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Pvt. Ryan

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Everything posted by Pvt. Ryan

  1. Wow, I just realized it wasn't you! I have been operating under the delusion that you coined that phrase because I thought that M Hofbauer attributed that quote to you in his sig. I guess not. Capt. Stransky's e-mail address was GAZ_NZ. Maybe that's why I was confused. But you did chime in on that thread, possibly further adding to my confusion. [ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  2. I didn't think you really flunked out, but are you aware that you coined the most popular phrase used on the CM forum? Please fix!!! or do somefink. [ 09-09-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  3. No, it was PBEM. But there were a lot of trees and his infantry couldn't see through to identify all my forces. If he had seen the map he probably wouldn't have bought the Tigers. There was really no way to utilize the Tigers without pushing them through those narrow passages. And because so many points were spent on the Tigers he didn't have enough infantry to protect them and engage my infantry. There was a huge hill that dominated the map from which he could have ruled the battlefield if it weren't for all those trees. I thought the game was over when I saw two Tigers and lost my only armor so early on. It just goes to show you that armor does not rule the field if the terrain is not right.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*: there could be a West Coast CM-con<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Las Vegas seems like a suitable location to me.
  5. The two Tiger kills came in two different places. This zook team was in the middle defending a road that came down the center of the map through heavy trees. It was really the only way to advance armor up the center. This team took out the first Tiger with two shots. If the zook didn't get the Tiger one of the nearby infantry's rifle grenades would have. I had another zook team on my left flank guarding a narrow passage that was the only opening on the left. The second Tiger advanced and that team fired all it's rounds except one at the Tiger with several hits, but no damage. Then I ran the first zook team, the one with the kill, over to the left to lend his expertise. The Tiger was preoccupied with the other team that still had one round. Meanwhile, I crawled the other team into the woods and had him set up while the Tiger was blasting the used up team. The second team fired a couple of rounds and took out the second Tiger. I was mighty lucky since my only armor, an M36 Jackson, died early on without firing a shot. The Tigers really never had a chance of advancing with their infantry because of all the trees. At least that's how I remember things. Sometimes your memory gets a little fuzzy trying to remember what happened in combat.
  6. You guys are an invaluable resource. I really agonized over this until you helped me identify the source of the problem. Thank you so much!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by argie: Couldn't the Tigers be of different model, one being a Late one?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I guess that's it.
  8. One of my bazooka teams took out two Tigers. Instead of showing 2 Tigers killed it shows 1 Tiger and 1 Tiger. What's up with that?
  9. I re-ran AdAware and deleted all references to New.Net. I restarted and everything works fine. No registry editing or anything. What a great little piece of software!!!
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: And if you think it can, you better have a good explanation.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> **** Happens.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Am I hallucinating or is there a miniature rifleman with a Lee-Enfield riding on the back of that PIAT round?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it's the guy's hand, but I could be wrong.
  12. I called NewDotNet to get the "official" NewDot removal instructions. They were very nice on the phone, considering they must be getting a ton of help requests. They e-mailed me the removal instructions. The reason they have copywrited the instructions is because they say there is a set of instructions on the internet that is not exactly correct and they are trying to get it removed. If anyone needs the instructions, let me know. Hopefully I'll have my home e-mail back by tonight.
  13. Thanks so much for your help. I have been printing out all these various instructions so I can refer to them when I get home. If I can't fix it I will take my computer to NewDot's offices in Pasadena and make them fix it!
  14. Reading from the link that Mal gave I see that this program uses Rundll.32 to function. I am always manually shut down programs when defragging my HD, so I am pretty familiar with the programs running under windows when I hit Alt-Ctrl-Del. In the past few days I noticed that Rundll32 was in there and it never was before. I suppose when it appeared is when the NewDot program was installed. The site explains how to uninstall NewDot, but it warns not to delete the DLL. Since my registry no longer contains the DLL I can't simply uninstall NewDot, which sucks.
  15. Another thought: The Dell tech had me restore the oldest registry file available when trying to fix the resolution problem. Maybe the NewDot program installed just yesterday or the day before. I will try restoring a more recent registry file that might contain the missing DLL file and then see if I can uninstall it. It might not work, but I allways try the easy way out first.
  16. I found that page too with a Google search. I feel better that I am not the only one with this problem, but I am pissed that it happened at all. I have BearShare and Webshots installed and I heard the BearShare can lead to some problems so I installed Ad Aware which was supposedly able to avoid this spyware problem. Maybe I should run Ad Aware again and see if it uninstalls NewDot. I did search for a file called newdot but nothing turned up. I am not familiar with messing with the registry, so that will be a last resort.
  17. Yes, I did try restarting a couple of times before calling Dell, but it didn't help. I didn't try restarting the monitor though. I think that may have been the best way to go. There really is no software for my cable modem. I did reinstall my TCP/IP adapter because I thought that may have been the trouble, but it didn't help. I didn't have the DLL trouble until after I restored my registry. The Dell tech then had me run msconfig and I unchecked everything except systray (I think that was the only one). I still had the problem. The tech said that I shouldn't uncheck everything or my system would not start up properly. I called @home and they told me the missing DLL was a windows file and that they couldn't help me. I guess I could try installing all the junk on the @home disk, but it usually just causes problems with the proxy server for most people.
  18. Thanks for the quick reply. I presumed the file name was longer because of the ~ and I also kind of guessed that it was not a Windows file. CM runs at the same resolution as my desktop, so I don't think switching resolutions caused the problem. The last software I installed was new Nvidia reference drivers for my GeForce2, which is installed a few weeks ago. CM has been a little screwed up since then, but everything else has worked fine. I didn't install any software from the @home disk. The @home install disk basically sets the computer's network name and will only install the software (a co-branded version of IE) if you ask it to. The last harware I installed was a USB Compact Flash reader. That was three weeks ago and I have had no problems with it. I can't imagine what would have installed or would require this particular .DLL, but whatever it is is preventing me from getting on the internet. To anwer one of your questions, I get the notice that the DLL can't be found as my system finishes booting. I click ok and the system finishes booting properly, but when I launch IE I get nothing and when I launch Netscape I get an error message. I'm not home now, so I can't recall exactly what it said, but I had never seen it before. [ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]
  19. I don't know if this is a CMBO related issue, but the problem happened while playing CM last night. When I exited the game I saw a massively screwed up desktop with a resolution so low that barely anything fit on the screen. I couldn't even bring up the menu to change the screen properties to reset the resolution because the menu wouldn't fit on the screen. I called Dell and the tech had me restore the registry from a backup that Win98SE had saved. That restored my resolution and my computer works fine except that it can't find a dll file that apparently is related to TCP/IP, because I can't access the internet, although my cable modem appears to working properly. The dll file is newdot~1.dll. Is there an easy way to restore/repair this file? I can't locate it anywhere on the Recovery CD that came with my computer, nor can I find it on a Win98SE disk that came with another Dell computer. Do I have to reinstall Windows? If I do have to reinstall Windows, will I lose all my data, such as all my mods? I suppose I can back those up onto a CD, but I also have a ton of large files that would would be a pain to burn to CD. Also, will I have to reinstall all my other software and drivers? I have a WinME upgrade that I got from Dell but never installed. Would installing the upgrade take care of this problem? Any HELP would be appreciated.
  20. There is only one requirement before BTS hires you as an intern. You have to know how to spell "graphic." Better luck next time.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947: I'm sure he meant no rudeness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He never does, but he just can't help it. Max is a good guy, but he needs to work on his people skills. He also needs to get his rulesets done.
  22. I've been reading too much 101st Airborne stuff lately, which made me think of the 75mm guns, but Company Commander is not about Airborne. The "light guns" he is referring to are .30 machine guns. In the first part of that sentence he refers to "heavy machine guns from Company M," which I presume is the heavy weapons company for his battalion. Then he refers to "our own light guns" from his company, Company I.
  23. I'm not sure, but I think they are 75mm pack howitzers, probably towed by Jeeps.
  24. Max, give the guy a break. Some people like using computers but aren't interested in how they work. Messing around inside a PC can be a daunting proposition for someone who is not technically inclined. I wouldn't be surprised if he was born in 1947.
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