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Everything posted by mensch

  1. oh wait he's insane..ok your a good chap... would you like to join me for a cup of cheeze? *cutz mace a cup of cheeze* with or without molasses? quite nice... do say more *inhales his cheeze* I must say it has been dreary around here without peng, yes? Reminds me of the time I had to return my brain for repairs.. you see it appears you can't clean your ears with an egg beater... Talking about egg beaters, you wonder why that people like James Cantabury ever invented the nose hair curler? you see it all went back to the time of uh.. well the time. yes.. and the women of England demanded to be alowed to curl thier nose hairs. (quite in fashion then!) and Jamsy thought.. hey whats better for curling nose hairs then with a volley ball. another cup of cheeze?.. I can set another pot if you want?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Hey? That sure don't sound like no Canuck to me. Kinda sounds like a Frenchman trying to pretend to be a Canuck.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> mace is a hoser eh! like nadda ounce of backbacon or Labbats 50 in that git.. I say we just lynch him.
  3. Me finks there is wizardry in this house!... me founds a pile of outback clothes with a slouch hat on da flore. *crouches, sniffs the area - sniff sniff* whew!... give a way! round up the lads that smell like sheep! muhahaha! *Skewers PeterNzer - cuz every one knows he's a git and such*
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: If the Frenchman goes, I don't see any choice but to put all the Australians to death. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *drool* *evilgrin* ey! master Sen'chi *pulls a very rusty, dry blood coated sword out - but strangly razor sharp* I seez we start with the littl'ns first... that Mase charachter, he's a git.. lets castrate him first then kill'em!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: And you call that punishment? Dunno about the bratwurst but if PawBroon is having Sauerkraut like the one he introduced me too I want an Invitation to that POW camp of yours. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no you don't you see we use the Brownkohl.. you see those outsiders don't know the difference. And the Speck is walrus from the Berlin Zoo.
  6. WTFeck is everyone??? I know you slobs don't have a life so get online!! I just won against frenchie and you all are off surfing for porn! great!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Samhain: Definitely a bug. I just had a Jagdpanzer bog and become immobile on pavement <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thats no bug.. thats the feature of city workers repaving the streets... that me lad was fresh concreate and quick drying at that.. LOL
  8. aaw broomie you know blaming other or something on your failure is no excuse!.. take the blame like a Gaulier! be proud.. that you have done the right thing and surrendered like the french did in 1940. I'm proud of you boy. for the others.. I Challange this le pardon moi monseur once again.. so far no responce..
  9. <center><h3>LORAK!</h3></center> I will now speak loud! I HAVE WON AGAINST THE FRENCHIE POOPOOBROOM! YES YES.. THANK YOU. IT WAS WONDERFULL..NO YK2 TO SAVE HIM AS SHE HAS DONE FOR ME (THANKS SWEET) MUHAHAHA! HERE IS THE TALLY OF DEATH WHICH I HAVE DELT TO THY BROONIES MUGWATT FESTERING BUTTOKS HE WAS NATURALY FRENCH AND I DEUTSCH Allies (french toast tussies) 19 casulties (4 KIA) 31 Captured 8 vehicles knocked out 0 men OK score (drum roll please...) 12% AXIS (german schnitzel machine) 10 casulties (3 KIA) 1 vehicle knocked out 44 men OK score 88% now boohooBroomie is eating bratwurst and sauerkraut in my POW camp. PS don't bug Sgt. Schultz
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: We seem to be getting all sorts of riff-raff (no, not you Mensch) Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I my dear fraggelrock mace... I am not riff-raff, riff-raff are all you reject pommies down under. I am just plain insane.. please don't confuse that with those pecks that come in here to see if they have a pair. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-17-2000).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sergei: Actually, Close Combat 3 was the last Atomic Games title published by Microsoft. Close Combat IV and V were published by SSI.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ooh.. but you see they were tainted by M$ and that like a cancer grows and festers like a burning feeling one gets when your Jagdpanther gets taken out by a stuart at 600m frontal. -------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: You fool! The Cesspool is a refuge of the sane <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> says who?? you naturaly have not been introduced to me.. my name is Pudding..no wait... Mensch.. and you see like Pudding I am full with Vitamins and Minerals! Good for a healthy Breakfast and those after sex snacks.. Now I am off to write a letter to my local Toilet Paper company becuase that 600 sheet roll had only 592 sheets... I want my 8 sheets I paid for! --------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-14-2000).]
  13. well go figure.. Mr.Gates buys into anything the companies will eventually collapes and break up... you see Micro$oft has an ability to hinder the thinking and creativity of designers and programers that eventually they make crapy games that no one wants to buy anymore.. thus the layoffs. I fear its the grey cloud of big brother has eaten another computer game company and sucked them dry only to throw them away when he is finished...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Mensch, my psychotic amigo, while I admire your fixation on playing me, I'd appreciate it if you'd not quote me as having scored a measly 10 points against you. You know quite well that you're referring to Mace's game and not mine. Now edit that post before I have to post some of your (very disturbing) emails to me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well silly me you see I was counting if my toilet paper does come in a 300 sheet (no pun intended) I stand corrected from Parbroom it was Mace and not Germanboy as I originaly posted... sorry you two look so much the same when your holding sheep in your hands... I do not appologize.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Mensch - Win Mace - Loss (and what a loss, the worst score of my CMBO life. It was embarrising folks! This is is the one where you don't ever wish to talk about it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh yes we do! let see as the great Mastuza once said "that my boy is a womans bra! Now what the hell are ye wearing it for!??" Croda (the Allied clown factory) 161 Casulties (49 KIA) 9 Captured 2 Mortars knocked out 5 Vehicles Knocked out 125 Men OK score..... (drum roll please) 10% Mensch (mad rocket man forces) 18 Casulties (4 KIA) 2 Guns knocked out 1 Vehicle knocked out 65 Men OK score.... you guessed it 90% naturaly MAD ROCKET MAN TOTAL VICTORY this reminds me of a small story of Darvid and Gorlorith.. yes its from the archives of the city of Ur. You see Darvid had a rock and threw it at Gorlorith.. and Gorlorith being oh.. 18 Feet tall and Darvid a 4 Foot high squat, hammered the blinking lights out of Darvid!! so whats the moral story? you ask me boy? well I'll tell you.. just pull up a chair while Menschy gives to you... if your going to chuck a rock at a 18 Foot tall monster of a man you better have nose plugs in your nose! yup nose plugs.. why? well thats easy to stop your knees from bleeding of course.. well thats the good lesson from Mensch grab your Hemeroid cream on the way out the cat is finished with it.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Ricochet= shell strikes glancing blow and bounces off. Shell broke up= shell shattered on impact without penetrating the armor.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> but both dont penetrate... I'm confused...bouncing off and shattering is to me both did not penatrate... or is my definition of penatrate off??
  17. Lorak!! my boy.. hey nice looking pinstripes! TELL THEM ALL! MACE yes mace the two wiggly ended worm has lost to ME!.. It must sux to be him. Talking about sucking have you ever listened to the sound of vacum cleaners... they say alot. an not just alot of squat stuff that Proonie french man spews out... no sir're! you see like the vacum cleaner Parmbroom is very much like a Hoover.. so such as the president of the United States of America Mr. Hoover he too likes to wear a Bra and Panties... Where does this bring us? well you don't have to tell me.. your right! Tennis balls! If it were not for Tennis Balls we, well would not have any Tennis Games! logical no? come to think of it my shoes are tied to tight.. I come back later with the wonderful details of that battle MACE so lost.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: I smell. All shall flee before me. That is all. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> fasinating that, remindes me of a lad called Furtell.. he honestly had a smell, well how could I describe it, like a wet rat. much like your smell chuppy. You see the trick for him was, to smear three soaked rats over his body to nutralized the smell. This produced two things.. he smelled like a wet cat which smells better then a rat and often scratch and bite marks from the furry little roadents, you see it appears they don't much like being rubbed over someones body much less more so on a Furtell body. For you case me boy try a soaked goat it may nutualize that smell. On the topic of Fondu and Toe-cheeze, do you wonder why Limburger cheeze smells so bad? I do! it all goes back to 1265, a man name Limbah he was a burger of a small town in Austria. You see me lad, he to had a problem, it was his wife. so the man bought a dog and it scared his wife away to the point she forgot to tell her man that she left the cheeze in the pantry... this cheeze started to smell and mold thus making blue cheeze... so you see it has nothing to do with Limbburger Cheeze at all... where was I, Oh yeas.. so spud.. grab yourself a block of Blue Cheeze and a wet goat and have some fun.. I'm off to braid my eyebrows now.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Just give him a good squeeze and he'll snap like a walnut. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A walnut is a vital nut in the nut family ..my! without that walnut you would have no wonderful things like, walnut ice cream, walnut pie or thursday night SM parties. Think of the ability of the walnut, it combined the energies of a thousand little stars to create one enjoyable sensual and exotic burp of gas. Speaking of gas.. have you ever wondered why golf carts don't go 100km/h? I mean whats the point of driving only 15km/h at tops think of the time saved between holes, I mean think of it, Blye McBrathers of Brathers & Brathers Co. the designer of the first wheeled caddy. Fine thing that was, he saw the need to get to one hole to another faster then walking with 20kg of clubs and such on your shoulders. he..my boy, would have been the Einstein of Golf bag transport I say!, if he was not born in 1708 and not in 1948. Well better that, then nothing I guess. oh lookie those guys in white are searching for me now, so I got to find where I put that fully automatic nail gun that I got from Aunte Ruth for me birthday.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: What the hell is this crap?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This "crap" is like a session of plucking out a succession of blood-swollen ticks and incinerating the culprits in little blazes of bright, phosporescent heat. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: I am wishing you dead. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> woof I say!...you want to know what a dog's philosophy of life is, pal? I'll tell you what it is. Just one short sentence: "If you can't eat it or screw it, piss on it." on that note I piss on you and give you words of wisdom, but I can't. Punch epigrams, succint pearls of wisdom, Polonious delivering his parting shots. I don't have it in me to do that. Neither a borrower nor a lender be; a stitch in time saves nine. There's too much mayhem in the attic, dalemsy, and you'l just have to bear with me as I ramble and digress. It seems to be in the nature of things for me to be confused. Even now, as I enter the valley of the shadow of Peng, my thoughs bog down in the gunk of yore. There's the rub, signore. All this clutter in this Thread, this dust and bric-a-brac, these useless knickknacks spilling off the shelves. Indeed, sir, the sad truth is that I am a bear of but little brain. Before you break down and weep, my friend, let me add Seanachai is a sham concoction, a fraud. He has never inspired the readers so much as bore them into submission. For the first few reads it would seem to be good but as the Thread expands the sleepyness would set in and the eyes glaze over - as if a curtain of boredom had fallen over your head. But enough. Enough of this tedium. Enough of this Seanachai. We all read this junk, but now it's nattering of childeren, isn't it; and who the hell cares anyway? Wallpaper, that's what it is... Background music. I can bring back fifty-one thousand details, but so what? It won't do you or me an ounce of good. Understanding. That's what I'm after, chum. The key to the Puzzle, the secret formula, Egg Powder! It's all flit and fume, my boy, a bellyful of wind. The life and times of JR Kennedy, Eleanor Rigby, Rumpelstilskin. Who the **** whats to know them? The Pet Shop Boys, the Blues Brothers, Rory Calhoun. Captain Pillet with his trusty sidekick Snitt and the Four Amigos. The Wu Tang Clan, Life and Look, the Tompson Twins. There's no end to it, is there? I just don't mean obvious things like turkeys from Turkey or chili from Chile. I also mean pants from France. I mean pain from Spain and pity from Italy and checks from Czechoslovakai and fleece from Greece. Patriotism has its role, but in the long run its a sentiment best kept under wraps. Yup those Yanks have given the world the zipper and the Zippo, not to speak of zip-a-dee doo-dah and Zeppo Marx, but they also are responsible for the H-bomb and the hula hoop. It all balances out in the end, doesn't it? Just when you think you're top gun, you wind up as bottom dog. Just pick a thing, and chances are a case can be made for it. The splendor of bicycle wheels, for example. Their lightness, their spidery elegance, their shining rims and gossamer spokes. Or the sound of a manhole cover rattling under a truck at three in the morning. To say nothing of Spandex, which has probably done more to spruce up the landscape than any invention since the underground telephone wire. I refer to the sight of Spandex pants plastered across the behind of a young chick as she strides by you on the street. Need I say more? You'd have to be dead not to warm to that. Now were is my pencil I just got an Idea for a new Toaster. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-12-2000).]
  22. OK to all the people I insulted here or tried doing so... I admit that I've susccumbed to the charms of these things as readily as the next man, Am in no wise superior to the riffraff I've rubbed shoulders with for lo this year. I'm human, aren't I? If that makes me a hypocrite, then so be it. Sometimes, you just have to bow down in awe. A person comes up with an idea that no one has ever thought of, an idea so simple and perfect that you wonder how the world ever managed to survive without it. The suitcase with wheels, for example. How could it have taken us so long? For thirty thousand years, we've been lugging our burdens around with us, sweating and straining as we moved from one place toanother, and the only thing that's ever come of it is sore muscles, bad backs, exhaustion. I mean, it's not as though we didn't have the wheel, is it? That's what gets me. Why did we have to wait until the end of the twentieth century for this gizmo to see the light of day? If nothing else, you'd think roller skates would have inspired someone to make the connection, to put two and two together. But no. Fifty years go by, seventy-five years go by, and the people are still schlepping their bags through airports and train stations every time they leave home to visit Aunt Rita in Poughkeepsie. I'm telling you, friends, things aren't as simple as they look. Th human spirit is a dull instrument, and often we're no better at figuring out how to take care of ourselves then the lowest worm in the ground. Whatever else I've been, I've never let myself be that worm. I've jumped, I've galloped, I've soared, and no matter how many times I've crashed back to earth, I've always picked myself up and tried again. Even now, as the Darkforces of evil (seanachai, stuka, heck mace) close in on me, my mind holds fast and won't throw in the towel. Okay, snicker if you like. If I gush, I gush, and that's all there is to it. It feels good to let the purple stuff come pouring out sometimes. Does that make me a fool? Perhaps it does. But better that than bitterness, I say, better to follow the lessons of Santa Claus than to spend your life in the claws of deceit. Sure, I know what you're thinking. You don't have to say it.. I can hear the words in your head, mein herr, and you won't get an argument from me. Wherefore this floundering?, you ask yourself. Where fore this flopping to and fro, this rolling in the dust, this lifelong grovel toward annihilation? You do well to ask these questions. I've asked them many times myself, and the only answer I've ever come up with is the one that answers nothing. Because I wanted it this way. Because I had no choice. Because there are no answers to questions like these. No apologies, then. I've always been a flawed creature, a man riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies, the tugs of too many impulses. The man with the voices in his head, the one who sometimes managed to listen in on the conversations of stones and trees, who every now and then could turn the music of the clouds into words. Pity I couldn't have had the chance.. But seanachai is telling me.. what? "you're ****ing bonkers, you know that?"... I guess I should go then. O Lord of the ten thousand blast furnaces and dungeons, Oth the pulverizing hammer and chain-mail gaze, Dark Lord of the salt mines and pyramids, Maestro of the sand dunes and flying fish, Listen to the prattle of your poor servant, Dying in the pool of Peng And headed for the Great Beyond... [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-12-2000).]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: This is an obvious coherent write up, yet at the same time more a master of work! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gee thanks sweet buns... I like you too.
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