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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Dearest Boo Consequent to all the CM ass-whuppings I have dealt out to YOU over the preceeding years, it appears obvious that you have developed a HEALTHY RESPECT for my Genetically and Tactically Superiour Genius. I'm SO happy for you! Lotsa love and huggies, Your Military Mentor, AJ</font>
  2. So basically Australia went nowhere and is still going nowhere fast? How surprising.
  3. I do love it so when you 'down under' lot have love spats. You need each other, else you would never win a game. Now kiss and make up. And no more mention of this crickey thing you gits pass off as a sport. Most annoying.
  4. Bring your ziggle - thingies on, I've got molten lead goodness coming your way! GRAGRGRG!!!
  5. Give him a little credit - very little. Putting it behind the biggest hill on the map would classify as "tactical obtuseness", so maybe he's somwhere in between - like Australia...
  6. Plorkening the vastatrons??? He'll ksnizzle the flehinkele if he does that, Focker! It's a new graphics card, don't make him ruin it. Sheesh.
  7. Now I have to either lose weight or shave to avoid indebtness to you??? Looks like the new year will be a rough one.
  8. ****e. Hadn't heard from you in so long I thoughtBerli took that road trip to rub you out and Delaney posted as you for cover. Now it's official. Santa didn't grant any of my wishes for Christmas.
  9. Forty dollars please. My copyright! And yes, all you gamers out there - appreciate the effort everybody puts into mods and scenarios. If you have constructive criticism, voice it. Something like "too much shading", or "not enough cover" is fine. "This mod (or scenario) sucks", isn't very helpful.
  10. What? A unit change? They're HT's, but I'm being picky! Merry Molten-TNT-Maggot-infested Christmas to all on this thread. What are you lot doing here on Christmas anyway?
  11. Merry Christmas to all! A link for all you 'poolers with wee beasties or grand wee beasties: Norad tracks Santa
  12. I'm not a real 'New Yorker' - only by the regional naming conventions. I am east of both Boo and you. That makes me a 'New Yorker'. Since the two of you are west from me, you are hillbillies. Have another drink and it all becomes clear.
  13. Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
  14. Gelding, no doubt. Stop working and send a feckin' turn, you equine git.
  15. Flip a coin and let us know! Hang on - no, on 2nd thoughts I had to suffer the ignomy of being the Axis last time - it's Snicker's turn to be the German, so I AM!</font>
  16. Alright, Stalin's Dangly Bits let's see if the MGA has inproved his molten TNT. Forward it on to me after you get it.
  17. Thanks for that, Abbott. Good stuff to help out budding scenario designers.
  18. Maggot!!! Front and center! I'm gonna chew you a new one for sending me against the Teutonic Hordes with molten, angry TNT but not enough walking things to fling it!!!! Or the proper arty to cover the not enough walking things!!!! GRRRRRGRGRGHH.... AARRRRGGGG!!!!! I'll email you some suggestions, right after Mike blows up my last handful of posthumus heroes of the Motherland. :mad: :mad:
  19. Heh, heh! I haven't seen much clan around here, but I can verify they don't put up with nonsense from anyone where I'm living. Seems to be equal opportunity "just what the feck do you think you're doing?" when laws get broken. Nice change from Jersey.
  20. Originally posted by Boo_Radley: Always glad to be of service. There are no teeth in Pennsylvania; had to surrender mine at the border upon moving in. They gave me a junk car to put on my font lawn in exchange. Actually means you're totally surrounded by lunatics. Lucky you. Hmm, thought it said Pennsylvania. Guess my wife changed it in order to keep Joe and the rest of you lot from wanting to visit. Kinda like when someone's profile says "Ohio". Further, you are a hill-billy. American regional convension says: Hatfields) Anyone west of you is a hill-billy. Lung Islund) Anyone east of you is a New Yorker. Cracker) Anyone south of you is a redneck. Eh?) Anyone north of you is a Canadian. Anyone else is an Aussie.
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