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Everything posted by mensch

  1. *punt* your complementry pool thread boost nothing more to see carry on.
  2. I don't know I kinda liked that.. it made me happy and gave me the win in the tcp/ip game serriously though.. top hit includes the whole vehicle so maybe the round hit the front part of the Wespe? I got a message "Top Hit minor damage internal flaking". now as far as your Vet PIAT team 20m behind, shooting at the Wespe and missing 7 times, sorry I can't help you there. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-15-2001).]
  3. ok so they burn looking pretty... I'll give you that.
  4. legal stuff: scream killer was used from www.scream-trilogy.com and the terrain pic from mad matts site "building previews"
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arien: Mensch get back to the "time to lock the forum and concentrate on Peng thread" where you belong and quit harassing the little people. Arien<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> are you kidding I just spent 3 hours getting out of my straight jacket and found the backdoor key to the pool in the flour tin in the kitchen.. nope I will enjoy the freedom till those buggers in the white truck try to get me... now lets see if there are any other CM'ers to molest before they catch me. btw.. try using the new MP unit in CM 1.1 to span police tape / crime scene, around the house.. that way the enemy will not enter the house and your fear of a zook or schreck hiding in ambush will be waved. Works fine for me also use them to draw alot of chalked outlines around the house, this makes enemy forces think the house is dangerous or the Scream III Mod is in effect.
  6. the difference between console and pcs and macs is you can buy a cheezy game like 3D pacman to keep your wife all busy while you play CM on your computer. Remember when she says "hey this is hard" or "isn't he cute" to say "yes dear, try using button combos" and "yea.. fat little bugger, I bet he has colesterol problems" Fall back is you may have to take a break from CM to show her how to get by a bad guy or show her a manouver she can and will never accomplish. This takes about five to ten minute of your time but its better then the hours on end she can chew up on questions about house work that you have not done or about other trivial things like shoe sales or when are we visiting her mothers soon (since shes playing the game she forgets those things). that my sir is the difference between console and computer games.
  7. that be the new feature in 1.1 you see that house is in Hide orders, just thank your lucky stars that its not sneeking up on your troops.. my suggestion is run a engineer unit up to the house and slap a condemed notice on it, it will rot and fall apart in a matter of minutes then you can build a parking lot where it stood. I hope that helped.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark: Perhaps there were simply too few of them actually used for BTS to spend time including them?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hmmm so was the Puma but its in the game...
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peterk: I'm just wondering if Mr. Peng ever wanders out of the stinking pits of threads that bear his name. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> he's locked in a cell padded room like me after stalking hours. Only difference is my padded room looks nicer.
  10. who takes Kangaroos?? jeez.. only time I get those coffins on tracks is when the computer purchaces the units.
  11. lets see you snail biter.. hmmm two Jagdpazers against two zippos.. big chance I had there... lets mention the next battle where I had the germans and won against the french flying legion 87 to 16 you loose frenchie.. I must say your inner croda must have been visiting porno sites again while you were playing.
  12. those baby tigers are sooo cute!!! just image a litter of them....all going vroom vrooom and shooting up the living room... aawww a kodak momment for sure.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Im betting dollars to donuts that BTS really hasnt started on CM2 yet - probably the first few screenies would be seen in a few months, and ONLY if you people stop asking BTS for updates to the current game! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well here is your donuts.. beta testing as far as I know is in progress.. heck even a neeto shot of a t-34 or maybe something like that would make me a happy puppy
  14. This peng thread.. sux.. where be the poolers??? sux... realy suxs! sux sux sux sux sux suxs!! did I mention this new peng thread SUXS! I mean as not as bad as the Ossie Peng thread.. but.. I mean I smell Potporri here!!! jeez wheres the stink.. the ronchy smell... I'm a trying .. I'm not showering and jumping in the pool.. but.. somehow the chlorine is making it ... CLEAN! ick...
  15. hey BTS.. just to get us all excited and foaming at the mouth. you think it would be possible to plaster some screenshots of CM2? if the game is to be released in a year (knock on wood - maces head) it would be such a easter egg for us CM'ers. So, whatcha think? would it be possible? or are you going to wait till a few months before the release?
  16. Macy me finks you have been a abused child huh?.. to many times ravished by the neighbors dog huh?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: The public flogging sounds right up my alley. Mensch, you shouldn't have! *wipes tear from eye* Mace <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> did I say Public.. oh I'm sorry that was a typo... PUBIC I mean... I hear they use a old stick with a rusty nail for those.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but you better hope that someone in the Canadian Government doesn't realise that there's an extradition treaty between Germany and Canada. Mace <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya and lucky for you BTS has not booted you out from the threads.. damn.. and all those letters I wrote to Steve to get you banned... the bugger. His typical response is.. "we are hard working on the new CM and updates, I'm sorry greg. As much as we are frustrated by the git "mace" we are very busy; but rest assured we will ban him when we are finished the new 1.2 beta patch and try to get the authorities in Australia to arrest him or a public flogging" I guess I have to deal with this.. but getting a video of that flogging will be nice. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-12-2001).]
  19. HI MOM! back at work, nothing to do.. since its a friday and I kinda got jet lag.. so I understand half of the stuff thats being said to me. to all the poolers, I AM BACK... Merry Germness! and heres a round of toilet paper samples! a new 1.1 version is out.. wow.. and my goodness peng is still throwing up chunks... ha! to my least favorate poolers, Meeks, Mace, Stuka, PawBroon... I flick a booger at you all. now back to sleeping at my computer.
  20. Geez gone a few hours and people are talking about body parts, glands and ... whew... I need a cold shower. well I am watching star trek.. as Captain Kwerk break like the prime Directive 10000 times in like four seconds.. lol well.. I'm off in like five hours.. from the land of Donuts, Beer and Backbacon to the land of Bratwurst and Beer and Busty Babes.
  21. oh.. thats it.. I thought you were going to say you lost to your wife... or worse PENG.
  22. well as much as it was seeing the family again, eating donuts to no end, drinking fine canadian microbrewery beer and enjoying up-to-date tv seasons (we get the shows after they are one to two seasons old in germany from n. america) I'm a comming my CM game at home in Hannover!!! budda budda budda.. and boom boom! To my pbem players.. die lots now™ I'm so excited... but sad.. too.. I wish I could take me family with me, the donuts, the beer, the tv shows... and gas prices (trust me you canucks don't know what high gas prices are till you live in europe)
  23. ahh the pains of microshaft... Muhahahaha.. bill suxs. but all those microshaft users have exepted difficult times and bugs.. so don't worry mate all those problems are considered normal for MS product users.... [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-10-2001).]
  24. hey Ejakolik Mooks is back!.. well me boy ..when I get back from the frozen north of canada.. we can swap frost bite stories, and trade fingers and toes... ready to finnish up our battle?
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: BTW- I am making more tank images for you, but I am waiting to see what you post.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hopefully pics of her skimpy leather suit of pleasures!... *grin* its ok I am wearing the MaSk Of ShAmE, it gives me no shame in saying things like that.. heck I would say that without the mask but since she straped it on me with those soft gentle hands I have a fondness for her... besides.. Mace thinks I'm his mom and I made him clean my room and wash the dishes twice!.. whadda sap... plus no balk talk from the lad. as for that drunk intro with mace and stuka .... I dont remember that.. I think the beer mixed with my medicine...
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