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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: …least five neurons firing harmoniously together for a period of no less than than 0.5 nanoseconds, kudos to your therapist!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha! fool fortunatly my therapist is the same that treated you four years ago for that tree fetish you had... we still make jokes about how in New England there is not a virgin** tree to be found..heh.. ya.. **<h6>actually Stukas father nailed most of the trees in 69' but due to that poison Ivy incident, he went into early retirement. Fortunatly or unfortunatly that meant 14 years of tree growth that went unmolested till Stuka came into manhood.. or should I say Treehood</h6>
  2. blabbered by MeowMeow It appears that you have more an interest in playing with guys then with women, maybe that's your problem. You've gotten so used to boys you've forgotten how much fun it is to be with a woman . . . or perhaps you've not experienced that at all? I mean the name "Germanboy" does kind of invoke lurid images of of gay fetishists dressed in shiny black latex and spanking each other with paddles while shouting, "You've been a bad little boy! Touch the monkey! Touch it!!" --------------- I kinda liked that sentence... you know I do remember something about PootNzer saying he got a buch a photos from Jailbaitboy a while back of him in some kinky black outfit with sealback straps.. ahhh but maybe I was mistaken by the posting of Scoonoochies experimenting with small fuzzy animal pics. na ja what ever.. both had leather in it. ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: …and I flare a nostril at you all....... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> damn you Stuka thats my gambit!! *flare nostrils* its my job you here now go back to your hole! ya the one you crawled out of.. btw. you 0.05W bulb I'm going to clobber you in our PBEM... I SMELL VICTORY!!!... *sniff, sniff*.. no thats you... damn boy did the Utilities cut off your water again!?? ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: mensch - Endgame is so much fun, isn't it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya since I'm winning.. man you got a few sandwiches short of a picknick, you stop breathing oxygen again?? ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. yup got a game going on with Kitty... watch it shes got claws... she beat me on the first game we had..but (everyone together now) "but mensch your wife can beat you so whats the diff!!" ok shut your holes you fermenting fig worms! At least she had the decency to kill ALL my men on the field. and use my Tanks as temporary Lighting fixtures for the night battle. -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  6. <center> Dig. 102-D</center> Why the U.S. use ferrets for troops. 1. One normal trooper two boots, one ferret one boot. 2. they sneek behind enemy lines and chew on the cables of tanks and vehicles so they don't start 3. would you shoot something as cute as this? (see Dig. 102-D) 4. normal trooper eats 5kg of food a day. Ferrets eat about anything they find.. Hamsters, Nuts (ie.. stuka. he's a nut). 5. they don't scream "ow my leg" the just go "sqeek!"** ** <h5>sqeek is much about all they can say but to a ferret squeek has many meanings.. like "hey thats my chew toy!" or "not tonight honey I got a headache". Other examples are "Jerry ahead 200m you can see his pointy head sticking out of the foxhole, you go around I'll sneek up on him and pee on his shoulder". The best advantage is the enemy does not know if the enemy ferret is not up for sex tonight or is wounded in the leg. </h5> ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-07-2000).]
  7. I'm sure this has been discussed to no end and I tried a search but my lethargic abilities can't find it. if you have the thread post it so this does not turn into DO A SEARCH thread. ok here it goes: A PBEM'er is running and driving off anything that he has on the map because its going bad before he/it/she pushes the command-U for surrender. does this (exited troops) not count for my victory points when he surrenders? if he/it/she does this on the last few round just to wait out the game, should this count as a retreat from that player and I get more VP? is this player penalized for this? I mean I have driven off Trucks or Gun carriers when they have no more funktion to me, instead of waiting for them to get shot up by some tank or platoon... but running off full squads on turn 28 out of 30 just so if he surrenders it does not count as captured troops.... major "gamey" I would not say but If I was the enemy force and saw a pull out and a bunch of guys standing infront of me I would capture the twits holding those little white flags and send a force to go get the rest of those idiots running back.. or at least chase them with arty or tankfire. thanks for the help if you can guide me to the right thread if it exists or answers that you give. mensch ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook: you'd see that what I've described isn't too far-fetched.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> quite right Spook... if it were say a company like.. (won't mention names) it would be like "ok, we were a crossplatformed game, but we need this patch to make more cash and pull in mindless users, so lets put out the PC patch first" "but sir its not working 100%!!" "shut up you welp my Whindoos was 30% funtional when I brought it out to the market and they were on it like flies to moms baked shortbreads, anyhow we can get G section to work on a service pack, but make god damn sure when they do the users have to upgrade thier Lan system I got 50% shares in all major companies so I want more cash!!!" *drool* "hes drooling again." "what what did you say your kreetin! and when we have enough time make a patch for those.. M a c users.. make sure the connection between Mac and PC sux, that way they'll get frustrated and buy a pc and then they will have to have my OS on it! muahahaha" "but sir they are a loyal bunch and..." "hush minion! just cuz that damn Goverment forced me to give Steevie a check does not mean I can shaft him other ways!" "you know I think hes gone off the deepend this time poor users..." "you! you there what did you say...pooor users..lookie what the Goverment is doing to me and you saaaay poor users! I need to by Australia when I retire! hush or be thrown to my wife!" "damn I hate when he pulls his wife in to his fights" ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-06-2000).]
  9. I guess a update computer from you guys are out of the question? hmm what did you use G4's? if so Put me on the mailing list for the Upgrade G4 (500 Mhz would be nice).. boy its so nice of you guys to do this.. I mean what service! or the cube. ya the cube would be great! ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-06-2000).]
  10. Alright you slackjawed foot worms new update.. Pengkomon: still no contact, still no shooting, still no return pbem file from ya you peck... and don't give me "my work place observes my activities".. you can do the round between chasing your kids with a toilet brush and wooing your wife with that garlic toothpaste you bought. Gurkeboy: We decided playing the whole German army against the Allied Armies combined was no fun besides Andy was shooting at me in France all the way from Africa... new challange to the drunken git - BuchholzStation. Die-lots-now™. Snooka: What can I say... well best not cuz he'll complain again.. lost another tank you dolt.. watch out!.. uh that tiger. its uh.. sleeping ya thats it.. Screamoochie: Still no file, still no responce.. he appears to be spending more time trying to write up ways to insult me then setting up a pbem... so far a week and a half and no pbem. Does this count as a default win... Kitty thinks so. Sludge: budda budda budda.. you think a bumrush like that is going to win you the game? Pfffft... you make me laugh.. I kill you last. PooBeem: after making my left flank food for worms I just hope my other attack pays off.. otherwise I'll be polishing this damn frenchies boot for the next little while. PuddyKat: Wooped my butt and large..*hmmm* new battle on the pipe payback time is here. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: So you're really cut off til then? I owe you big time for that setup... please put me first. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hey I don't see anywhere "whoohoo.. 1500!.. your slacking Mark IV ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: I sit, therefore, I am.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you smell, therefore, you stink. heres a penny, now go leave us alone. --------------- <a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-05-2000).]
  13. I second Pengs "gah" "GAH" ---------------- <a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blathered by Seanachaipoo: bla.. poo poo.. whine... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya what ever… I'm still waiting for the pbem you mouldy fish. *sigh* what does it realy take to get a pbem from you... I'm growing old waiting for it.
  15. Ah I see Der Sac Senoochie has responded... you see my dear stuby friend, you boast your inteligence and of your a studlyness ooh! you sound like a 14 year old boasting how many times he had a roll in the sack.. but unlike a 14 year old that has more luck with woman, the best pickup like this poor sod has is "I washed this month". BTW schooch jacking off in the washroom under the table and behind the door does not count as sex. unless your a skizzo. I'm actually contemplating in recanting my challange to such a disabled, zit faced, pompus school child as you. six words you wanker... grow up and send the file. here's a penny, now go leave me alone. ------- <a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-04-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Just so you all know, I haven't responded to anyone's PBEMs, I have them, I'm busy, so bugger off and stop resending them in those, "Um, in case you haven't received this, here's the last turn," E-mails. Slapdragon, if you send me a set-up, I'll be happy to put you in a position that even modern medical science will not be able to fix. Whizkid, didn't you post on the main forum that you'r 69 years old? What kind of a moron plays video games when he's 69? Listen, old man, turn around, go find your nearest toothless cronie and start a game of bridge. You can taunt them with lines like, "I'm gonna come over there and beat you to death with my dentures," or "You're gonna need Full Body Viagra when I'm done with you" or even the ever-popular "I've had colostomy bags with better playing ability than you!" Watch out for that last one, as it involves an exclamation point and, at your age, you really should lay off those things. By the way, in the last three days I've had sex 11 times, climbed a mountain and worked with only 13 hours of sleep. That pretty much overmatches your experiences for the last three years, don't it? Now there is an issue I've been meaning to take care of, that of the momma-joke telling Mensch. Once Mensch stops sobbing about the cancellation of The Golden Girls, finally realizes he's got a solid pair of tin-plated cajones and sends me a setup, I'm going to destroy him. Yes, Mensch, I'm going to tear your head off your neck, shove said head deep into the ass of the nearest constipated bovine, sharpen that pencilneck with my trusty jackknife and use it to write, "Died Trying" on your tombstone. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> your on stubby.
  17. LOG BOOK (cpt Mensch - 001103): It's been days since my last challange to the fuffy moss ridden Senoochie, no report back from the git, me fears he as eaten to much cheeze and is sitting on the can in hopes a bowl movement comes. I have checked Engineering and all systems are go with emails, although Scitty says that Pengkomon has been attempting to send me photos of him in his ballet tu tu... I have ordered Scitty to go to Dr. Beens for intensive Psycological assesment since he is the only one that accidently opened a email from Pengkomon... poor git keeps blubbering about harry buttock cheeks.. damn. Another report from Spook worries me tough, it also seems that Stuka-onna-stick is rabbling about his brilliant stratagy knowhow and its disturbing the crew, because everyone knows whats worse then a git that knows it all is a git that thinks he knows it all and has no clue.. next time I see the quack I'll give him a full dose of my Superkillerdeathraygun™. captin out --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: …unless your'e playing Menschy-I-lost-to-the-wife-again)…<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hold your tounge you critten! she was wearing the fluffy undergarments dammit I could not concentrate. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Mensch: His initial advance of four! Tigers (hows that for gamey, Andreas?) has killed a Wolverine in turn one, now the scaredy kitty-katz have popped so much smoke in which to hide my men are getting bored and have resorted to handball against the hulls of their tanks to pass the time....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you think its a four tiger advance? LOL you poor poor fool I said my "ohh I forgot my brain at the door Stuka onna Stick" the 101st Hvy Armour Div...a Squadron is FIVE (5) TIGERS... TWO SQUADRONS are 10 TIGERS... die-lots-now™ ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-03-2000).]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whizkid: …am completely cowed by the overwhelming weight of your adjectives,metaphors,and grammatical excellence.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I guess you have not been here long, one thing the lads here don't have, is all of the above... cowed huh? sorry we don't do farm animals - wrong thread <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I realize now that I have unwittingly blundered into a part of Combat Mission that I never knew existed,and abjectly beg your forgiveness.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First lesson never admit you are wrong you welp!!! Appaling ick ick ew you sniveling GIT. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>(Whizkid wanders off,head hung low,and tears streaming down his pale cheeks)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> pansy.. get get going back to the hole in which you slithered out of!... C.M.O.T. Mensch has spoken... btw.. wanna buy a Stuka onna Stick? ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally boo hooed by Elijah Meeks: a) if you cannot post something that makes me either laugh uncontrollably or sob like a little girl or c)storm around the room looking for something to bash to death <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> sorry MUCKS, to answer to your ramblings of a mad man. a) sorry no pictures of your mom to post. the last date you had that we think was with a woman but rumor has it was a rubber sex doll and c) the gazillionth time a woman looked at you and laughed real hard she pee'd herself. so my small pudgy powder puff girl thats the answers why the postings seem so small comparted to the 40 page long ramblings you manage to spew out before a breakfast of used tampons.. maybe if you started taking that medicine the doctor gave you things may seem a little happier no? btw your fly is open ------------
  21. update: <center>my head hurts, DO SOMETHING!</center> -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  22. Babel fish is as usefull as a colen probe... its as useless as the space Pengkomon, Puka, Sludge and PooBrood take up. Come to think of it Herr Gemuse your using up to much of our Oxygen.... hold your breath for the next few years... Eier is slang for Balls no not the ones you play with.. well ok come to think of it.. no no no... (sit down germanboy) bis der Artz kommt (sp last time) is like saying you can wait till the cows come home or something in that art. so you don't like my german huh? leck mich... (you sit down Senoochie) --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally complained by Stuka: bla... whine, blubber... you killed my wolverine with a 4 tiger advance... boo hoo... sniffel <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> get back in the cesspool you criten ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: So, mein furry kleine kitty Katze, Möglicherweise könnten wir in ein wenig Knöchel uns engagieren zusammen beißend. Eine Flasche Wein, frisches Brot, Kerzelicht. Hmm??? Zu den schleimigen Bänken unseres geliebten Pools, in denen wir überwachen können läuft das Protokoll... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Herr Orbst, es ist unmöglich du in deutsch schreibst.. die andere kann das nicht lesen oder kaum nichts versehen... geil. Jetzt fangen wir an mit SLUDGE mobbing.. ich fange an. buh ey ist er die am dämlichste fritz da gibt, ich meine, wo hat er die Eier hier zu kommen und seine blöde Gesicht zu schauen... FRECH! ach lustig die konnen alle versuchen zu verstehen bis der Artzt kommt, aber wert nix. (you sit down germanboy - you almost an englander now) ------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  25. yo Tiger whats your URL? lost my bookmark... ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
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