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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Stuka my old chap they still could not prove or pin me on that 1987 Hamster fiasco... who the hell new the little buggers couldn't fly... I was mis-informed.
  2. well I've been doing some beta testing for BTS and I have to say the graphics are damn cool! all with the ATI graphics card too! Scattered woods in light fog... But I think BTS took the hamster thing to seriously, I didn't get a possitive ID on the units till I was 5m away from the fuzzy little buggers.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: heh, suck eggs greg! I feel so much more relaxed about our superbowl game now.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ha ha.. my litttle frend.... go ahead boy.. challange the wife... just try it... do a 300pt battle and have a go... drink all the beer you want too it wont help.
  4. tell you what croda let your wife do a few rounds in our pbem... I'm curious. send the pbem soon.
  5. dear croda me lad.. first some of the people here don't go into the peng file. second what are you rattling about me boy.. my troops are fine.. you thinking of another game your playing? third eventhough my wife cleaned my clock.. twice.. I'm kinda of proud of her.. fourth there is for sure a few saps out there that will take me on for a challange... maybe even Peng then I'll clean thier clocks.. heh.. you know let the lady win so she feels uh.. more uh.. intel.. uh intal- e- gant thingie.. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-03-2000).]
  6. ok lads I have reached the golden Peng award. yes ME you all sux compared to me.. or no wait I SUX. here is the situation, I encourage the wife to a game of CM hotseat. I make it small so she dosn't get to flustered or confused as woman normaly do.. heh.. *cough* heres the battle 300pts small map, farmland, 30 rounds, clear as a bell and dry like a fresh baby's diaper. wife (aka TOTMACHER) polish troops 1x engineer platoon 2x Halftracks 1x whitescout car 1 confused husband (aka mensch) I have falschirmjägers 2x LMG's 2x SdKfz 1x Truck 1x falschirjäger platoon things start off ok... since we have small hills shooting starts off on the first second. I'll go in minutes here cus thats how long it took D time -1:00 I loose the truck to .50cal from halftrack and the LMG is paniced cuz it lost a man. D+1:00 she looses the whitescout car and moves ahead no other losses... me SdKfz knocked out or abandoned.. who knows why but the crew were horrably slaughtered by the .50cal and .30 MG.. *cry* D+2:00 Ha! i killed a guy from the two man flamethrower team! muahahha! but she takes out my other SdKfz! *farg* the LMG bails and heads for the woods to a nice Platoon HQ firefight ensues... D+3:00 she has managed to wipe out half my troops by now Im getting damn frustrated and make a dash for the flag but the squad gets cut up before they reach the forest edge.. *more crying*. HA her flamethrower team is wiped out and her squad by the flag.. hope looks good D+4:00 my shcreck takes two shots at her hopless HT she moved up to 45m! a kill for sure..noooo it misses and the crew daintely put alot of breathing holes in the schreck team wiping it out... my LMG surrenders to her HQ squad and my my.. I look to see what I have and its 8 guys running for the hills.. D+5:00 she cuts down another three guys and I surrender. (looking for a paper bag to put on my head.. my wife is doing a victory dance and woop wooping around the house!) she wins 89pts to 11pts I had 2 troops ok (ran off the board) and 5 troops captured (the rest lay dying or wounded on the battle field) so were do I sign up for the peng award. wait it gets better.. second game (I'll make this brief.. I take happy ss hamsters she takes canucks. 600pts.. end I loose jagdpanzer in flames two Skdf's 20mm in flames my 105 recoiless lying in pieces and she lost 10 troops and her churchill imobilized right next to the flag... GUH! whats worse is she bought an assultboat in farmland which I did not know she bought it .. the FOW told me it was a jeep!!!! i spent a whole minute shooting off HE at it only to get a clear look at it! sheesh women! third game things looking better I have two tigers and her churchhill is in flames I better win dammit or I'm packing my CM cd in a box and take it to the grave yard for a formal burial. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-03-2000).]
  7. puha! I laugh in your general direction... here and there from all those infantry bits of yours. you have not scrached me yet not a bit.. still company strong and tiger still fuctioning (although reeking of schnapps). if you look I think Im holding 70% victory points.. surrender.. I like your aussi humor... I'm still awaiting your surrender and I throw one on the Barbi for you if you do.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: …I just would like to know how many vehicles I actually incapacitated and how that relates to the initial strength of OPFOR. In larger battles it would be nice to get a loss breakdown by platoon. Obviously not in operations in-between battles. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> heh gee Andreas that aint going to happen to me.. I'm more interested in how many of my troops I wacked with my own arty. =) or how many baguettes and bottles of wine your troops downed per minute. Not to mention your favorate flambé-o-hamster manouver, what temperature it was, etc...
  9. U-571 I was very disapointed in shameless nationalistic propaganda in my eyes... I was hoping for a "Das Boot" film but was sadly misguided.
  10. hey sledge I got a tip there is a button on the CM game called shortcuts if you look there is a combination control-U its for surrender if you click it you'd make my day =) von lucke pop your five units hiding in the woods and take the hill I have with the flag. Stuka.. what can I say..better not say anything aside muhahahaha?
  11. von lucke my friend unlike you who makes a living collecting donations from people on the street so that you can buy that next bag of chips to play CM all day I have a job... ok not anymore damn.... hey do you know the good spots to ask for change?
  12. my group is halfway through almost and if they all surrender to me then the C group will be finished. =)
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JeffC: Off topic ... What exactly is the origin of the phrase "blows chunks"? I've heard it a number of times (in the U.K.) but have been afraid to ask ... Ta. Jeff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well jeff blowing chunks refers to those bite sized morsels from that burger you ate before going on say a drinking fest. Naturaly after becomming quite intoxicated (drunk as a skunk - dont ask me how a skunk can get drunk it's another saying) you may Hurl (Blow, throw-up). Naturaly that burger comes with the package in "chunks" thus the saying blowing chunks. Well class I hope you are totaly discusted now and never want to eat a burger before drinking unless you want to see those "chunks". -Prof. Stupid [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-28-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-: You guys are crazy. Close Combat 5 comes out in 3 days!! Combat mission is dead. After CC5 comes out no one will ever play CM again. This forum will be dead as soon as CC5 hits the store shelves. NOT! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> heh.. hur hur... you make me laugh.. I kill you last. ------- "sticks and stones may brake my bones, but your Tiger can't hurt m...."
  15. Dir stuka me lad.. yes the schnapps is flowing quite well in that tiger.. Wirbel wind.. ha! that me lad was the state of the art Skdf. what have you for eyes..heh. seething men huh? bring them out my boy bring them out my happy go lucky tiger crew has some for them. your arty did a fine job on one Platoon.. thats was it.. wow oooh scary yikes... (note the sarcasim) ok stukastinker bring out the armour you so boast and that infantry that is so tough.. come get some. as for that tiger crew they will be only so happy to hand out some pain.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Melloj: Mensch, stuka... status update? how far along are we in the first round?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not terribly far, someone whose name starts with M and rhymes with 'trench' is slower than an asthmatic snail at returning files Stuka you ingrate your just upset I have torched about everything that moves on the battlefield.. surrender will you! I should send you a few hamsters by for a ride in the van..hehe.. I can get off a turn or two a day at most. naturally if someone is online at night with icq I can get off at least 15 turns a night (which stuka found out)... so... fact 1. I work 10-13 hours a day more so this month. 2. I come home do a round or two a night if they are there... then crash. 3. wake up see if the pbems are returned copy them to my zip to take them at home. 4. I cant play at work less loosing my job.. which would be ok if everyone would pitch in and at least cover me 6000,- DM a month 5. get icq and meet me at night. 6. take #4 in cosideration please.
  17. hey von Lucke oll chap.. me at work right now.. I can post at work but no playing allowed oh well **** month with deadlines arrgghh... well got to make money some how, aside robbing banks.. but I'm not at that point yet.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sledge: [This message has been edited by Sledge (edited 09-21-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> awsome message Sludge.. wow.. more info then I can shake your dead tanker crews at..
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by radcliffe: Help! I'm playing version 1.05 of CM on a Macintosh and I'm wondering how to install sound mods like yours. I have Stuffit Expander 5.5 which can handle .sit files, so I can download PC mods and then expand them back to their original .WAV files. What do I do with these .WAV files once I've got them (any clues...)? I appreciate any help or advice you can provide. Thanks! Nathan Wilbur nlwilbur@greennet.net<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hey Nathan you can edit them in sound edit.. do you have the program? if not I can when I get time mix it in to the sound files for mac... (time I don't have much but just but me enough and I should get it done)
  20. the best cammo for Troops still waiting on the rights from Frosty, then its available for downloading.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: And make it simple, like "patisgreat" Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hey steve you want a game?
  22. Hey you got out of the hospital! great.. I thought they would never release you since that last hamster fiasco. I'll send you the new set up, I don't know what happened to my brain on that last set up.. Peng syndrome I guess.
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