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Everything posted by mensch

  1. It did retreat to cover.. in FLAMES! yup to bad it took its safe nesting from one hill that overlooked the whole battlefield for another that has a view of the whole battlefield just on the other side... since most of the tiger tactic in this game is sit and fire off the nicely given 53 HE rounds... I am happy... die you verminous sea urchen feel the wrath of stampeding hamsters. ----------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-24-2000).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Grunge is sooooo 93! Jeez... Indie rock, man! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indie is soooo 98! Jeez Punk Rock, Drum & Bass, Alternative, Electronic rocks, man! ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. my dear sir drag your sorry back end to the pool. Andreas 1: yes 2: yes 3: er.. no. --------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: wait a second, the right upper corner is always there, but the pop-up banner is gotten rid of with geo-guide. did you try that? i have a page at geocities and i don't have that pop-up window... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll look into that as a part time fix...
  5. me finks dis germanboy is not as honest as hes says. I got a 20£ bill from him for "insulting con-sulting" whats up with that?
  6. you know I have to work and getting a plane on such short notice is expencive so I guess we'll have to get spot drunk at christmas and find a cosy pup to fire up a Hotseat battle.
  7. heh oops... fix that comming er coming soon... been to long in germany.
  8. Peng you are a microbolic bacteria that I will personaly find a cure against (sit down germanboy)... you must have hacked the pbem.. where in the gods name did you get "Terminator" versions of Zook squads?? I never seen a Zook squad fire off six or seven rounds off in one minute taking out a Mark IV at 60m and a fast moving Puma at 120m??? if I was not the opposing player I would say wow cool stuff but I was at the end of those zook rounds. I'm off to pout in the corner now. Next battle is no hold bars, thats right no more riding in the wind like the lone ranger and tonto at his side its going to be a Mike Tyson fight so cover your soft body parts I'm a biting hard.. and no tonto at me side.. worse, my wife is my G6.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: I like the site, except for one niggle - Is there any way to disable the Geocities banner which pops up on every page? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> unfrortunatly no.. yup its anyoing.. I'll be getting a new account by a Local ISP and have my own webspace(s) which I'll pack her in then no more nasty banners. I guess that is the price for free webspace. mensch ------- "OK, deal I'll trade you the Grenade for my freedom but I keep the pin"
  10. OK lads shameless plug for my (our) website check it out it's called "Der Kessel" we are a group called "Die Strumgruppe" and are a design group for CM. Der Kessel
  11. ok lads shameless plug for my (our) website check it out it's called "Der Kessel" we the group called "Die Strumgruppe" are a design group for CM. Der Kessel
  12. Well here it is, the truth PeeBroom is a coward, I must say typicaly expected from a snail eating, baguette baking, can't drive if his life counted on it, short, I smoke five packs a day, I drink a shot of pastis before I get out of bed then go driving but it does not matter because like stated I can't drive anyhow Frenchie. you degenerate slime eating spineless sea cucumber! I win! I win by default! *happy dance* ok I'll give you three more days you "godwheredidalltheseamericantouristscomefrom?letspretendwedon'tunderstandthem" frenchie!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robo-labrat: Just so you know, Robomouse is my son's online identity, i had to check the old posts to see if he was wandering in here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> aww so sentimental.. I think I steped on something called Robomouse.. made a soft squishy and *eek* sound, was quite satisfying, makes it more so knowing it was one of your fuzzy genetic offspring that you managed to spawn into this world. Man this is too krewl.. wait I think a tear is comming to my eye.. uh uh... no wait.. nope sorry no go, dry as the inside of that egg like cranium of yours. Maybe if I step on another one of your spawn a wave of emotion will come over me, send'm over. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-20-2000).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-20-2000).]
  14. well fellow Poolers, here is a small itsy witsy update for you all, one I forgot to put pants on today so its a little breezy at the momment, (sit down Crudda and heres a penny and don't spend it all at one place now you hear). two, Kiniggits schmiggits its a Title no more (at least till I get the title). Right now back to some real juicy news Peng Battle: After minutes of silence and my troops waiting in ambush, Trooper Hanz (who will be shot), could not hold it in any more after eating 5kg (thats 11 lbs for all you lugg heads who have not entered the metric system like the rest of the world) let loose with a loud but harty *brraaaffff*. At first pengs troops thought damn the jerries are using chemical weapons again... but which chemical weapon has a aftersmell of speck? (that pork for you non-german speakers).. so they opted to give Hans's unit a more "iron/metal based diät"... they are now seen running for the nearest WC (thats washroom/toilet for you un-educated boobs). So after seeing in discust this act next to them the rest of the Hamsters lay in ambush mode and lo and behold the Pungster troops walk right in my ambush, intelligence posts that at least one maybe two units of pengkomons running back to the safety of mamas arms. Gobsmakboy: Well what can I say, nothing to be seen... aside of a few harmless houses that have appeared to have anoyed Andy's army and recieved a swift arty spanking.. nothing... tell me andreas its turn 10 from 40 you may want to do something, like ohh ADVANCE!!?? Scrodum: He's hiding he's Dying He's running.. this is not alot of fun.. oh ok yes it is. Spuka: where is me round you Fig brain? SpawnBroom: Just started so nothing witty to say about this Baguetteboy. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-20-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally puked up by Robomouse: Thats what happens when you function with your head firmly wedged up your solids elimination orifice<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh I guess I should learn from you then? wedging it up others aft orifices? here's a penny now leave me alone.
  16. stop stop the quotes pllleeeaazzz or I'll start talking like dees watsa goings ons? mesa likesa you yousa likesa mesa?.... aarrgh.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Spewed by Scrodas dirty mouth: Don't start quoting StarWars with me, young Jedi.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> crap not only is he a bad PBEM player (stratigic like) he's a damn Star Wars freek.. I knew I smelled something bad when I signed up for this chicken Unit.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally spewed by PawBroon: …Must be dwarfing to leave in the shadow of one who's showing true brilliance most of the time…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you think Andreas is Brilliant.. ya your right a brilliant puff tart maybe but thats about it. if you were meaning yourself... HA! your brilliance has the power of a 0.05 Watt bulb and I dare say that is no sun in our system but a small peck in the void of this pool. chowder down on my Op and don't choke on the chucky bits. Ok my new favorite baguette boy, bon chance, one day you may be as sharp as a block of cheeze… there is hope yet. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-19-2000).]
  19. dear Ms. PrawnBroom, This my dear lass was a light harted slap to your chubby greasy smeared face with my white glove... which is now soiled.. (sending you the cleaning bill). If you wish I can send you a Operation I made; you may look through it, play it if you wish and If you think you have a pair big enough... we will be fighting on it soon. accept or crawl to a small dark hole and quiver in fear, the challange states for all to google at with thier puggie little beedy eyes. PS my sponser is someone whos last part of the name rymes with toy. -------- "My God they are using real ammunition!" [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-19-2000).]
  20. Today is "pick on a random Cesspooler", today is PawBroon up for trashing. PawBroon; who is this "I got nothing in my pants, oh help me god what have I become" Cesspooler? PawBroon:P is for the Pathetic Atomic brain which resides in his head, A is for the Agnostic attitude he holds, W is for the Wussyness which he abides in his games, B is for the Baffoon which people see him as, R is for the ridiculous standing he has in the Pool, O and O is for the outstanding oder that reeks from his atrophied body, N is for the nimcompoop for beeing the first "pick on the cesspooler" <h5>no animals were harmed or tested on by this test (PawBroon rates under poolscum so is not considered an animal)</h5>
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blathered by Scroda: … And cute little YK2 wasn't even a part of the conversation…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Scrodum my dear peanut sized brain friend you still have to learn na? Women/Girllies always find a way in conversations where they are not wanted or expected.. they are sneeky, low lying, got a headache when I want, ooh I need new shoes, look at that Pully is 50% off, why don't you like my family, cheeting tussies! not to mention they can pull the rug from under you when you least expect it playing a hotseat. *rant* ------------- tip 245 how to win against women "look over there is that a Fall sale by that shoe store?"
  22. LOL good one.. I bet they still have the problem, when it sees a Firefly it pops a smoke and goes into reverse..grr
  23. ok LADIES, yes my pbem slaves. I have sent out all files to you all I'm waiting.... still waiting...... wait, wait... damn you skinless dry pressed roadents send your files back! ha muh ha haha!
  24. ok girls (von Lucke) like other people I work and I work a nice 10-13 hour day layoff. Stuka and I are almost finished... I await the last turn from Sledge... lets see if he does a mad last dash for the flag tactic. von luck I have a suggestion.. have you icq? if not dl and we can wrap up our battle quick if you are so bored with me. I like CM very much and most pbem players I have are also very patiant.. you want to trash me come to the peng file... heh stuka has.. and its quite a bit of fun. out. ---------- "shoot him again his toe is still twiching"
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