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Everything posted by mensch

  1. ok people I'm taking a bet the prize is a suprize (no not a ride in a van) heh give me your guess when Peng Thread hits 2000 you have to give the date and time. the one that is on target or the closest wins and gets... something from germany sent to them. (I'll try to confirm the exact time with BTS). just a note any altered dates will disqualify you from the Bet so first guess it written in stone Im writing down the dates from each person to make sure.. also all times will be assumed from EST. ---- Thats not fair they have Tigers! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-01-2000).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-01-2000).]
  2. its this Monty Python bug that was reported months ago.. I'm suprized BTS has not fixed it yet.
  3. kinda thougth that was funny with the Voles but you know why, you see it was a ++ censored by the Canadian Govermenet ++ and thats why.. now you know...
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: While the Beaver may be a proud and noble animal (although some people would dispute even that), it is about as good as a weapon of war as a Ram. Tis a fish, anyway. They used quite a lot of Beavers trying to stop buffaloes from crossing the Rhine, but to no avail... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought they used the assult Moose M-43? at the Sigfried Line? or did they eventually use those Engineer Beaver Brigade at Köln? [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-31-2000).]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: …the Mother of all Threads, aka the Peng thread… Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I keep telling every one the Biggest Thread is the one that my grandmother has from her thread collection its a blue colour and rolled up in a ball the height of a King Tiger... now thats a thread.
  6. I have heard of that Beaver attack on the 12thSS on June 6th it took them totaly by suprize although that strange phenomenom of exploding tanks was never explained and quite hushed up by the Canadian Gov't. no but serriously I heard that the reason is ++ censored by the authority of the Goverment of Canada ++ and thats why! now you know!
  7. update for my group(e's) mailcity is acting up so look for a file the latest friday (hopefully)..grrr. and sorry for the mix up it started off without a clear def. file name structure and it got my hamster brain confused. btw all will fall before my troops (dead or laughing one or the other...heh)
  8. come to think of it when I placed my rifle squads in trees and this bug of disapering troops happen to me.. are you sure they are not Carniverous Trees.. and ate my troops.. ooh (que X-files music) or possible that the mole men do exist and abducted my rifle squad right under thier feet?? (again que X-files music) damn I thought something was fishy there… fish! hey come to think of it most of the time it happened they were near a body of water, any one see those ripples in the water and that mysterious humps that nobody can get a real sharp photo of...(music please) Thats it I'm calling DC and asking Mulder what the hell is going on.
  9. I would do it but I don't know how to the animation for the flames and smoke, since thats what it looks like 12sec into the first round of any game. ----- "People who think they know everything are very irritating to those of us who do." -Anon.
  10. they are mostly burning and crashing in a Hell fury as my Wirbelwinds nails'em! muhahaha!
  11. though you guys would love this.... we want to see them in the next CM2! <image src="http://www.shadowsfolly.com/images/Germany/Sturmtiger_04.jpg"> you can see the BLOODY ROUND!!! <image src="http://www.shadowsfolly.com/images/Germany/Sturmtiger_02.jpg">
  12. dude.. heh I did.. or did I.. crap.. er.. *sqeek*
  13. ok who here is intersted in seeing some webcam action by BTS or shots from the office that brought us great game titles like COMBAT HAMSTERS, BATTLE OF THE GERBIL?? I do speak up you Rodents! ------- "If I put this little bit here and change this to 3 rather than 2, then run the code… it doesn't work. Okey, change that back to 2 and remove that little bit, then run again. It's still not working. Oh bugger." -Wade Tregaskis, "REAL" Woes
  14. my eyes hurt from reading.. was that turn 20+ when the Gerbils ate the hamsters? or turn 30+ when the lab mice shot the cow catapult and flatened fuzzy bunny's Mark IV? hmmm me confused.. guys they (BTS) are working hard on the game and it works for me, get a PBEM going so you dont have this prob anymore.. or wait a challange!! make a operation or battle that works... I did.. bug hunting and all (thanks germanboy, Scan and Jadayne). ------ "we didn't loose the game; we just ran out of time" -Vince Lambardi
  15. hey cool now we have more celebs here! ------- "If I put this little bit here and change this to 3 rather than 2, then run the code… it doesn't work. Okey, change that back to 2 and remove that little bit, then run again. It's still not working. Oh bugger." -Wade Tregaskis, "REAL" Woes [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-30-2000).]
  16. here's a nut rant but I want to see it in the next update.. *sigh* its the equivalent to the ARVE... (I think) <image src="http://www.shadowsfolly.com/images/Germany/brumbaer.jpg"> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-29-2000).]
  17. don't know if this counts as a malfunction but something awlful happened inside one of my Tigers.. it was sitting pretty and all I hear is a hatch open and the guys run out...??? all I know when tankers do this (me being a ex-tanker, and hearing stories from the older guys in our unit) is when the main guns round does not go off and just hear the fireing ping go *plunk* and no *boom* then its.. OUT OUT OUT! (yes we had those crapy 76mm on our Cougers) that or the commander forgot he ate 1kg of Sauerkraut and six Bratwurstchen before getting in the tank... heh
  18. Sturmkompanie, kick ass all the way. to bad one can not buy them in platoon size bites... *sigh* my favorate Alllied Troops are the ones lying dead on the field nbs, canadian rifle platoons with an extra case of Labatt's in the Jeep and 10Kg backbacon to boot!
  19. translation you mean or access to change the graphics to german?...hey fellow Hannover'er cool.
  20. got me going finaly with all my people in my div section, just to say you all can surrender now if you want there is no discrace. Foward HO! got some nice hill action going in some of the PBEMs.. worth seeing if all that sneeking in valleys are going to pay off! although Stuka I have about as much tree coverage on my side of the map as if a LumberJack wanted to hit his quota for the month..grrr going to feel like a charge of the Light Brigade for a turn or two..
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brian Rock: …If you can come up with the sources to confirm they were more-or-less regularly used they'll put them in. Something like that just happened with the Canadians in a recent patch.… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yup I can do that, and if they want, when I get home Ill get all the references, they were quite often used in Anti Tank companies.. but Ill get back to you on this and for BTS. The Canadians used them all through the Normandy campaigns.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys: I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the crop circles or cattle abductions in the game yet. Michael <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's true I saw it myself! it came out of the sky.. blue it was, or no at first blue then a dark steel blue.. then some one yelled "crap those are 150mm RICKETS" then I knew fear cuz the rifle squad next to me was gone.. like like they NEVER existed... was unreal... (interview with Hajo Klingsman 9th SS Div, from the Book "Our doomed attack against General germanboy") ------- "The problem with cats is that they get the same exact look whether they see a moth or an ax murderer." - Paula Poundstone - [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-29-2000).]
  23. the last time it happened I was on 1.04 have to see if 1.05 is Klingon proof or that damn captain Kirk lost power to his transporters.. heh..
  24. would you be liking that in Phonetics? I leyec Foneticks thay ar fun
  25. Oh the Peng file is like a fine glass of red wine to enjoy slowly and take in small portions to realy enjoy the flavor and quality.. hmm not sure if it would take to much programming I would guess two or three personalites per Nationality (just means duplicating ie tiger programming and modify it for commander or HQ?) hmm well I'll let BTS alone they have enough suggestions for the next 10 years..heh Hey even if that is to much then I would like to then just see a Tank HQ, talking about tanks I wonder why the canadians don't have M10's for an option to buy... They did have them but one has to use the American list if you want to use them kinda frustrating when I am making a historical battle when the 3rd Canadian Div meets up with the 12th SS Div. concidering they had them.. kinda ruins it when you see american tanks there.
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