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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mensch

  1. ahh sludge my dear fellow you have found a soft spot in my heart, I've never felt so sorry for your tankers before.. send them over to my side I'll give them a warm welcoming and btw stop hiding will you I want to give them a few mortar rounds for a early christmas gift.
  2. ya I rant sometimes, and sometimes I forget what I rant about like an old man on the porch saying to his young'ns "when I was a lad.." most people ignore me anyhow and I accept that, yup it's the frustration and most posts I see like "I hate.. bla" I dont read.. but funny how they pop up like that rash the doctor said should have gone away long ago.. and sometimes one has to scratch heh... I guess I'll never learn. you are quite right complaining about complainers is calling a black sheep a wolf? or was that two wrongs dont make it revenge? hmmm well you see I have also have some cards missing from my deck... help daddy find his marbles will you kids.. mostly its my way of saying I like it here (my neighborhood) and I don't like when a crummy drug dealer moves in... yup one can ignore them but I like to stroll around the block without being harrassed (but it happens - I live with it, its life) and If we all stay silent locked up in our little homes (threads) then they have more or less won? flaming I dont like much, feeding the troll sucks... [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-20-2000).]
  3. Dave your right about that, I guess I came across wrong.. naturaly brining up ideas and problems found in to the forums naturaly enlighten us and let BTS enjoy the collective Ideas from the player group, That I have no problem with. Its the senceless bickering that not only is de-constructiv but makes my coffee turn sour and I hate sour coffee in the morning. I like the forum alot here... damn addictive and damn funny also informativ, but that Peng guy scares me....
  4. Sorry steve I have to do this, to all those "people" who are complaining about graphics, bla, AI, bla, sux this game.. go find a day job will you! BTS has put alot of money and time into this game, and being it a pionier in such a ground breaking game I give "thanks you guys, I look forward to all updates and new versions you make" If you don't like the game then sell it to someone! use it as (gasp I would never do this) as a coaster for your beer while you play those awsome first player games you are comparing CM too. You might as well compare apples to oranges because you have to have at least brain cells to play CM, The CM community is one of the best I have seen so far as imput and ideas and support, we naturally have some bad apples that come in and causes a stir up but we get over it. You don't like the game fine, write a nice but informativ letter to BTS, wine and bitching to us don't make a difference aside showing us "oh great another dolt". Make your own game if you have more know how.. you guys (gals?) that complain about the game and and and remind me of a starving person who bought a sandwich and complains that the mustard is to hot or my oh my white bread I wanted dark bread! I'm asuming you looked at the website and saw the graphics and read what the game is all about, I knew what I was purchasing, and not a cat in a bag. I'm truly sorry that this fine community of players are constantly harassed by some teenie that is not happy with some graphics, please at least be constructive with your arguments or give maybe some suggestions but posting "these graphics F***ing suck" don't hack it with me.. go back to your nintendo and play pokeman. Thanks Steve you have one happy customer here, I look forward to all upcomming BTS products. ------ "one who complains never sees the trees from the forest, one who creates constructive critisism/ideas plants a tree in the forest for all of us to enjoy" -me [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-20-2000).]
  5. this is cute did the cesspool leak? create a new little cesspuddle? hmm some thinks are the same.. Chicago Boy not Germanboy...hmmm naturaly Seanachai made a appearence whats this Pawboohoo made it here as well... ok you slime ridden festering poo poo pants back to the cesspool *prod prod* hmm maybe its like a tumor spreading!! damn Peng! for this I throw him a freek'n smile
  6. BUMP Better Upload My PBEM? thats my guess. --- "We crested the hill and engaged the enemy, johnson was first taken out; by a cream pie? hand to hand soon ensued, Lt. got a wedgie and when I saw the white make up, floppy shoes and fright wigs, my stomach fell - damn they reactivated the dreaded Uncle BOZOs 101st SS Clown Company.. I new we had no chance, damn clowns.. how could they!" -Pvt. Im A. Gonner
  7. update mensch vs. Stuka... sorry my lad you got me on the floor laughing, I toast a "Prost" to your tanker crews.. where did you train them anyhow? next time Don't paint the big targets on them try, uh Camoflage. mensch vs. Sledge aside of his last (I think M8) vehicle his infantry are stll searching for sticks for the barbeque I set for him.. not to worry me boy I'll give those tanker crews you be wanting to shoot personaly a few burst from my coax MG. mensch vs. von Lucke well not much yet happening still trying to figure out what round it is, aside of his Tiger holding Highground like a pompus warmonger things seem pretty good, as far as a heavy arty barage for minutes long from v.L. spotter that managed to take out one guy (all I heard was "ow my leg" though all those explosions) keep up the good work v.L. come get the flag you mamas boy ----------- "We crested the hill and engaged the enemy, johnson was first taken out; by a cream pie? hand to hand soon ensued, Lt. got a wedgie and when I saw the white make up, floppy shoes and fright wigs, my stomach fell - damn they reactivated the dreaded Uncle BOZOs 101st SS Clown Company.. I new we had no chance, damn clowns.. how could they!" -Pvt. Willie A. Gonner
  8. Ask Sludge about luck or more of a curse... Im still trying not to laugh.. or giggle out loud.. man people are looking at me strange when Im in the subway and burst out giggling..
  9. oh sure be a big meannie on this post you Hoodie doodie Haram but in the cesspool you have the courtesy of a princess...HÄ! I draw you back to the pool for a good drowning. btw.. I got mine one month after.. *sigh*
  10. The bats were canceled after a freek accident and because of the development of the A-Bomb, you see at one of the air bases one bomb which had thousands of the suckers in it some how opened up or was not sealed right.. the bats naturally took flight and being bats took to hiding in every nook and crany at the airbase.. needless to say the Airforce Fire Brigade had thier hands full putting out thousands of fires that started to spring up allover the facilities (the base was written off as a loss) in a sence the bats were a success as stated above if they could be delivered alive on thier target [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-18-2000).]
  11. No fair Sludge is recruting 10 year olds for tanker crews and bought those paper tanks! hey sludge bring that armoured car out in the open I have a AP round to give as a gift! its the only thing with a engine on your side that ain't smoking, I'm sure the crew would love to have also a Barbeque that the rest are having..
  12. hey I accept the position of Bat. Comander.. but your email dont work i keep bouncing back to me... mail me so I have your email addy Exodus...
  13. Hey DaMilli, I can set you up with a pbem, lets see if a old Hannover 69'er can take you on. btw Im not a big Fußball fan, I just like that old rivalry against Hannover and Braunschweig heh... I'm more into Hockey.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: …the important thing is that Andreas DIDN'T win ... Justice Has Been Served! Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *giggle... Hurmmpf* LOL sorry... good one.
  15. congrads to Joe! he must be happy he's getting a gold plated Turd... sorry Andreas o chap no luck but good thing you didn't win cuz you would for sure hunt me down with a big stick for such a prize that Joe won if and when you visit me here in Hannover. hehe Stuka I can send you that Bee's Dick if you want gold plated for runners up, but I rather send you that PBEM where your troops are sweating it out and diging thier graves..muhahaha!
  16. Jaydane real cool... you dont have a girlfriend huh? hehe... to much time on your hands. good translations me boy er.. I mean you hoser.
  17. *thwack* *pummel* I got his arms locked grab'm Jaydane!
  18. you forgot passing up a toss in the bed with the wife to finish off pbem's... boy that was a rough night never thought the sofa could be hard. on the bright side since I couldn't sleep I played some more! btw anyone know a good Lawyer?
  19. Jadayne you crack me up! thats to funny it hurts more so cuz I know its true! rotflol.
  20. stuka o lad and sludge you heard any anything at all with our compadre von Lucke? I smell foul play and one of you two off'ed him now thats real sick real real evil! I mean HOW COULD YOU TWO DO THAT!!!?? I mean I didn't even get a invitation to help you guys.. I guess I can try to get a cash back on my G12-X pbem opponent finder Ricket™... *kicks the dirt with his foot* gee guys you never let me have part of the fun. *pout*
  21. hu hu... please come back. --------------- "If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved" --Kahlil Bibran
  22. *hands Stuka a brick* here use this to slap him into shape. I'll hold him down.
  23. teddy - tot, eliminiert, dead, done for yankee heh... -------- "It ain't braggin' if you can back it up" -- Dizzy Dean
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