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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: Maybe this will help clear things up for you Mensch. Personally I think it says it all <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> gee thanks snuckie... some one cares out there... now if only one could tell me if I have charming looks.. (you sit down Peng)
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Mensch got deported, I doubt we'll see him again. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you wood chips for brains I did not get deported! just have to lay low for a week.. till the heat looses the trail.
  3. oh ya.. Crappy New Year to you moldy lot. I got a crappy cold.. my wife has taken over my PSone with some stupid Pac man game!! and I am still having shocktherapy for the three days I spent with the in-laws. The only thing to top this off is to have the RCMP waiting for me when I land for forgeting to say "eh" at the end of my sentinces while I was here in Germany. Well my bladder is a bursting and I must visit the little boys room. I'll drop in on by when I am in canada.. just to make sure you lot are not making up stories about me that are not likely true. mensch-o
  4. oh oh... mace I think we're not in kansas anymore. Lions, Tigers, and FINNS! oh my.
  5. why do they call me madmensch?.. I am not angry, nor am I am upset. Why do small fluffy things appear in my bellybutton (no stuka/mace that is not sheep wool like yours). Is little tommy going to get his christmas wish and recieve that new pork chop!? Why does Seanachie smell sooo perdy only on thursdays? Those funny smells from OSGF, are they harmfull to our braincells? Why does Germanboy have to wear mittens while playing CM? Is it true that a knocked out Tiger at 100m from a MG jeep a "gib"? Does anyone else have a MontyPython "FOOT OF GOD" come down to squish your troops sneeking up to a Bannana sqauad? is my medicine to strong to use on Lorak? those guys in white uniforms, realy friends as they say so? These are my questions about the Ping thread. I looked up mensch at dictshonary.com here is the results: mensch or mensh (mnsh) n., pl. mensch·en (mnshn) or mensch·es. Informal A person having admirable characteristics, such as fortitude and firmness of purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Yiddish human being, mensch, from Middle High German human being, from Old High German mennisco; see man-1 in Indo-European Roots.] First I have never! I mean "fortitude"?? I have never taken vitamins in my life!!! Second "firmness of purpose" what does that mean!!?? I mean I know the wife says *hurr hurr* well you know what I mean! *wink, wink* *nudge nudge* you know what I mean!, say no more, say no more! Third "see in Indo-European Roots." I have never stolen any Tubers in my life, I hate Parsnips! potatos ok.. but I never stole anything! also I have checked my true name Gregory and this is the result Greg·o·ry (grg-r), Lady Isabella Augusta Persse. 1852-1932. Irish playwright. She was a founder (1899) and director (1904-1932) of the Abbey Theatre, for which she wrote a number of short plays, including Spreading the News (1904). First I am flattered *bats eyelashes* that I am considered a lady.. *cough* yup got a pair.. hmmm stupid search engine. Second I don't recall being born in 1852 nor dying in 1932 Third I don't recall writing anything worth being called a playwright Fourth I am still upset they insist I am a "she" those bastards are going to hear from my lawyer!! Fifth I have never "Spread the News"!! I may have spread peanut butter on my toast or spread a cold, or seeded my "little fellers" but I have never Spreaded the news"!!! again laywer working on this one. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-31-2000).]
  6. Well here just for a short update on your local insane mensch™. Who da feck is this puller.. er pills er potler guy!! oh a young strapping lad.. heres a tip me boy *hands him a sharp rusty knife* take this everywhere in the castle of peng.. and if you are showering... leave the soap were it fell... Senachie is quiet as a cat and has a liking to soft young chalk white skin.. *shiver* Well christmas was fun.. after 48 hour pain endurance of in-laws 1.0 I managed only to double my medicine to black out durring the anoying parts. On the good part I got a chainsaw and a Red Rider BB Gun (you'll shoot your eye out kid! - you know they were right.. so far I shot out 10 kids eyes.. boy this is fun), Got a cold from in-laws.. ain't they nice. and for a stocking stuffer a brand new straight jacket!!... only thing I didn't get that I wanted was that 300mm Rocket Launcher. I'm flying off to canada for a week from the 3rd to the 10th cuz the Kripo is getting to close and Interpol found out where I live... its easyer to hide from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or any Police in canada as long as I don't visit any Donut shops. I hope santa brought you all not what you wanted.. and I realy hope Mace got that rubber Sheep that goes "baah!™", he had on his wish list. right till the 11th no pbems from me.. wife 1.0 is keeping me busy here and away from my loverly Mac till I leave..grr grr. I'll see you guys later! keep your eyes peeled on the Newspapers or News for any sudden violent arrests of me. ps. Gerbilboy where are you?? I thought you said you wanted to come drop on by for a few drinks!?? and I wanted to test out my chainsaw!.. *pout* menschy
  7. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and all a good night, may you sleep tight in your tigers with dreams of sugar bombs flying through your minds.. --------- happyness is a belt fed weapon.
  8. <h2>…and for you Chubywaga I got an extra piece of sharp coal to stck up your sock! </h2>
  9. <h2>Merry Fecking Chirstmas / Holidays whatever you want it to be, may you all fester with your health and get stinky gifts to warm your worm eaten hearts.. I'm not going to miss the lot of you over Christmas </h2>maybe kitty <h2>but you lot.. go stick a snowball up your wazoos.. for you Ozzies here may a dingo take your baby away and a Kangaroo punch you in the nads</h2> <h3>ho… ho… feh!</h3> [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-23-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jadayne: Geez, and I thought you'd just given up the game in shame. Want me to resend the turn? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yup.. do that.. =D
  11. hey stuka.. I guess you didn't get my email.. I had a major external HD crash and lost my data.. well most of it.. along with all my pbems.. send me your last pbem you have from ours and I'll fire off the next round. your truely pidgeon toed son of an Albanian Camel jockey
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis: Could it have been Croda… Or Morse, Perhaps Marlow, Maybe OGSF, PeterNZ, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> dear Mr. I have not paid my phone bills, first I like to add your observations. Croda: seedy git that has been know to place explosives under your toilet just to get a win in a pbem. Morse:sneeky git, plus he wears a wig! Marlow: Not sure about him, I hear he actually changes pbem code just for kicks to see if he can win. OGSF, PeterNZ: watch it.. they are both in cahoots! peter being a shagger and OGSF being so old all that he can get is sheep pimped off by Peter have a deal going.... how do I know this!??? I read it in the National Pooler Post (much like morning times but more topless babes on page two) my word of warning they all have one thing in common.. <h3>Dandruff</h3> talking about Dandruff when is it going to snow here! sheez its like almost christmas and no snow! Seanachai do something!!! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-21-2000).]
  13. Sorry lads. I refuse to go on with pbems that I just update not knowing of a glitch.. my flamethrowers just are on empty now without firing a shot.. that means these players will not getting return files from me till that is fixed. SEANACHAI, MACE thats it .. you two lugs have got to wait. Merry Christmas yours Mensch (aka RacketenMensch, MadMensch, ZipperheadMensch, "put your alias here") ----- cpDer Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. one thing for now.. cool thread PeterNzer =) light refraction.. heres my meaning.. I was walking to work on monday and there was a fine light fog.. I was walking into the sun and I could not see a thing over about 300m and naturaly CM came to thought. but looking away from the sun I could see about 700m.. or my best guess double the distance.. would suck (but fun) if the sun or light source had a direction.. fighting into the light (DONT GO INTO THE LIGHT!.. er sorry I had to say that heh) would be harder in visual contact as if the lightsource was to your back. second point is.. Starburst for night fighting! and or spotlights.. I know they were not so successful but I have read often the allies in normady used seachlights to assist in night fighting. on the point of night fighting.. tanks with nightsights... or so.. hmmm. shadows for houses.. they are ok and all but for the feel like they are "stuck to the grass" they do not.. they kinda float there. (sorry a graphic designer quirk) on the subject about houses.. look at a house.. does the grass realy go flush to the wall? (ok sometimes) but mostly they have dark areas like a border (am I making sence on this???) weather: SNOW STORMS.. not just heavy snow a real storm! wind thick snow.. like visuals down to single digit meters!! heh eek! and you thought thick fog was bad. tanks allowed to drive over iced rivers with the problem naturaly of that ice breaking if you get my drift..heh. (drive over at own risk) hmm worth the idea.. anti-tank guns.. (no not the big ones.. those 14.5mm humungo rifles the russians used) Civillians.. (ok ok don't flame me but house to house fighting sometimes scares off villagers hiding in the house or celler) its definatly a distraction to your troops if you have civies running over the place. Cars, wagons, civie vehicles. I have seen endless pictures of officers in cars and not kübelwagens.. hey Schwimmwagen!! ya that too! Calvery or horse drawn wagons for arty or onboard AT guns. the barbed wire that is not fixed in size.. different lengths of wire (btw did they have razor wire then?? nasty stuff, worse then barbedwire) troops with skis!! did'nt the russians and fins use ski troops often to move faster in snow?? new buildings.. you want a list.. I can make a long one.. but some humble suggestions: Train stations (and trains and cars would be cool to for a train yard battle) boats, ships and harbor stuff for harbor fighting (the ships would be non combat but could be destroyed) Farm animals (cow anyone? - no mad ones please) hmm with the appropriate mods or items one could make a "fire base" for a scenario to attack (maybe a dumb idea) well thats all for now.. toodles
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: David, I think I love you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you two can find a room right now!!! none of this open kuschie muschie stuff in the open! MY GOD THINK OF THE SHEEP!!! their poor little minds will be confused.. and besides its getting the Oz munchkins all upset.. your wooing a person and not something fuzzy and goes "baah!"
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Just curious, if I moved to Germany, would I be Jerseyboy or Americanboy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you thinking of moving here!!!? aw crap! well there goes the neighborhood!
  17. wow great.. well I guess that kills my last post on placement troops with tcp/ip.. me thinks.. have to see.. thanks steve & chuck! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-20-2000).]
  18. Hi guy.. I had a game oh three days ago with MACE.. a 700pt quickbattle.. I bought my stuff he his.. just as we got to the setup phase we lost contact and got bumped out of the TCP/IP... thats no prob cuz you can start up the game from autosave right??! well it did.. we started again thinking we could place our fresh bought units.. but NO we got a messages in the likes of "this turn you may not give orders, just click GO" well.. ok but we had troops on the default map edge set up.. was quite anoying me finks, ok it was a only a 700pt game but what ifs we had a 2000 going.. thats alot of crap sitting lined up like a Can Can Dancing row at the back of the map. One wish if the game pops out of TCP/IP before deployment of troops, the players should still be able to position the units and give order. BTS is that to much of a headace to do? thanks for your responces. mensch ----------- cpDer Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. posted by a bud of mine... got a chuckle out of me (off topic? game violence? CM.. dakka dakka dakka?? hmmm oh well) More Gore: An Immodest Proposal by: Tony Walsh November 30th 2000 There simply is not enough extreme violence in video games. I implore the public, the Canadian government, and the video game industry to work towards a dramatic increase in the proliferation of game violence, particularly where young children are concerned. It is with Canada's future in mind that I propose a legislated program of mandatory violent video game play as part of our national education program. As concerned adults, we are interested in healthy, robust, and mentally stable children. Through the enchanting medium of video games, we can deliver the badly needed medicine of extreme violence. The benefits of an early game-play program are twofold: desensitisation and basic combat skills. Violence is blasted at us through every available media outlet, and is more than likely plaguing our kids in their own neighbourhoods and schools. Like the irrational fear of the bogeyman, a child can learn to overcome his or her apprehension towards violence. Through a regimented education program, regular violent game play will quickly acclimate a youngster to the sights and sounds of the "real world." Once deadened to virtual violence, experiences such as schoolyard shootings will be a mere triviality. This will lighten the load on counsellors, educators, and parents who would ordinarily have to spend time discussing the experience with their children. Telling children that their schoolmates have been "fragged," and that the "gibbed" children will surely "respawn" in a better place will undoubtedly save time and money, while simultaneously providing our kids a message they can understand. Through desensitisation, children will be able to react calmly to a variety of situations that otherwise might have caused confusion and distress. The next time someone goes postal at a school, there would be far fewer casualties. With my proposed education plan, we will also see an increase in the number of succinct distress calls made by children who were previously unable to do so. It is likely that children will be able to convey calm, quick and accurate information to our friends at 911 call centres, thus increasing the efficiency of this important service. Violent video game play in schools will also see an increase in the reflexes, co-ordination, reaction time, and tactical skills of our youth. Parents can now breathe a sigh of relief now that their children can truly take care of themselves. The scenario of schoolyard shootings would be a thing of the past as children turn their attackers into victims. Using tactics learned through gaming, children would naturally jump, duck, side-step, and run away from their attackers - instincts learned through violent game play. With Canada planning a national broadband internet infrastructure for roll-out in the near future, it's clear that many of our jobs will become computer-based. A country of gamers will have extremely rapid data-processing abilities, as well as the ability to work under stressful and dangerous conditions. We can capitalise on a skilled, efficient work force through my proposed education program. Canadian adults of the future will not only be leaders in information technology, but also in the fields of policing, security and warfare. Without the burden of fear, panic, or remorse, we will be preparing a martial society unrivalled since the age of the Spartans. We will soon surpass our American neighbours in professional soldiering and policing skills. "Real world" violence in this country will surely decrease, as the reaction to such acts will be swift and deadly. With a downturn in local violent crime, our future labour force would be in a prime hiring position for the comparatively weak American and European military and police forces. This holiday season, you have the opportunity to effect positive change. Write your provincial and federal MPs. Ask them to consider a program of education in virtual violence for your province, and for Canada. I implore you to seek out and purchase for your child games that feature extreme violence. And don't limit gift-giving simply to Christmas or Hanukkah - violent games make great birthday or "rainy day" presents as well. Give the gift that will last a lifetime. Give the gift of violence. Thank you. -Tony Walsh (www.secretlair.com)
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Lol, trust Andreas to know all about Queens! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Watch it boy.. he'll spit out his insides at you if you get him upset... WOW a new pool... WELL THANKS BLOODY VERY MUCH! I went to dive in the old one only to find it drained!!! hit me head on the sludge bottom.. and boy was that also refreshining-ing-ing-ing! I found all kinda stuff down there... old lost pbems never returned... although they started to mutate into something nasty... a few playtoys Seanachoo had thrown away... they were begging and pleading that the Mr. Nuggie doesn't come out.. *shudder* I don't want to know.. but those young boys shure looked spooked. I found putty cat paw prints.. so me thinks Kitty was roaming around looking for easy pickings... Hey OldStupidGrampaFarts I found your dentures..! fasinating that,.. they are made out of other peoples teeth!!.. just to show that OSGF was a mighty fighter who collected battle trophys in 1809! wow... I'll sell them to the highest bidder! cuz I'm not giving them back to the old coot! I like to hear him talk without teef mashk me finsk of me gandpa, I love da time he called me down to tell me stories.. well.. cant go on.. still sifting through the old pool digging out hidden secrets from the other poolers... heres something to think about while I am gone.... ++ If I destroy a Seanachai Churchill in a PBEM, and no one is hearing... Does he Scream "aaahh FECK!"? ++
  21. tell the big fuzzy lug "get well" and wishing him the best.. merry chirstmas too
  22. grabbing all the simpacks I can find! where is my dog! we got some mutants to blast!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: You Canuck reprobate, I'm a male hooker! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> sorry Mace my boy.. a new observation from the latest events, plasters Cubby as New Yorker and a male hooker at that! new class RUDE SICKKO
  24. *starts to untie macys straight jacket* seems to me lad is we five are very mis-understood by the poolers. Take that Seachoo dude.. very uptight.. me finks his panties are on to tight. Germboy well hes all sponge inbetween the ears if you get my meaning.. absorbs all and spews his insides when threatened. now that Stucca chap.. he wants to be insane but can't you see hes actually a TREE! don't tell anyone but yesterday he was fondling the shrub outside.. and got sap all over the place.. Have-no-idea-I'm-Barbra, he/she/it is ok cuz H/S/I is a canuck, rumor has it that H/S/I got a demploma from Red Green. Pengkomon he's sick more ways then one. rumor has it that on Thursday he dresses up as shirly temple and likes to sing "on the good ship lollypop" but insane.. not even close.. he lands in that other classification of Perverted. PeterNutzer, he's a git.. nothing more. But I must admit he does attract those sheep quite well. Berlischen, stay away from him.. he likes little boys in tight Calven Klein undertrunks. Plus he shaves his eyebrows.. anyone in my book that shaves his eyebrows falls under the same catagory of Pengkomon Chuppwanga, well being english thats enough said... those ears! have you seen those ears! cripes! And Teeth to boot! eeeggiit! he falls under the class, Sub-class.. nuf said. Hiram Saddam well one eveing as I was collecting butterflies for my stamp collection I saw him dancing nude around the garbage can out in the pool garten... **shudder**, the doctor said I should recover soon to my normal self. cripes I needed to double my medicine for three weeks. Elvus.. now heres a guy that can melt butter with his own hands... a strong lad. Although I heard screams in his room, sounded like of those pixies we found in the forest next to the pool. I saw a pixie wing sticking out of his zipper.. again a new class of pooler (pixie petophile) Herr Gemuse, he's old.. so by default hes classed as derranged.. leave him be, he talks about Mr. Happy to much.. and don't be asking him who what or where Mr. Happy is.. lately hes been complaining about how Mr. Happy is often just all floppy and hanging to the left. Murk IV, I find him ... interesting.. I am almost convinced he is also insane like us six, but I am continuing to keep an eye out on him... you see I found out hes also a collector of used dental floss like me. OGSF, hes real name is Old Granddady Sugar Father... don't sit on his knee... and what ever you do don't! and I mean Don'T! pull his finger.. he is as old as Mr. Gemuse, they often sit together swaping old stories of whos breath smells the worst. PooBroom... he's french, nuf said any land that takes Jerry Luis as a national hero has to be bonkers.. now don't go confusing bonkers with insane.. totaly different! besides the dictionary has it defined Bonkers (n): singlular; Frenchman. plural; France. Crudman..those tales of him collecting foreskins... are not to far off as you may think... keep a save distance from this boy. he washes four times a day and wears white clothes that would blind you in a dark room... hes good I hear.. the most brutal job he did... he only got a drop of blood on his uniform... I class him under mad man... anyone who washes four times a day must be mad. Lor-ACK! for a guy whos body hair covers over 98% of his body he's a funny guy, not only does he have cool braiding tips to give out.. he our only supplier of shampoo and conditionier here in the pool. Mellow, now for a man who has no lower jaw he sure talks alot. I would mind him if his tounge was not always hanging out. He falls under the class Freek. jshanstadt.... well what can I say.. I still don't know when the pool started to accept sea cucumbers in but hes one... watch out boy they spit when aroused. BooHuHuHaus, He always smells of oranges.. that makes me worried... also has a large vasaline collection.. don't get to close to him. Darvid Atic-en, artist.. nuf said watch out for those suprize reading sessions he likes to do, heres a pocket book of usless art facts to get him going.. once he starts off in a tangent of usless stuff .. run... if you don't he'll ask you to pose nude for a painting... again... falls under Pervert. Y2K a woman.. yes me boy.. I said a woman.. look at the form.. enjoy the curves those round bits.. but don't touch.. you see they (women) can slap a sexual assult offence on you faster then your drool hits the floor. class Woman (nuf said) Mudiarty... he wears panties on the outside... now thats sick.. I mean he does not even wear them on his head like normal people. Class Strange Drisl, picks his nose to much.. and smears it under tables and chairs.. Class Gross now me boy if I forgot anyone.. its cuz they are listed as class DO NOT MENTION THEY BE TO WIERD. now here you got *undoes the last strap* run free.. and wild! go bug some one!
  25. green! *boingy boingy boing!* [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 12-18-2000).]
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