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Everything posted by Splinty

  1. I keep hitting the "enter" button but I can't get the stats to come up on the thing. How many points is it worth for a QB? ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  2. DeanCo,that's the first I've been quoted anywhere!Thanks for the great conversions! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  3. You make it,I'll take it! I've got so many mods loaded up now I don't know where to begin! Thanks in Advance; Joe ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  4. All of these have said before,but I'd like 2nd them:3d rubble,sewers,more and bigger buildings,trenches,FOs and INF to fire while mounted and the ability to man weapons left behind by dead or routed crewman,i.e. machine guns,panzerschrecks et al. Thanks for the chance to sound off PeterNZer! [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 10-17-2000).]
  5. Amen!I couldn't have said better(for that matter I couldn't have said it period ). I hope you are fully recovered quickly. Joe ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  6. #25,when your car breaks down,you try to hit "shift-D" to see what happened to it. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  7. I think the Rangers will be furious at the rest of the Army,I was stationed with many Ranger types and even Airborne soldiers were "slugs" in their view.They were very proud of their distinctive headgear as they were of being Rangers. BTW noone calls garrison caps,envelope caps,the usual term rhymes with bunt. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  8. I don't know about the war years, but in modern day Southern Germany almost all the houses look the same:white stucco walls with red tile roofs. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  9. Just installed the new mods. They look great,once again you've added some amazing stuff to an amazing game.Thanks ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  10. Thanks for the advice Schrullenhaft,I checked a couple of things and it turned to be headspace on my part (shift-s),I didn't think it turned off ALL the sound.Anywho I,ve got everything back to par.
  11. Tiger you must have ESP!I'm designing a scenario that has both MK IV's and Stuarts in it! Please let me know where I can get those Mods.BTW I'd hate to be that Sherm commander that tree must be slapping him silly ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!! [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 10-15-2000).]
  12. Hey guys,need a little help.Last night I downloaded Ncrawlers Sound Pack ver.1.6;it worked fine at first,but after about two times in and out of the game I lost all the game sound,there is now no sound at all from the opening screen on it's dead silent. I would appreiciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance; JoeC. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  13. Hey DeanCo,how about a shameless plug from a consumer? "Ever since I started using the DeanCo Hi-Vis Interface Mod,my sex life has improved 100%,my dog has come home, and my pickup truck gots new tires" ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!! [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 10-15-2000).]
  14. Here's another couple for ya' What's a Buddy? What's a PAL? ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  15. Here's another Yank,who'd be interested. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  16. When in doubt,shoot 'em! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  17. They downloaded just fine for me,thanks Matt ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  18. Shouldn't that be "flamethrowers blow?" ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  19. I'd like to know if the optionality of the optional option will be optional relative to the options optional option ie; the law of optional inverse options? Sorry couldn't help myself. ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!! [This message has been edited by Splinty (edited 10-01-2000).]
  20. Will CM2 model sewer fighting? That was one common way of entering structures on the Easrern Front(or anywhere else for that matter) ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  21. I agree it's a damn shame,but what can you from a culture that comes with Jerry Springer and the WWF? ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  22. What I want to know is;how did you get the clearance to observe this top-secret training program?Hmmmm? ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  23. Bump,Bumpa,Bump,Bump... ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
  24. I want them!I want them!,I want them! ------------------ Nicht Schiessen!!
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