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Everything posted by mensch

  1. well other side of the planet other time zones... when you see my postings starting at 20:00 you know Im up late. -------- Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-01-2000).]
  2. Bullethead you have nothing to do but ask for change on the street for enough money to get in the cybercafe and spew such vommit (with chuckybits™). Spoochie you git you left me out again like that locked child in the attic... you slom™ (pattenpending) I have the key and came under to see the newcommer Puddy-Tat. btw you football head wheres my challange pbem... coward! frauen versteher, weich Ei!!! (hope you can read german if not... tough) Puddy-Tat you'll have to use the same litter box Peeks uses... he was warned three times not to go in the garten... the ingreatfull git. Frenchie you knocked out a few things with wheels and you think your winning... you overcooked bagguette! send the file back you hog.. and stop drooling on it, everytime you do that my computer starts to spark and shut down.... I am asuming that is drool on it... eeeww.. come to think of it you do spend alot of time in the washroom.. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Are you a revisionist? Face it Pikachu, a Greyhound, some Jeeps MG and grunts in under 60 sec for a single SPW doesn't qualify as a lightning fast victory. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you sick short snail eating man... how you remember I have dispatched your flamethrower team too and cut up your squads very nicely that moved over slightly open ground... that allone paid off the loss of the M8 and one jeep so I'm out a jeep and three troopers.. I recall hearing alot "ow my leg" in german from your side... lick your wounds Le Puf I'm a comming. --------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. New UPDATES
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: We grandfathered mensch in as a Knight because he was insane, and foreign, and everyone felt awful for him losing to his wife, didn't we? I mean, I know the sod has been posting on the Board forever, but his status here was a direct outgrowth of pity, right? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Senoochie you worm, you rotting corps.. challange your wife.. girlfriend or rubber sex doll (mostlikely a print out of some chick from Thumbzilla hanging on your wall) and i stick my tounge out at you from my helm... I am kicking Cruddas deflated butt, win inevitable, Mr. Frenchie PeaBloom is going down and fast... Peng.. well if we ever find each other in that fog and that Newfie wannabe ever sends his file to me I could report more, but apparently he's happy holding on to it and drooling dreaming of a win but like a 13 year olds wet dream, and all he has waiting for him is his LEGO set awaiting him. If I did not have 14 PBEMs goin on at the time.. wait one is almost over with von Lucke... I challange your crusty ass to a round in the ring with Mr. Prince Charming himself.... me. yup you jellyfish eljaculation, *smack* goes the Iron gauntlet of MENSCH THE HANSOM has spoken send me the set up you infidel!!! I COMMAND THEE! PS you forgot to add hes a Canuck ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-31-2000).]
  5. croda.. surrender and while your at it surrender in our pbem.. no chance no fear.. all prisoners will be treated well.. only force to watch soobydoo re-runs..
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Four Stringer: I don't know about anyone else, but I have a hard time feeling ANY sympathy for someone who has problems while playing CM at WORK! Jealousy rears its ugly head. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hehe.. no no don't get me wrong.. lunchtime and after work.. and I stick by that story as long as I still have 9 and a half fingers..hehehe... -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-30-2000).]
  7. sure this belongs to the tech forum but since this is here.. anyone notice the game sometimes slows down on the G4?? some pbems run smothly at home on my 6500/300 mac, but at work here on the G4 it sometimes chokes.. I hear shooting explotions but the screen is frozen till the 60secs are up.. whats up with this? ------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  8. Well fellow Knigits of the Obtruce table I am back... yes after a somewhat of a bloody hard weekend keeping the wife calm and not going to the computer every five minutes it was,..öh fun. so small update for the small minds here in the pool. PrawnBroom: He has dispatched two of my awsome "Tiger" MG Jeeps.. oh well they only cost a few point... bummer about my M8.. it is now warming up the local area and the crew are digging for marshmellows to cook. aside from that little action on the side.. my troops are pulling a classic Russian tactic.. "human titalwave" seems to be working could backfire but who cares as long as Prawnie's flamethrower keeps shooting way over my troops heads.. I'm a smiling. Girlyboy: battle on hold due to heavy consuming of grass and Beer. Actually beta testing a battle for a friend.. and it only takes Three hours to plot your moves! this map is not huge, this map is not large! this map is the god damn planet! but looks fun. Krudda: Just waiting for my win as usual, hes dead he don't know it, just surrender like a good peon otherwise you won't last as long as a worms fart. Stuckya: new battle on the way classic armour battle engagement no.. not Kursk but we'll try to shine as bright as it. Pengkomon: well its foggy.. not much to report but the Pengster is making me chuckle by poping smoke in the fog... like I said Pookoman, your just pissing in the Ocean in hopes it swells to over come me... and stop that you making the water go all yellow... you should also go to the doctor about that green tinge it leaves.. that looks not healthy. well that wraps it up you hasenkruddel heres a penny now leave me alone. ------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Compassion: ... In any event, hopefully I'll have a full time hotseat partner...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would watch it Compassion... very bad stuff letting the wife/girlfriend do a hotseat with you...if you let them win..ya.. thats it, ...let them win; they think wow I'm better then my man! hehehe (girly giggle). But then you have the problem with loudmouthed seacucumbers like germanboy posting these things in the cesspool (bugger him) hehe but.. and I say butwhen you start wining.. they loose interest faster then a mayflies lifespan... maybe even shorter. Plus sitting there explaining things can make there brains to hot and everyone knows thats a bad thing... flash a shoe catalog and it cools down It's cute though to see her so confused when infantry go from walking (threes) down to (two) then (one) and then ask, "why are they sleeping?" *tee hee* then you say "gee schnuggelbär, thats cuz they are dead or wounded" "oh?" says the wife "then show me how this forward thing works" "forward what?" I says "ya this artillery guy" replys the wife "er, what do you want to do with your...WHAT! you bought a 14" FO!!!!!" *my eyes buldging out* "is that bad?" she replies "er no.. no not at all.. ok well um lets see, you select where you want him to call in the artillery.. I'll look away while you plot" *sweating now* "finished!, your turn" she says with a slight evil smile. "ok, I'll do my orders" (I give orders to my guys to bug out and run like hell.. that will learn her) *battle goes on for a while and I'm counting the time, I figure I got about 4 minutes till MR. DEATH comes, but ha ha.. I'll move in real close to her, cuz any idiot would not call a arty on thier own position, right? right!?* (you sit down germanboy) end of story... yup she targeted about 300m infront of her and all hell breaks loose, explosions like I have never ever seen in my life, blowing chunks out of the map and distibuting ample body parts for effect.. women go figure. ------------ Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  10. Dear mr. I have my hand in my pants SPUKA... as much as your touting and hooting on how you won this battle I must conclude or assume that 1) this is an outside game in a Soup er Bowl (sorry could not resist) and was never a personal challange posted in the Pool it was forced on me.. ya thats it I was forced to play your crummy army on crummy terms set by crummy rules. 2) Lorak I surrendered cus the month is up and getting presure from the head leader and other peons from the group cuz I'm too slow sending pbems, they can all bite me.. (sit down PENG) and if I didn't get the rounds finished by the end of month we or at least I get booted from the superbowl due to some (I won't name names) complaining Im slow.. I may be slow in thinking I may be slow in Love making (which is a good thing) hmmm... *drool* *slap* ok... I may be slow in my witty yet enjoyable responses to the bacteria born block heads here... so Mr.Spuka as an official challange to you here in this forum no holds bars (although visiting them is ok) I slap your zit ridden face with my IRON GAUNTLET, ew damn now its full of puss and skin.. damn you thats going to cost you. I'll set you up all right my boy, strap on your rubber suit and bring your cat-o-nine tails... the Wonderful hansom and extremly sex bomb Mensch is comming your way. Don't bother with the lipstick your not my type (put that lipstick away Senoochie your not my type either) I'm sending you a quick battle and its quite big just to tick you off and make your machine crash everytime you try to load each pbem. you'll be sitting in the ranks of Cruda.. dead, wounded and hiding from reality. dying time is here and I got your headstone, bring your own bodybag otherwise I'm leaving you out to rot and dry in the wind before I stick you in a shallow grave. --------- mensch Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-27-2000).]
  11. Crudda get it right my little sweaty luv puppet its a bloody Churchhill! not a Cromwell you might as well say your puma is a TIGER.. scheesch... you must be wearing those super tight pink thongs.. cuz your brain is not working... hmmm tight pink thongs... BRB.
  12. so frenchie... taste those .50cals... heres a tip geh nicht mit geschlossene Augen in Krieg the master has spoken. if you can't understand.. hmm tough. muhahahaha (cue evil thunder and ominous dark clouds). -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. I sit comfy on my couch and ponder what is this for a life.. why am I here? what do I have to show for myself and why are my fish always swimming backwards? Many things have come to mind but no solid answers, more questions come to me.... why is my tiger sitting there immobile by a forest? what did I do to deserve this? why can I smell the ronchy smell from sPuKa all the way from Oz? and what is up with him? Spuka you are not skum you are not even those little chocolate bits left behind by the easterbunny, NOOO you you... you are the cheeze found between the clit of a 5000 year old mummified sex doll. If you managed to do anything is make me laugh hard. you mummble about status... status, what is this... well for one you are about fourth from the bottom of the evolution chain.. sitting right between Mollosk herpies and Bacteria warts. may a flying Pellican with a bad case of the runs fly over you and excrete a foul 5 day old rotting fish on your head. nuf said.. by the way though those photos you sent were wild.. but one question how you hold that position while your girlfriend hangs from the celing lamp... I'm impressed, the second picture with the black and decker work horse.. speachless. Now back to the other lower life forms in this room yes you..no not you peng sit down I was refering to Cruda.. yes my small hairless leperous friend... heres a tip. Try breathing this stuff the rest of us do.. its called oxygen.. it helps the brain work.. you loosing.. I just nailed your "super wonder weapon" that was to kill my Churchhill.. it lasted as long as a Fleas fart. your puma is hiding from every possible ally of fire and your troops siting in those houses are pansies, thats right mr. "I have not slept with a woman for five years, but it don't matter cuz I cant keep it up anyhow" (PeeBroom sit down) surrender and I promice I won't laugh.. ok much. Peng the files on the way die lots now .. if we can ever find each other in this fog... good set up me boy.. wonderful.. where did you learn how to make Quick Battles.. sheesch! I think you been letting Gerbiltoy sit on your lap wispering sweet nothings into that hollow head of yours. now if I forgot anyone Im not sorry.. bite me... no not you Senoochie sit down. It strikes me funny, the more I play against you boobs the better I feel.. why you ask? well that my little kiddies is another story now all of you up to bed and sleep tight... no Heer Orbst you cant sleep in the same bed with Punzer hes complaining he's having trouble sitting down... off you go now, foosh foosh off now... and if your lucky daddy is going to tuck you in with this staplegun. mensch --------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. Hi all you Rusty, smell like urine, have not washed in five years, can't find your nads with both hands Knights of the octagonal table... a small update. WE! the people the little guys who serve your meals (which we spit in), wash your cows and shave your wifes backs are revolting! (and no not the "ugh revolting little bugger he") <h1>RISING</h1> up against you all. you see we are better then you because we have one thing that you Nuggits don't have... Deoderant, clean underpants and those little yummy chocholate bits one finds at the bottom of the cookie bag when your finished eating the lot. Die lots now... I predict this, My first win against Gerbiltoy. My first win against Pengkomon My first win agianst PeeBroom so heres a penny now go leave me alone. -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. Just don't get her to sit down with you and play a hotseat game.. I may spew alot of crap and talk loud ...but trust me on this one. ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  16. boy I'm glad I got left out of that list Smoda... you forgot yourself more in detail Croda: Although his mom said if he does not cut that out he will go blind and hair will grow on his palms.. apparently rumor has it he goes through at least four disposible razor blades a week just shaving his palms.. as for the blindness, well as long as he knows were the command-U button combo is its fine by me. ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-25-2000).]
  17. AAAGGGHHHH! two days without playing CM!!! IM DYING (stop clapping germanboy)... it terrible horrible utmost discusting... like that pbem that PENG set up for us.. I need a knife just to cut through the FOG! whats this Currently Babroo is back.. Ho Hum! ooh is that a cookie I see...brb... ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. von Lucky, and Puka, you both are unbelivable! Lucky I got you where I want you.. you just think you have control... try prying that flag from my troops hands.. you don't advance on me cuz you know a full company is sitting there and waiting for your Humpsters to come in, do you feel lucky? Mr. von Lucky? Puka you placebo brain My Tiger is still unbeatable and yer anyoing FO is worm food, me troops are coming to kick some A** and chew bubblegum and I'm allll out of bubblegum! -------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: …But they tell me shame builds character...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya character for all the lads around you, laughing it up and poking us with pointy ended marsupials. I personaly use possums.. lots of pointy ends on that thing... rip'er arm off they will. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: 1st defeat since August....Just lost to Peng......I am humbled <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 1st defeat by Peng... I am Cheeze.. not the typical store cheeze I like to think of my self of more a aged but slightly fuzzy Gouda. ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  21. I use Lycos and sometimes files get scrambled.. I found if the opponent .zips, .sit the file I have no problems. ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  22. *punt* ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-23-2000).]
  23. Hey Mr. Im to hot for my own pants Skoda, for the last time press the damn control-U button will you and then the "Yes" Button! it appears you have a few sandwiches short of a picknick while you think you will win this game of ours... your Puma? (got some kinda of ID on it) is zipping around like a little child not knowing if it should go pee pee in those woods or those.. oh what the heck do it in your pants. your troops are jampacked in those houses and my Tigerkiller ® Churchhill as a beed on one slowly you'll have no houses left to hide in and no option to do anything BUT surrender... be a good Chia Pet and keep still while I pull out the lawnmower and mow your sorry excuse for a Buttocks. -------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-23-2000).]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: That must have hurt... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not as much as War and Peace... that was a footnote compared to what Senoochie or Pengkomon can spew... --------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: probably better than his drinking skills Someone buy the boy a baby-cham and let him rip PeterNZ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which prob. amounts to spilling half of it over himself and the table... but still getting drunk... go figure. -------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
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