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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! you would do me the honour of a challenge. Size does not matter {Sit Down, etc} as my new Athlon system arrives this weekend, drool, drool, geforce GTS card, 19" monitor hahahahhahaaaaaaa! Goodbye pentuim 200 w/voodoo 2, hello real world!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you Pommie surrender in our current game.. since your troops are aimlessly crawling in the dirt like good worms... my god you don't even have a VF yet! and were what 2/3 through the game now??? burning tanks and routing troops.. what a show me lad.. oh wait I know what your doing.. your pulling me in a false sence of security just to pull the rug out from under me..ya.. last few rounds you'll throw out your dead and make me feel pitty for the poor little pommie that you are. I have one for you you.. snip! you like big? you like things that go boom? then me lad let me baptise you in ST.VITH file comes soon after your surrender...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Great to see another Aussie! Welcome aboard, mate! Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> bloody hell don't make me post your emails MATE.
  3. shes around.. and ignoring yours truely... quite baffling, after a interesting and quite enjoyable evening chatting up on icq.. she has vanashed.. yup Mensch triangle has eaten up the poor kitty .. her Me109f was seen flying in the direction of the triangle only to be never heard of again by mensch.. me finks a evil MACE P-38 has shot her down and now she hates all men. mission control update: I am tempting to get my Voss BV 138 in working order to do a sea search.... wish me luck. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-11-2000).]
  4. well I tested a scenario of mine where the 12th SS Panzer Regiment meets the 3rd Canadian Regiment... roughly maxed out the point cost.. jerry had 14000 Pts and the canucks as well... on my poor little mac 6500/300Mhz.. it took about 10 minutes for the computer to think and then 10 minutes to render the film.. on my G4/350 at work it took 2 minutes for the computer to plan and think.. and 4 to five to render the film. btw the map was about 2.8kmx2.8km with heavly detailed terrain and towns. ------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-11-2000).] [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-11-2000).]
  5. dear. Dr. Stupid (yes that be you Stuka) you taunt and taunt and I feel it only fair to share the last email with the lads and gals here in the pool e-mail from stuka starts Hey morning greg, man that was a funny post last one.. boy mace must be pissing himself over that one. But I must realy tell you I was offended that you packed me up with those Aussies Peter and Mace.. cuz well to tell you the truth.. I'm a pommie.. but shhhh don't tell anyone!! First they would hang me up by my nads here if they found out! and me wife too.. guh.. she thinks she married a genuine Crocodile Dundee but in secret I run down at mid day to have my loverly tee and biscuts... with a luverly cheeze too! ooh how I miss talking about Football here.... not this crap Rugby they play here.. guh I mean thank god the drive on the left side like in wonderful England.. otherwise I think I would pop a scone here. Right well don't post this please.. btw.. die in your pbem you have no chance! muhahah.. not like that looser Seanachai.. boy hes a hot head when you pop one of his tanks..lol.. ok bud talk to you later ps.. realy don't post I'm a pommie.. well as we say in England I'm one of the Lads. garsh I miss the lads at the pub eating fish and chips and downing a Guinness email ends from the pommie down under [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-11-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: You never noticed?! *sigh* Well obviously I'm not too good at it! Mace <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> macy ol'chap no one notices when you post so whats the diference. come to think of it who wrote this post that I am responing to...well I'm off to "Move" not "Run" to a meeting.. the WISYWIG may seem the same but I yam "moving" btw Andreas I think "sprint" and "stagger" should be included. THATS "STAGGER" not "SHAG HER" you sick little puppies. also I think a "Taunt" order would be a good Idea here are some taunt ideas "you aim like Peng you Kraut!" "nice shot Ami! who taught you to shoot? Seanachai???" ------------ "…my other 1/2 is going out with some girlfriends soon.. I've got a carton of beer sheep pornos and a relaxing evening ahead." -Stuka ------------ Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-08-2000).]
  7. Sowwy Steve..heh. ja get a wee bit carried away sometime... off and on a nasty yellow pussed arm reaches out from the pool to snach a newbie and pull them in... *slap* back arm back..heh yk2 is correct.... though.. hard to leave those poolie emotions there.. but I did get alot of info on my next possible purchace... I found one fun thing to do though is ride a tank in CM close as my comand tank and boot around with that... hey steve if your ever thinking of making a tank simulator.. you got me down for a purchace. I just wanted to know if there is a game out there with such amazing detail to ROV and armour specs.. etc...or wow.. I just got a nasty thought... CM Squad Leader... you are like a Squad leader in a .. well Squad done 3D like (ie Rainbow Six) you have orders.. maybe even in a campaign.. you have options to ask for reinfocements..etc... wow.. that would be cool.. first person view..controling a platoon or company .. hmmm.. multi player function as well??? ooh.. ok.. I have been at work to long and my little dream will never come true.. ciao
  8. Ammunition is heavy I agree but to strapping lads with two boxes of ammo is enough.. my god please.. and or belts strapled across thier neck.. yes.. slow but a bit faster then this "move" command.. I agree also that casulties natualy cause the unit to slow down and or loose ammo due to the fact they can not carry it all.. unless they stay on the same spot one of the ammo carriers was killed.. hmmm come to think of it, if a MG unit or HMG unit looses one of the ammo carriers and the unit sits there do they still loose the ammo from that guy..? if so ( i must check this out) kinda stupid... "hans more ammo!" "sorry gruppenfurher, Lars iz dead..." "na ja and!? grab the box of ammo next to him!" "sorry gruppenfurher, BTS programmed it that we automaticaly loose 20% our ammo load when he died!" "damn them!… right were going to run over to those woods for a better field of fire... GO!" "sorry gruppenfurher, we must move there.. BTS said we can't run with this SchwerGewehr!" "damnnation! what do we do??" "I know herr Obers!" *bang .. thud* "aw crap Hans just died another 20% ammo lost!" "damn you steve!" [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-07-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quenaelin: But I don't still like to read anything about Close Combat tactics in this forum or similar kind of things if it hasn't anything else to do with CM except it is WWII game. But still I don't have to reply to these messages, that is my choice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> right quenaelin.. your new here I'll give you that, so I won't bite... much. look BTS will tell you Mad Matt will tell you heck Steve will tell you.. If you dont like what you see don't read it heck don't open it.. but you did give me good info on what to look for.. most of the saps.. er I mean players here have a wide range of games.. and most of thier opinions I take to hart and mind, I play CM more than any game out there..if BTS decided to make a Tank Sim.. guess who here has the first order form sent to them.. me! but unfortunatly they don't have one in the works or on the plans to do one.. so.. doing so I ask my fellow CM buddies.. get a life pal we can discuss anything here.. related to war, related games, related tactics.. related to heck weapon types... If I brought up the question did the British use tactics to carefuly that one could accuse them that this was the downfall of the Falaise Pocket....it has nothing mentioning the CM game... but you'll see thousand of Gronards come out of the wood work to argue the point... so your statement is moot. carry on. btw "Close Combat tactics" if one thinks there are tactics involved in CC... I truly feel sorry for them... its a game.. CM is a simulator a .. way of life. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-07-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Jeez Grego, do a search. MadMatt, lock this troll up! The only army Mensch was in was the Salvation army and even that ended in a dishonourable discharge for fondling their tamborines in an inappropriate manner. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> jeez you ingrate, you have nothing better to do while building up your energies after ravaging your sex sheep!!!?? leave me alone you peck.. this is not the pool! get get back threre you swamp slug!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Quenaelin: I could remind you that this is little bit off-topic in CM forum but anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> dear mr. NEW GUY... if you have knoticed most post are generaly on wargaming CM or not sometimes there about SHEEP. sometimes they are general questions, and yes gamers talking about games.. also asking fellow "MEMBERS" if one is going to buy another game, any suggestions.. BTS is not MICRO$OFT that my get upset when you start talking about other games in thier forum.. if anything I think they don't mind.. 1) becuase there is no other game that one can compare to 2) CM players are damn loyal.. if word got out MS was trying to put BTS out of business there would be a hell of alot fo CM players fixing newly bought sniper scopes on mr. billys head that I can assure you. but thanks for your opinion.. I'll check out Panzer Elite.
  12. well thank you very much Stuka SheepShagger.. words of wisdom from a lad that has been convicted 40 times for sheep porn I'll take with a pinch of cyinide. btw your fake german accent... don't quit your day job. Which I remember is what? picking up soap in the shower for the boyz at the jail? well back to topic.. does Panzer comander or panzer elite use realistic armour values with degrees and velocity? or is there a tank simulator out there that has that? [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-07-2000).]
  13. has anyone played the 3d game Panzer commander.. and what do you think.. I'm a zipper head and like to have my head sticking out of a tank as the commander the screenshots look amazing and the reviews too? any CM players have that game? and if so.. is it also realistic in terms of ballistics and so on? thanks.
  14. Was too what you wrote! amongst other emails from you email from MACE Hey greg, I'm sorry I can't send the rounds this weekend. It appears that my favorate squeeze Snufflepuff has escaped again. No worries mate, the lads from Sheep Shagger Club and I are sending out a searchparty. I figure we'll be in the outback for some time since Pete brought a case of beer and four packs of KY Jelly for when we find that little shiela. I'm a little worried though Glenn insists on bringing the shears he likes his little shiela shaved... but I like the wool its soo soft and smooth and..aahemm.. sorry.. I'll have to change those now..brb ok I'm back. Right well the trouble & strife understands.. she a real a good root, she understands the Australian mans needs.. she even bought me a pack of rubbers! top shiela she is! right Pete is honking the damn horn like crazy, so gotta go! Mace damn freeking email ends here [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-07-2000).]
  15. damn you MACE!!! email from MACE Haha...did you think I'd apologise again! Tough! The powers to be made me stay back at work today (not really, I slept past my "time to go home" alarm), which meant I got home 2.5 hours later than I normally do (Grrrrrrrrrr)! Hence, I'm just too buggered to process the turns tonight! =P I won't be processing my turns tomorrow night either, 'cause a few of us Aussie Sheep Shaggers are going to meet after work, do some chatting, some drinking and watching videos of sheep (especially if someone forgets to bring the porn)! We will also be doing more drinking, admiring each other's favorate positions then we will run around with our sheep making "bahhh" noises! We will continue to alternate between drinking and running around until: i) someone falls over drunk, or ii) someone does themselves an injury with a hoof in the nads or chokes on some wool! To those of you disappointed, **** happens! Rob/Mace email ends from the sheepshagger [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-07-2000).]
  16. thats cuz you are... I know there are theads with this but bugger, but tis a good discussion.. one that I am not happy with the results... dont get me started on 20mm Flak.. heh
  17. The topic comes to HMG.. ok call me strange call me fluffy call call me out in left field but six guys running with a HMG is possible.. I'm sorry but one twit carrys the bipod the other the HMG and two idiots are ammo carriers and maybe one guy is carring extra barrels for the thing.. that leaves one guy to pick daisys while they are strolling oh so slowly? I may not be the fitest guy out there but when I was in the army we had five guys for a .50cal .. that thing ain't light but we could run pretty damn fast with that thing and set it up damn quick when we got to where were were... now assuming these guys are Reg forces and have nothing better to do then learn how to stroll oooh so slowly accross open land with a HMG I would think they are fit and not 60kg weeklings.. ok ok.. I would like to see the freeking option to run with these things.. and then have maybe a set up time like field guns that just unlimbered from a vehicle.. what do you think? make sense?? ya they will be tired.. but I'm sorry lugging that .50cal around last thing we wanted it to do a stroll through open areas if we had too.. we ran and we ran... better dead tired at the treeline or cover then dead dead on the field of battle. well thats my 2 Pf....
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tris: Mensch: that's a good idea, to run some troop travellers over mine and double mine tiles at different experience levels and see if that changes the issue. If fact I wish you'd go out and do that right now. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no problem my old chap but not before I do some test with varrious ammunition rounds on your shaagy butt! muhaha... infact I would not mind testing my PitBull Fluffy on your arm, leg, head, neck, and those soft musshy parts. Ask MACE oh how that feels hes always being attcked by pitbulls, girl scouts, old grandmas on the street.. I've done some tests if you want the results drop me a line.
  19. well Gronk nice of you to join us in this forum... and a mighty happy go lucky story I have... just for kicks I was playing against a French man (I will leave his soiled name in secret) decided to have a happy go lucky TCP/IP game with menschy here (that be me) So Mensch desides lets screw over this French man and good... so I take Heer and lock this poor sap with Polish troops (not that I dont like polish troops I think they rock but he being french for sure never took polish) any how I throw in a fun factor lets make random Weather (otherwise known as always Thick Fog with menschys luck) Yup you guessed it Thick Fog.. ho ho what fun.. so after swearing for some time, considering I bought three 20mm Flak guns.. damn and no transport... I kick my self in the butt.. boy this is fun I think well I got me a Hetzer and a Puma I'll wipe a nice big burn mark on this French Snail.! HA well it appears the Monsewer bought lots of things with tracks and wheels.. I manage to dispose of one tracked item off his list and a wheeled thingy. SSOOOOOO what does the BAGUETTE eating sap do calls in some crapy 100mm+ arty on his position and mine...I HAVE NEVER SEEN ARTY SO DAMN ACURATE IN THICK FOG.. but hey this is a happy go lucky game right MARCEL!!!!! he systematicly wipes out my units with his girlfriends Sexton blasting more and more breathing holes in my troops... so what does menschy have to show.. oh 20 troops ran off the FREEK'N map and the rest of the saps left on the map cower in feer.. watchining MARCELS! supp'ed up MG Carrier breaking new land speed records in THICK FOG!!! well thats my happy go lucky story and I'm glad to share it with you... PS DONT PLAY ANY FRENCH GUYS WITH THE HANDEL PAWBROON... he not nice... besides he's french.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: And mensch...are you playing with the wife's frillies while the turns are playing out? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes now leave me alone I'm getting to the soft flesh part now... ooooh <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you've dumped your frickin 'rickets' all over the place in a pattern spread so wide a gyneclogist would be shocked. Your rickits have done nothing at all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thats the POINT MAN.. please do not question again a madman while hes planing your demise!! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I'm not even making that up to be funny.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> since when have you ever been FUNNY.. I do recall you made me laugh hard the last game I won against you... don't be worried my lad.. I'll be laughing soon. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I also figure that you must have infantry on the field somewhere...could be wrong though...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> your definatly wrong my FRIEND (and I use that lightly).. you playing not only a freek for Rickets your Playing a "zipperhead" TANKS.. and more TANKS.. troops? those are called speed bumps for my tanks. ------------ "so funny this damned thread. did you see seanarchy get all huffy at me?" - Stuka ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  21. righty o... small little update for you human genepool rejects. germanboy: again this lad makes me wonder... and makes me cry.. WILL YOU DIE ALREADY! cheez I want to win at least once against you. soozeachai: the sniffling git ruined two perfectly spanking brand new mortars.. bill is in the mail. as for his turkey troops sitting on a flag pole my advance is going well, his churchills are still cowering in fear behind houses.. how pathetic... and the rickets are comming down.. no need to make *foosh* *foosh* sounds they be a coming trust me. Now then time to extract some revenge on that scout car sitting so like a lighthouse on that hill.. plz. stay there for a round.. my tank is comming. crapa: He's eating Rickets as we speak.. hes dropping some from of artillery on my tigers in hopes to get a track hit or a top penetration.. good luck my boy.. oh is that another house that went up? hmmm... need more HE. Stuko: weres my pbem round you twit... I almost forgot how much I miss killing your stuff. Kittsy cat: well she gave up I guess.. to powerfull with my Tanks THRUSTING AND TRUSTING against her! my troops PROBING AND PROBING her lines... whew.. uh.. damn I'll need to change those... *ahem* I'll try again to arouse her for another toss on the battlefield. Pengkomon: Allas he takes his time tossing... yes you heard me tossing coins to decide what to do.. hurry up boy.. I ain't getting younger here. FartBroom: IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU! this french bugger has managed to mulch my forces form them into a anal probe and shove it back up my tail pipe..IHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU! MACED: well he tried and he tried but the only cover he has best stated by him were three daisys on the open plains of death... now hes stuck hidding amoungs rubble and treelines.. now cut it out with that artillery me boy do it right use RICKETS! well thats about it... I send a challange to the YK2 she seems a level headed lady and a easy, and I'd like to see if my force can probe her lines. -------- "oooops sorry, you're busy with that photo aren't you? hehe" -Mace -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  22. I wonder if these test would be different with veteran troops or elite troops? I mean a tank is a tank and a trooper is a trooper but as for infantry would they have a higher chance locating the minefield? I knoticed one game I ran a elite unit over a AP mine field took some losses but no routing and they made it through.. my following Regular unit faired worse and sat in the middle of the field crying for help as I figure it out... I tried moving them out they took a few meters distance then paniced and bolted for the nearest woods. so the question states, would troop quality reduce the effectiveness of a mine field due to thier experience finding the little suckers and avoid them. well thats my 2 Pf. mensch ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. Steiner: …The SS (as I know all the grogs will confirm) never used breast eagles, theirs were on the sleeve instead. But then, this game is intended for the general public, 98% of whom (like the people interviewed on the street by Jay Leno) would be hard pressed to even identify the guy as being German.. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> plus I have never seen any pic of a ss soldier or officer so unshaved! and at the HQ Base too! ok ok.. maybe 14 days out on manouvers and his kit was missing but even then he would use that silly dagger he got upon joining. tsk tsk... I say.
  24. I thought the assistant was there to panic and run around screaming on fire when the FT blows up. I mean some one has to do that job.
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