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Everything posted by Hans

  1. A reminder to all CMAK players and designers to support Admiral Keth and the Scenario Depot. At the moment it is secure but, Consider: How many hours of enjoyment have you've gotten out of scenarios you've down loaded there? How much would you pay for a dinner and movie which at most last three hours? If you're a designer its one of the premier places to put your scenario when it is ready for the prime time exposure. Scenario Depot is a key part of the CMAK and CM experience. http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/ Those who support the SD will be rewarded by receiving the treasured insights of Madmatt's, and his tour de force TD2, "Total Defeat in Ten Turns", on how to lose at CM with a conspicuous lack of style and not a speck of grace. I know everyone out there is saving up for an enhanced computer to play CMx2 so I'm asking you to take a small amount of that to support SD. Hans
  2. Thanks for the info Berl I found another source that suggested these guys might be Volksdeutsche from Russia and other places in the East. Thanks for the note on the equipment
  3. I think I can say without fear of abuse. I'll take ANYTHING that comes out....what ever it is, when ever it is and where ever it is, I have a feeling it'll be great. Speedy, there are a number of 1940 scenarios, they may lessen the pain some. Junk2Drive: Hey dude my emails are bouncing back it would seem your service think my proxy server is a spam source, probably is. May have some commo problems. I cannot sent to you but can receive.
  4. Berlichtingen! Hey I would suspect you'd know about this unit as its other name was, Gotz von Berlichingen! That is a very interesting note. In the history of the 134th they don't mention this. The 9th Company 38th PG Regiment and 3rd Company 37th Regiment were mentioned, but not the Russianification. Were these Russians of German or other ethnic stock or Slavic Russians? Thanks for the info! Oh and for Vixen, Drat! not Jagdtigers in CMAK so a lowly Jagdpanther will have to do....
  5. Well done Vixen, that's the info I needed, now how come google wouldn't find that! Yikes Jaghtigers....that'll throw the balance out to heck. Hans
  6. Yes the SD is a must, donation sent a few days ago
  7. I support that. :cool: I am very happy that they are working to enhance the 3D environment and can't wait to see the results. That alone will go a long way in renovating the simulator. To keep the guessing going, even if I'd like WWII best, I'll support (read: buy) almost anything. Just about any conflict in the 20th century would be worth simulating, although 1915-1917 positionnal warfare could be a little tricky: * * * - 85% losses ? How'd you do that ? I could not achieve anything below 96% losses ? Please write an AAR ! * * * Cheers </font>
  8. I would say that CMx2 will trod the same proven path, 1944 Europe. That is probably the most popular with Americans and I suspect that Americans are the majority of the game buyers. Hopefully there will be more flexibility in the editor and it will be easier to do "other" fronts. I really want my Spanish Civil War! But will take NW Europe with a big smile....
  9. Good people and bad people The 845th was a Battalion raised by the Germans out of various Arab groups, Iraqis, Palestinians, Algerians and Tunisians. It fought in Tunisia, Russia, Greece and at Berlin. I came across its story while researching AIW scenarios. Many of the Arab leaders in the 1948/56 wars had been in this unit. The ELAS were the Greek Communists, they would later fight the EDES in a civil war until 1949 - and yes a scenario is forth coming on that. Also in it are the Laocoon, pro-nazi Greeks and Italians fascists + a British SOE operative with a radio....
  10. Thanks Vixen I had that source, need to figure out what type of SP and tanks this unit was using while defending the Saar
  11. Only the map gets moved over, everything else is CMAK and the CMAK engine is slightly different than CMBB.
  12. Hey Junk2Drive I have a Greek scenario about finished, April 1944 German anti-Partisan drive against the 2nd ELAS Division by the 845th German Arab Battalion. Even has (for your Pacific mods) a landing on the Gulf of Corinth...best yet its historical.
  13. What has got to happen is that people start quoting us correctly We said that there will be no Pacific Theater with the *current* CM engine. Nobody has said anything about the *new* engine. Martin </font>
  14. Recommend both CMBB and CMAK, very different feel in the battles.
  15. In CMBO there is one I know of "Freeing the Ingerzomer", a British assault on a German held island in the Scheldt Estuary.
  16. Perhaps......should we be puting in the map size, ie 1,200 x 800 in the initial briefing? Should we put in number of units (1 tank or1 squad equals one unit) line items in troops?
  17. Hi DD Balance is often difficult to achieve especially in smaller scenarios where the loss of a key vehicle or a single mistake can wipe out a great deal of your fire power. Historical scenarios tend to be unbalanced because the actual battle itself was "unbalanced". Finally the players themselves are usually not balanced in skill and the map (unless a mirrored map) gives one side an advantage. That said I can recommend the following non-historical scenarios which I believe are 'balanced', Petrarcholi Ridge on the CD is balanced as are Small Battles, The Sullen well of Taleh Small Battles, Recon North of Rome Small Battles, Bonfire 1940 Small Battles, Row at Coulogne, 1940 If you want some suggestions for CMBB I can provide those too. Hans
  18. Division Anyone have info as to what types of equipment this unit was using at this time? I'm building a historic scenario that refers to the unit attacking with, "Tanks and SPs". Also any info on the German 36th Division at the same time and in particular the 5th Company 165th Regiment? Thanks
  19. We are all aware of the tendency of the AI to abandon good defensive positions if another victory location is taken. What happens in a non exit scenario when there are NO flags? Am I correct in presuming that the AI stays put?
  20. That could earn you a severe and coldly disapproving look in Copenhagen.
  21. I'm not sure if anyone has scenarized any of those events. However I have completed a 9th of April, 1940 Danish scenario and am looking for an intrepid Dane to take a look.
  22. does any one know the % chance of these going off when a vehicles goes over them?
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