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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Fall on the sword, boyo! Taking scores of Russkies with you as a bonus.
  2. Takin' souls, corrupting the righteous, the usual holiday things. I still don't see no heads on pikes</font>
  3. Depends. Are you planning to blend it with petroleum jelly or just spritz it on like some shameless hussy?
  4. :mad: GRRRR... :mad: You're in the big leagues now, ToastMasterGoodale and you don't have the Maalox to handle the special blend of nine Herbs and Splosives I've handmixed to force feed your walking corpses!!! Biscuits are extra, MAGGOT!! :mad: :mad: Dinner time - come and get it!!!
  5. Pillock!! If YOU don't know WHAT or WHERE your "groin muscle" is, I'm certainly not going to help you get in touch with it! Ewww!!! AJ</font>
  6. Ahhh, stepping in for a breath of fetid air. OK, my Aussie - Kiwi brethren. I made the effort to feel your enthusiasm for cricket. I visited some web sites and read some of the articles, and I admit it changed my mind. I pity you lot more than loathe you now. Would you descendants of England's finest care to expound on what a "grunt muscle" is and why having it injured prevents you from playing cricket? No, never mind. We don't care. Really, we don't.
  7. Goodwaffle!!! :mad: :mad: Front and center, you addle-brained TNT eater!!! Where's my feckin' setup? Let's see if poking you in the growl box gets some angry TNT in my mailbox! {sharpens a popsicle stick} *poke* *poke* Growl and bare your teeth, you hell-spawn of a grenade and a half-eaten landmine! :mad: :mad:
  8. By all means post them just to annoy some of our overseas collegues. Mace</font>
  9. Tst Tst... is that the best you could do Snarker? I get the feeling you're all afraid of being whopped by a 16yrold. He's a SCOT and that's good enough for me. I bet he could beat the lot of you blindfolded. Question is..... Is ANYONE actually brave enough to offer this yung un a game? I doubt it. Anyhoo, I am forgetting my manners. "Happy New Year" to each and every one of you. (Even if you are a bunch of yellow bellied yarbeless gits.) </font>
  10. Humbuggery, I'd say! You probably popped into the forum after someone replied, and just before the timestamp was updated. On a similar bend, sometimes the main page shows a diffent "most recent" topic than the forum does when I enter... a conspiracy, to be sure.
  11. Try the opponent forums from the main BB page, haggis-eating-laddie-in-a-skirt, until you grasp the concept of the MBT. Any concept will do, but we'll not hold our breath. Now shoo! Mumma's calling. Seems they found your English teacher writhing in pain and close to death after reading your midterm.
  12. Lucky them! You absolutely blew every man's fantasy. Fortunately we expected no less.
  13. Bugger the lot of you. Has not a single pillock the decency to make the rest happy by falling into an alcohol induced coma? Malakas.
  14. Well, then MasterTNT, Seems you have openings on your dance card. Maggot, why don't you fling an angry TNT laden game my way so you can growl in agony as your peasant hordes torch and your clankety coffins burn!!!! :mad: :mad:
  15. Oh, and here I was thinking you couldn't take the sorry start your walking corpses experienced. Silly me.
  16. He's out!!! The net! Grab the net! BFC, trap or do somefink!!! See what happens when you let his thread drop off page one? Slackers.
  17. Uh huh. You buy our 1960's torpedoes. And grin about it. For the last time, AJ, your ancestors cross breeding with kangaroos to produce wallabies and the other marsupials is not a technological advance. It's a genealogical aberration. Enough blather and huffing. Send a feckin' setup, it's Aussie on the barbie tonight. Or I'll send one to you, matters not.
  18. They're why velcro was invented. See AJ's post above as proof. [ December 29, 2002, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  19. You misspelled 'wipe'. And 'licking'. Git. I find myself with a free minute or two, Noba. That should be more than enough time for this flea to eat dinner, watch a real sporting event and dispatch you handily to the elephant graveyard.
  20. I prefer .45 caliber, but can use 9mm in a pinch -- it just takes a few more rounds. By the way, don't you owe me a setup, you overblown, tiger building, turret busting, Odztraylyun wannabe? Steve</font>
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