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Everything posted by mensch

  1. die evil text [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-21-2000).]
  2. <center><h1>*yawn*</h1></center> Right.. my last post for some time, ya you pain in the kack holes.. I'm taking a break from this thread.. for two reasons.. I can find better bits of exciting morsels looking through my own ****. and two.. work is a bitch right now and got to build a whole portal before christmas (any programers or web people know what it means in workload) and while I am at it, I hope it (this thread) gets a rusty ol padlock while I'm gone too.. and a shiny bright new peng thread when I come back. Work has been just a wee bit to heavy... and no I'M NOT LOOKING FOR ANY TYPE OF SYMPATHY... bite me.. infact go mount your favorate animal. Reply to this if you have any grey matter worth putting under a microscope, cuz I won't answer.. I don't care here is an answer to any of your stinking responces: "I can see your point, but I still think you're full of it." if you do answer and I hope you don't its because you're just jealous, because the little voices talk to ME. to all my pbem'ers I'm still doing the rounds no fear.. I'm not getting away from wooping your lazy asses, and naturaly comming in to put an update for wins losses and ties for lorack... If you think I'm being to rude.. well I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. Tschüß mensch ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-21-2000).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-21-2000).]
  3. I think this thread should get the great paddy lock and Seanachio's should make a new one. please don't tell me what you think, because your opinion has no balast with me.. maybe Mr. Pengs cuz he's so damn ugly thats about it. If I give you all a nice shiny Quarter will you leave me alone?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: I will be gone for the next week and possibly longer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> can you make it a year? possibly forever? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>and leave you poor 'Pooler bastards without my wit<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and that bad smell you leave behind. thank God <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Merry Christmas. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> aw so sentimental... *vomit* where do you come up with this stuff??? ya your going big deal.. my god if it makes a dif here I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you. ----------- Der Kessel Home of ãDie SturmgruppeÒ; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: yeah. well good. Come on, we just need more people to post stupid jokes or links to boring junk sheesh. Dull PeterNZ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Pete.. put a sock in it! you verbal vommit machine, people post crap songs or poems worse then Volgan Poetry and I have to live through it... tough.. bite me... kiss my neighbours dog, heck take it on a date but ask Seanachoo what shes like, since he knows more about it then I do. heck post your picture on here so I have something to print out to put on my dart board here at work.. I need a good laugh. by the way your zipper has been undone for the last three days.. do something its attracting to many flies and bugging the hell out of us.
  6. another tid bit for ya all.. Final Fantasy... have you seen this trailer??? Final Fantasy Trailer oh ya.. I should post this pool style. ya you Sweet Bread eating flogging-Pilgram Maggots look at the bloody trailer! ------------- Der Kessel Home of ãDie SturmgruppeÒ; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  7. my medication is wearing off and thought...Hey - think about this: 2001 is the biblical new millenium, right? Isn't that when all that crazy antichrist stuff and armageddon and all that is supposed to happen? I think it is. Most religious people risk having their faith yanked out from under them if nothing happens. I mean, the bible's always right, right? It's God's word, right? So, if nothing happened, that would kind of cause a problem for Christians, don't you think? Here's a whacky scenario for ya: Nothing is going to happen. So a few hardcore Christians or Christian organizations are going to make damn sure that something *does* happen. Like some big nasty blowin' up kind of ****. Otherwise, their religion will be a joke, Right? The other scenario is that the Christian Apocalypse and all that walking-dead, rivers of blood stuff is going to happen. Which might be scarier. Or really cool for like five minutes. Then eternal damnation. how is this going to effect my CM playing time??? ok back to the doctor... ---------- Der Kessel Home of ãDie SturmgruppeÒ; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-17-2000).]
  8. Funny that I did a search yep just like wiped from history.. good riddence to that floppy two-bit nurgling!... but I found this cute baby.. aaahhh the beginings of a real jerk in the works.. here.. I laughed and laughed.. cuz I know Stukas humor ... all be it twisted and warped.. me likes..hehe.. you crack me up stupid.... --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. Personal quirk... how come the german HT does not have two MG's?? I got endless pics of german HTs.. with a mg foward over the drivers compartment and one or two hanging on the rear or side of the sucker.. or are those rare occations that they had that... or propaganda pics.. who knows.. anyone have a clue? -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-16-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blabbered by PeterNZer: mensch - no, you won't score. Go play with yourself, or those people you're PBEM'ing <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> your right you mewling idle-headed mammet...you can kiss my reeky flirt-gill, you my dear sir are a miscreant and nothing more... bla bla wine.. set me up a pbem I always wanted to plume-pluck a Peter. ------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Effaceur: 1993-1997 Royal Canadian Hussars (Armor Reserve) Crewman: Gunner/Driver on Cougar Tank <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hurah! Armour Corps.. gotta love those Cougars... loved the fact we had a destined 11.5 second combat life if things got harry.. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: She's a man! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no you Lime sucking Sasquatch it just means she a woman. Jeez you be getting into the Idiot powder that Jerbilboy ordered? ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: …to keep abreast of the plot. A true Kniggit if ever… <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Teee hee she said a Breast... --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: What if Mensch's meds run out and the guys with the big butterfly net come for him? He would surely be out for more than 36 hours. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHAT thou currish fen-sucked foot-licker of a peck you think I need meds.... How dare you attack me with your insufferable drivel! My Daemon! What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?!? I'll give you a nice, shiny quarter if you'll go away. §Boss you gave your last shiny quarter to that vixen last night...§ Oh.. ja.. damn.. your right FPH. ok ok.. listen up JSHandjob your repulsive fobbing presence in my dark Relm with Scary bits™ is disturbing my concentration... be a good lad and go take your veritable cornucopia of red tape elsewhere. §Boss we used the red tape to decorate the swinger club in sublevel four of your great domain....§ You.. wha??.. right ok JSHandjob then just bugger off. ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: Now I thought we were clear about the fact that we were doing this without the direct implication of the SheepMeister. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> STukA has nothing to do with this. --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  16. Poor old Pengy.. I chatted with him a while ago on ICQ it appears the sods work place has now a montoring device and sniffs out where the employees are surfing... so that means for him visiting the Peng thread during the day is VERBOTEN! heh.. and those sexy websites too.. Me finks he is pouting when he gets home and has the kiddies to take care of since his wife caught him at Thumbzilla I guess all that plus having to sleep on the sofa took the bite out of our kuddly Plush Peng. --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  17. Lord of Loch Peng is almost finished and full mit fiendish things that crawl, slither and burp. -------------- <a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Are you vieing for title of Lord of Mount Peng, or Lord of Loch Peng? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes my little virmin pusbucket, not only that I just found the secret of Surmons Wandering EYE™ and since hes dead ITS MINE ALL MINE!... yes seven is good.. let me forge 7 rings to bind us.. yes seven... I'll hammer up another nine for the squires.... do accept... they.. have potential. --------- <a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Who shall do battle to be crowned Lord of Mount Peng? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ME! you You selfish Bush-voting Limbaugh-lover! by the way you have anymore skin.. I've seemed to run out of space on that last piece I ripped off your rotting corpse last time. --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: I also see mensch and PawBroon battling for Lord of Loch Peng... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that execrable occurrence will come to one conclusion.. PeanutBroom that mundane domicile will be bleeding before my CHAOS HORDES™ (grab'em while you can guys) wimpering for a mercy... all he will hear from me is a haunty "Thou artless folly-fallen laut! eat FPH!" my part of this forsaken castle will be filled with vixens and daemonetts, blood pools and beer halls!... Casinos and Tax shelters! ye will they come to honour my land... and carry the sign of the Emerald Knight.. §no more JCPenny price stickers Boss!.. but those damn bar code thingies are a bitch to ripp off...§ ...GRRRRRRR! use your half witted brother Blistering Bullocks that dimwitt of a narcissist, tell him he can use his canopener that hes always bragging about. §but Boss he's soooo anoying and has that stupid Swiss accent.. Don't bother me I'm planing my domain! ...hmm now lets see yes.. a little Massage parlor there. and a oil factory next to it would cut the costs of delivery..yes yes... and then.. *wanders down the hall scribbling madly on a flayed skin of his last opponent.. (aka Crudda)* -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Wonderful. Either Mensch has started internally processing some sort of Wagnerian germanic racial memory involving cursed swords, or he's entered the 'Elric of Melnibone' phase of his decent into madness. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ah my old friend you have such ways with words, you soporific blabbering half-wit your time is comming soon and my Unholy Chaos Sword "Festering Pie Hole"… §yes boss??§ ..not now FPH... my Chaos Sword longs for the taste of your blood. §yup sure do... yummy yummy yummy in the tummy... if I had one that is... § cut it out FPH... §sorry, do carry on§ So Sappachie you attemt again to impress the table of Knights with your vulgar melodrama of insults towards me... FEH! Step close my friend an feel the taste of my festering sword! (you my friend Peanutboy will sit down and hold thy gluttonous tounge)... Not only do I possess the powers of Evil Darkness in this castle, and I got it trademarked too.. look EVIL DARKNESS™ §boss tell him about the nasty stuff you have up your sleev... I mean your tactical advantage you possessss.. sorry.§ Thank you FPH... you see my demented libertine senoochay you are nothing but a repugnant yokel in these parts of the dark castle whos only purpose in life is to quiver and wimper like a unmuzzled tardy-gated measle. behold the Emerald Knight has encased in himself with the powers of the nothingness.. the void .. the dark cold empty space (much like the space between your ears) of Chaos. ye Tank and troop are marked with the sign of the Emerald Knight... §you mean those JCPenny price labels?§ Dammit, I thought I told you to tell my secret Squire to rip those things OFF! §I.. I... I did.. ja thats it I was talking to this real cute Polearm and ...§ your hopless you know that.. if it was not for the deal I made with Leftpuss Vommitscut that I'd take care of you.. you would be cutting veggies in the kitchen! §Oh.. well.. hmm I hear there are some cute butter knives there...§ SILENCE! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> In either case, the neighbour's dachshund is in for some new and disturbing experiences by way of Mensch's hand-me-down meds. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hmmm you seem to have a fettish for four legged animals my yeasty onion-eyed vassal, I suggest you talk to Stuka he has a few sheep he can't find the time to "test drive" you see nut-hook, you sound reasonable when you hold your breath... but your quite correct its time to up my medication because any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  22. oh Crudda you Mewling clay-brained hedge-pig, I challange your depraved orgy of indecency to another PBEM... if you have the infected bladder for it. My challange is in the email, so put on your gleekish fool-born armour on, for the Emerald Knight is mounting his horse (you sit down PooterNZer) and straped on his Unholy Chaos Sword "Festering Pie Hole" §Your mine you bootless dizzy-eyed flap-dragon!$ er FPH, let me do the talking..ok? §Right boss, sorry... being stuck in this sword makes me testy§ right where was I.. oh yes.. so my frothy bly-bitten clotpole, prepare to be smitten once more and your small-minded neanderthal of a Knight can't help you.. §A Squire smashing we go.. a Squire smashing we go.ooohhh! ..eer we go eer we go eer we go!.. eer we g...§ FPH! §sorry boss§ Die-a-lots-now plebeian. §ya lots be dying soon§ .... --------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Ah, Hiram, I know that being my Squire has not always been easy for you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> the poor sod should get a freek'n medal of honour for being your Squire. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know that after my 'Loss To Peng' the other Squires must have teased and abused you unmercifully.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> not as bad as the ribbing I got for loosing against my wife, and I made a nasty list to all you gits that did... ooh yes my fellow knights... don't be going to sleep in your cosy holes without your sword straped on. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But you must not despair.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seanoochie is correct, dont dispair.. give up all hope. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know that you have the stuff of greatness in you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I remember him saying that to his last Gimp... what ever happened to you toy? all used up and the holes got to loose and now you got something tighter now?? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Think how cheerful you'll be if you defeat me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Which is easyer then picking lice out of PreBroomies private parts. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Like a father going out to toss the frisbee around with his son<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> watch out kid.. hes known to throw a grenade or two just to keep your wits up... ahhh old Sifu ... the memories. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>…and further the bonding process<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> again kid watch out.. he does not have a years supply of KY Jelly for no reason. now SeanOoochie wheres my pbem??? I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-15-2000).]
  24. I did a fun test I borrowed the company beamer and hooked it up to my G4.. then poof... i had a full wall with CM!!! that was around 3.5meters wide.. was..was... *drool* fun almost a 1:1 tiger on the wall LOL. ----------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  25. Damn locked back up... ahh it was nice to get some fresh air like that, lets not mention this to Seanoochie... what he won't know won't hurt us. -------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
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