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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. I heartily agree with all the other posts so far and I'd like to add one thing,take a close look at the terrain,check for your enemy's likely avenues of approach,the best places for cover and concealment,the high ground,choke points and any other things to make your fight work and his more difficult,remember this is LAND warfare. After you have done this do it again and than again. Be sneaky, remember the phrase "alls fair in love and war"? It's true. Above all keep at it,I've found the more you play this game,the more it draws you in. Good Luck! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  2. Herr Fox,wow,you pretty much described my mod setup(except for the new stuff)to the T. They really add alot to the atmosphere and immersion level of the game! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  3. I must say the M240C on my old Bradley would jam an awful lot,I'd say at least once every 200rds. or so. The jams were normally fairly easy to clear however,just yank the charging cable and go,normally you could resume firing in less than 10 seconds. A major jam could be problematic because you'd have to pull the weapon out of it's mount to get to the feed tray. I'd imagine WW2 tankers went through even more difficulty due to combat conditions,less time to pull through maintenance,bad weather etc. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!! [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 11-07-2000).]
  4. Back to the Tanker uniforms,I would like someone do the German "spot" camo tanker outfit,I'd do it but I don't have the first clue how. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  5. Outstanding! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  6. Thanks for the update BTS,I'm glad you're taking the time to do it right. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  7. Michigan (EST),nights and weekends would be fine ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  8. I have to admit that FAC's would be really nice to have in the scenario I'm playing now. It's called "Jabos" and features allied air strikes throughout the whole battle (at least as much as I've played so far)and although I loved the damage they caused to the enemy in the first part of the game,now that I'm actually fighting on the objective the wingnuts are starting to commit fratricide,FAC's would limit this and allow me to call in strikes on targets of opportunity as they appear. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  9. The coax and the bow mounts can fire in different directions,I have seen this in a PBEM game I am currently playing. A Jumbo was attacking a bunker;the bow of the tank was facing the bunker which the bow MG was happily spraying rounds at,while the turret MG was suppressing infantry at about 90 degree angle off to the left of the tank. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  10. I second that request! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  11. Fabulous work Magua I installed your new mods last night and they're simply amazing! Huge thanks for bringing them to us Kump! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  12. Fabulous work Magua I installed your new mods last night and they're simply amazing!
  13. In the game manual it says units in prepared defences can be given extra ammo by the scenario designer and that they lose the extra ammo if they leave their positions.(pg. 60)I guess this only takes place in user scenarios. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  14. Hi Jackson I just finished my first PBEM today,(lost my a@# too!)it took about 2 1/2 weeks, mostly because I had to play late at night (working for a living sucks).Also because I'm playing 4 other PBEMs and I had to do them all in one sitting and still manage to play my single player games. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  15. Outstanding news guys!!!! I'm so excited I'm vibrating out of my chair! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  16. Hey WhizKid happy birthday it's mine too #40 ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  17. DeanCo the globlets thing may be caused by a Microsplat patent conspiracy in order to force us all to upgrade to 65 meg globlet paradigm based Nvoodia 5 audio cards. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  18. Time itself is a revisionist concept devised by the ruling Plutocracy as a way to force the working classes to follow their arbitrary and brutal production scheduals in order to satisfy their bottomless greed and lust for power. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  19. One quick point,in modern TO&E's the sniper is a part of the infantry line platoon not the scout platoon,which makes them (snipers)a company level asset not a battalion asset,which the scout platoon is.I believe it was the same in WWII. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  20. Panther G (late),just can't beat it! And it looks cool as hell! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  21. From the vets point of view,the influence of the Co Commander in combat depends mostly on his style,I've had CO's who wouldn't leave my Lt.s alone and CO's who stood back and only intervened when things didn't go according to plan. In Desert Storm our CO fell somewhere in the middle,but, and to me this a big point, he was right up front with us grunts so he could stay on top of the situation,but as far as direct command he let the Platoon Leaders do their jobs and he handled things like coordinating fire support and dealing with battalion etc. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  22. AR,try some Wild Bill's Huertgen Forest scenarios,I think you'll like what you see... ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  23. Randy,everyone knows that Santa Claus was replaced by the corparate giant Mega Clause who goes from mall to mall distributing high interest credit cards to the unwashed masses... ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  24. I use 3 the most,but 1&2 are great for fine tuning and checking for hull-down. 4 is also good to check on platoon positions and for checking to see if my squads are in HQ control.5,6,7,& 8 are great for planning and placing arty strikes. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  25. Pham 911 is right;how can us mod-sluts be happy with all you mod teases messing with our heads? Seriuosly, nice work,would you consider doing a winter Pershing? ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
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