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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Thanks Gentlemen with the help with the French. Having looked at it I would think DieselT might be closest. So I'll go with a Garage. Unless someone can come up with something more concrete. Thanks Sgt Kelly - to think people collect that stuff!
  2. Both the generic name and a brand name from the French speaking historians out there! Example in American English Gas station Shell gas station
  3. AH's Afrika Korps late 60's Yep that game and the Arab Israel 67' war seems to have started up a number of gamers
  4. Koenig thanks for the additional info. Do you know where tank gunnery was taught at during the period 1941-43? If your wondering this information fits into a scenario I'm working on that involves an Italian warrant officer from Sicily who forms a Semovente unit from the cadre at the gunnery school to fight the Allied invasion.
  5. Yep, CM has inspired me to investigate the more obscure areas of WWII. A history that is as interesting as it is ignored. The 1940 campaign, the Japanese in PTO. Great stuff. Probably the inspiring was re-reading about the Spanish Civil war and all the other minor war before and after WWII, the Arab-Israel, Chaco, Libya vs Chad etc Yes CM has become my primary hobby. 'Mod slut', I recommend you put that on your tombstone to cause future archaeologists to scratch their heads.
  6. Thanks, any idea what the Italian name might be?
  7. What was the name and the location of Italians Armor school or base where their armoured units were trained?
  8. That was a CMBB game. I would recommend Small Battles, The Sullen well of Taleh.
  9. Thanks Diesel. I had previously found that one link but the archive material would be useful but I'm presently unable to get to it. It would seem we have no Greek CM players who haunt the board.
  10. If you don't know our are really new to to the game I would recommend on the CD itself. Petrarcholi Ridge, small, interesting and balanced.
  11. Can you be more specific? Large, huge or small? Infantry or armour heavy, balanced? Location? Attack, assault or meeting engagement. More info and we can make a better suggestion.
  12. Trying to find more information on the Key battle between the Communists and Government forces of Greece at Konitsa in December 1947. I suspect their is material in the Greek language on this subject. Hans
  13. Yep, a few times I've broken reinforcements into 1 turn "chains", ie three platoons arriving at the same location one turn apart. Makes it a bit easier.
  14. Phillipe How are you on modern Greek? I have a few questions in regards to some Greek ELAS vs EDES vs Axis scenarios?
  15. I found that interesting, I use to be an Archaeologist and I always enjoy finding a place I've not heard of. Great "Camp d'Attila" shall find its way into the next CM map.
  16. Working? Heck in the Arab world Thursday and Friday are the weekend...not like you heathen infidels taking Sat and Sun off!
  17. Why I love the internet http://site.ifrance.com/cheppe/ Seems there is a historic point, Camp d'Attila, located at the site of the town! Yehaaa
  18. Thanks gentlemen, I knew their'd be some celery experts out there. This is for a 1st Panzer Division Scenario in their drive into France after Dunkirk. There is a one liner about a "close action in amongst the celery fields outside of La Cheppe". This occurs on on June 12th, 1940. Celery with salt, yep a thanksgiving tradition - with peanut butter? Obviously a heretic who needs burning. Actually I've had that but its not a favorite. I get the impression from what little is written about this that the fields either provide some cover or hinderance. But I don't see a posibility of that in the pictures! Perhaps the fields were small and surrounded by rock walls or hedges? Its on the Noblette river and seems to be in a hilly area. Anyone familar with that area of France? Its about 10 Kilometers to the NE of Chalons in the Champagne district
  19. The question to France in June. What would a Celery field look like? Is the celery short (grass) tall (grain) or wired up (vineyard)? Thanks
  20. Having been in the military, I can't remember a single time when a Captain was told..."and you are going to get 10 tanks coming down that road in another 8 minutes..." Never happened. They would tell them "3rd Platoon is on the way to support you." And you DIDN'T CARE what 3rd Platoon had because you needed ANYTHING they were bringing!! In my scenarios I NEVER tell the gamer what he is getting exactly. Tanks break down, air attacks happen, people get lost. There are no guarantees on a battlefield and if they give you an arrival time it will be wrong. I don't use deliberately misleading briefings though. Fuzzy is good enough for me. Good Hunting. </font>
  21. Watch what you say V or you'll be the play tester!
  22. A made for CMAK Vietnam scenario, "Small Battles, Vietnam Primer", is in the works.
  23. The Germans also had several thousand Arabs in uniform. One Unit the 845th Battalion fought in Russia, Greece, Yugoslavia and remnants fought to the death in Berlin.
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