it in the movement and fight for the bridge into Rotterdamm which was the Paras second objective.
  16. Dandelion, thanks for the information. I had previous information that the Norwegian Royal Guard were the men manning the road block? Norwegians? Ah the Poles of course (needed a non English language and the French just "wouldn't" do). May expand it into a 'hunt for the royal family" what if-we shall see
  17. Thanks for the notes. Waalhaven was completed (the scenario) but is being held in reserve due to a slight problem - it's rather dull and unbalanced....I gonna have to think about it.....
  18. Sergei that idea of yours is cruel, inhuman and brilliant - I will insist on it. Unfortunately my successful rate at insisting on things with the CM guys is rather poor. Note the lack of coastal gunboats, Spanish Civil War support and a button to alert Charles when we see an AI choice we don't like.
  19. Hey that how I get 1940 Italians in East Africa to play the parts of 1944 Japanese in Burma. Or 1942 Frenchmen in Tunisia to relive the nightmare of May 1940 in France.
  20. Thanks for the hint I'm going to design a series of linked battles, ie a campaign based on about 8 historic Norway battles in the south-central areas-I wanted to use that as one of the tiny battles
  21. Thanks Duke Unfortunately I'm in a "no library zone" (the middle east) so that not an option.
  22. The AT capability of Italians is badly under rated. I believe this has been discussed before. I'm sure a Grog will be along soon and explain (or agree) Whoa you are a newbie too - good starting post Welcome to the life style known as CM
  23. 1. For each soldier you lose in combat you have to view one minute of sobbing relatives - you will be tested later on their names and relationship with the lost hero. 2. To simulate the random aspects of war more carefully the next game will contain a special code that if you get testy and try to quit a came that the AI is whumping your butt on the AI gets to delete ten randomly selected files. 3. To simulate all the time it takes to do all the real preparation for war, the boring dull stuff - cleaning weapons, vehicle maintenance, field santiation and military courtesy - for each two minutes of game play you have to have play fifteen minutes of "word invader" where letters randomly drop from the top of your screen and you have to type the same letter, and a word using that letter that is involved with agriculture, before it reaches the bottom - with one hand. If you don't no Cm battles. 4. 45 minutes prior to a game you must drink 4 liters of root beer, 1 each of mountain dew and somewhat old butter milk (laban) - during the conduct of the battle you may not relieve yourself - should you lose you must lie in the back yard in a pit of itchy leaves til dawn. 5. If you win a battle you must endure getting a bit of ribbon and shiny metal pinned to your chest and being kissed by an old guy who smells of sauerkraut, garlic and pink gin and if you lose you have to call Madmatt so he can taunt you.
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