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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I did try and train my cat to do some of the "support work", changing names of units to match their new nationality, lining up trenchs, making roads, hedges and walls. She didn't do to bad but her demands for fresh fish exceeded my budget.
  2. Another good idea, my wrist are really starting to stiffen up after a session of puting in dozens of stone walls or worse, barbed wire
  3. May I suggest for Brits in Italy Small Battles, Recon North of Rome Small Battles, Hussars at Medicina Small Battles, East of Elba (New Zealanders actually) If you like green European landscapes (versus just wanting Italy) then their are a number of Brits vs German scenarios set in 1940. If interested I'll list those out also.
  4. That I will not live long enough to make company level CM scenarios at a 'small' size for every documented action from 1932 to 1967. Damn
  5. I was just wondering what the frequency of QB play is amongst the older players. I use to be a daily, sometime multiple player of QB, for several years. As the demands on my time have multipled I've shifted my CM time to design. I still get in 2-3 QB a week. Confessions of others, just how addicted are you? What about the alternative live style guys, the IP/PBEM or scenario/operation only freaks - how often?
  6. Hey I've worked CM scenario design into the 'on-line learning experience' portion of my CV and as an example of my web exposure ....they are online history modules.
  7. Solution: After testing various setups I found that the problem was caused by using the Panther VA model, for some reason this version of the tank will not allow pluses to the AI to multiple itself! At least in 1943 between July and December 1943 in Italy! WEIRD Solution is to use the Panther VD Did I say WEIRD?
  8. Hi GaJ Just did another test and it worked, the selected force was increase. This is very odd. What collection of buttons being pushed would cause athe AI NOT to be increased? I had thought it was because I was using an exit and it wouldn't increase eligible units but even with those elim it still won't increase!
  9. In a Korean scenario Junk2Drive and I are working on we've come across an oddity. If we have tanks and infantry on the axis side and tell it to increase for the computer by +50% only the infantry increases. If we delete the infantry the armour will NOT increase, it remains the same. Anyone know what is happening? Solution?
  10. Small Battles, Obong Ni Pass, 1950 sent to you
  11. Try again, I was momentarily shut down by the NWO conspiracy....actually a wonky SPAMMED out server.
  12. Looking at other organizations that try to judge independent artistic creation. I would think an ad hoc group, selected by the Admiral. Would conduct an academy awards type arrangement. Rating games would come from three aveneues 1. The Grog core, restricted to those designers with say more than ten scenarios and selected by one another (very cliquely) They would recommend scenarios for ratings in various catagories. 2. All registered Forum users (using a voting system to be added-perhaps a top ten?) 3. Anyone who puts in a review. (using the existing system)
  13. Running into some balance problem with the Vietname scenarios. Need to figure out a way to even out the destructive firepower of the US 105mm in a fire base - nasty against charging infantry! VC solution, heavy mortar and 107mm rocket fire
  14. The max suckage battle already took place, it was called the Spanish Civil war, where the T-26 was KING!
  15. Yes. Tons of DEEP info about Japanese Army/Navy.(but written in Japanese) </font>
  16. Need I say yes? What do you do when you have a bunch of those uncased and heavy artillery starts to land in your area.....
  17. Well done ... so it does exist - now what the heck do I use to similulate that for the IJA?
  18. From the book, Burma the Turning Point by MG Ian Grant ....Among the equipment abandoned by the Japanese were some curious items. These were glass globes, filled with liquid cyanide, and packed in pairs in padded wooden boxes. They were designed to be thrown at tanks. Although never used in this sector one thrown by a soldier of 15th Division knocked out a (British) tank north of Imphal.
  19. I'm nearly completed a Vietnam scenario, Small Battles, Suoi Tre Vietnam. (very large actually) will send to you in a few days after internal testing is complete.
  20. You may have fallen victim to the "round down the hatch" possibility!
  21. From Kosure ""No American AT fire could've possibly hit it, so I rewind the video. A single ami arty round, (presumably 105mm, but I'm not sure) lands waaaay outside the target area being bombarded (about 300m away) on the upper deck of the Panzer and annihilates it. No other shells land anywhere near it." More bad news dude the shell that got you was a 81mm - Strangely, Petrarcholi Ridge has generated an above average number of odd kills and bizarre occurance from impossible wins/losses to great shots and incredible misses to unusual AI actions - or so my email tells me. Perhaps its a "CMMagical" scenario?
  22. I like guys who after their inglorious defeat, swear off CM forever, send me wads of cash, and slink off to the Andes to find themselves.
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