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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Wayne Rutledge that's me in the real world. You could zip up the whole lot and sent it out to the designers who could then agree or disagree on who made what, we can fight over who made the good ones..... I'd recommend you start over, download and strip the maps out of ALL the scenarios after the designers agree. Bit of problem but it will avoid any annoyed guys who don't agree. I just took one of my scenarios and stripped it down and it only takes a few minutes, longer if you take the labels out. One could also use Pyewacket's software to copy them which wipes out all the associated info anyway. Packets of good maps would be valuable to both the CMBB and CMAK guys. One could also make it an assembly line operation with a number of people stripping maps and sending them to you for organization and preparation for posting.
  2. GAJ Yes I would agree unless the designer intended them to be ambushed. What is really hard is to bring in reinforcements in a historical scenario-where the terrain is known. grrrrhhhh. Basicly until CMx2 comes out and you can write or select parameters for reinforcements you'll have problems. By parameters I mean the computer will place the reinforcements and if any are in sight of the enemy will move them to a secondary site
  3. Not just the Alsatians but the Huguenots, escapees from the terror, etc
  4. No problems, if you do more it might be useful to record where (by puting one or more labels on the map itself) of where the map came from (scenario/operation name) and author and who modified it (you I guess) I say that because I once played an email game on a "stripped" map and was unable to find the scenario that it originally belonged too. Hans
  5. In the 17th and 18th centuries a number of French people migrated to Germany. Did the Germans have a name or designation for these "Germanized" French? I'm asking this as a source for a scenario* speaks of a German officer with a French background who mentions "our identity as less than fully German". *Small Battles, Deception, 1940
  6. Reinforcements are often a problem. The designer has to guess where the battle will be - or they tend to come in to close or to far away. I often try to place reinforcements inside buildings (built up areas), behind tree screens or depressions or shielded by one of the above - it isn't always successful. Basicly in a dynamic battle "fire on sight" is going to happen. The only way to prevent it is to put the reinforcements so far back the player goes insane trying to move them up!
  7. Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Anything you have Isneauville would be appreciated
  8. Yes thanks again Oh do you have maps of another area? I have the book Die 1.panzer-division 1935-1945 by Stoves and he covers its drive into France in June from Rethel to Belfort. Do you have maps on that?
  9. Danke, I will put that phrase to good use.
  10. Howdy J2D, yep that one works in the way you remember. Not quite a operation thou, just a battle : ]
  11. Towns mentioned in text are: Sigy to Nolleval, Normanville, St Lucien Near the area, Pierreval-Estouteville-Critot Yes a 1:25,000 of Isneauville would be great! Even with industrialization I can get an idea of the "lay of the land" Thanks again for you help
  12. This miniature battle may have some clues on Rösselsprung http://members.aol.com/counterpaneland/Savoie.htm
  13. Not to my knowledge, I looked at that incident a while back but I too gave up as their was no map or supporting data. Might be able to obtain info from a Yugoslavian war game club, university or historical group/museum. I've forgotten where Drvar was? Which region?
  14. Good but a term a German would use for another German suffering from a lack of courage would be best - unless its up there already....
  15. I've spent months in France, twice since CMBO came out and I spent years in Belgium and Germany so I have a fairly good idea what European terrain looks like. That village picture is good for details for one 1940 I've got in mind.... Thanks Bogdan, my guess of a 1 hex river was correct I guess, 1:25000 (DROOL) yes that would be great. Tell me know we do that. Do you have a map of Isneauville? Its just north of Rouen. A very nice little British vs German action there in June 1940, but unfortunately no map - but I do have a good description...
  16. This small river runs into the Seine near Rouen. Can anyone give me any details about it? Size and fordability? Particularly in the stretch from Fleury to Forges-les-Raux. Thanks in advance
  17. An American might call someone, 'a yellow stinking coward' and a Brits might say, a 'bloody windy bastard', what would a German say?
  18. Good to know. I'm continuing a 1940's line of scenarios which heavily involves the French. Oh do you have any info on a platoon of Belgian tanks that were quite active before the surrender? I found a little on the internet but was tying to find more info for a scenario.
  19. The Greek scenario is finished now finished if you'd like to try the Mods on it. Small Battles, Arab 845th BN, 1944 Anti-guerilla sweep aided by pro-fascists Greeks against communist ELAS fighters on the coastline of the Gulf of Corinth.
  20. Ammunition for the standard French 47mm tank gun installed in the H-39, SOMUA, Char B etc, did it include a HE round?
  21. Hi Michael Hey I share that nightmare too, I have some old CMBO scenarios that aren't up to snuff with the new ones. I deleted the actual downloadable file but the description remains. Check out CMBO, World War I You can do it thru authors Hey why not rebuild those for CMAK?
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