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Everything posted by mensch

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: I used to play Myth TFL and Myth II Soulblighter but lost the faith when Microshaft bought them out. *sigh* <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I second that *sigh* quakers mamas boy
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: My mother bathes me for something on a monthly basis. I like the soap smell, and she has soft...uhhh hands. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> figures.. the only sod in this whole pool that smells like dove soap.. and we find out it Hariam Soodie is a mamas boy... me finks he's worse.. a Quakers Mamas boy!!! You got to watch those quakers.... make cereals and stuff.. and.. it seems there are some strange family secrets comming out too!
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: I want some TP too. And not the used stuff either. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> here you go.. only the crapy kids like Croda and Mace get the used stuff...
  4. Jeff hey buddy.. its a non pooler.. take it easy... and MERRY GERMNESS! heres your tax free toilet paper sample!
  5. I like to thank Germanboy for his sacrifice to the peng thread.. you will be remembered.. briefly.. only to be replaced by a fat elf in a purple suit who hands out tax free toilet paper samples to little childeren who only pissed off thier parents the whole year.. Merry Germness!
  6. *peeks from out from the mask of shame* so.. uh.. kitty how long am I supposed to wear this thing? its heavy.. such a burden... maybe I have to carry this burden for all Poolers... please forgive them o mighty peng.. for they know not of good and bad (aside from mace the bugger). let me sacrifice... Germanboy for our sins..heh.. ok lets hang germanboy on a tree.. and have a party!!!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TheDesertFox: PANTHER they built in Hannover at the MNH (now CONTINENTAL IIRC) cheers Helge <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> wow cool... I want one!!! gimmie gimmie.. grr.... hey rich guy.. quick.. come to hannover! and I swear to get my tank drivers licence!!
  8. Any millionaires out there playing CM.. I know the old Hanomag factory in hannover is pretty much dead.. if you could toss it up a bit you could start producing tanks again as it did during the war.. what for tanks.. I have no idea.. but knowing hannover it was most likely Panzer II model F or something...LOL.. would still be cool.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flipper: test<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hey flipper... get a fecking life and test some other place.. we got enough brainless twits here, just look at Mace, Stucca, Seanachai, OSGF, Gerbilmanboy, Parbroom, and the lot... not a synaps between the lot of them... me.. Im just insane... rather insane then the lot of those gits fighting over the use of the one braincell that is being tossed around
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jadayne: Mensch, where exactly ARE you using the aftershave? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well my boy unlike those australian lads who use a boiled down version of a Kanagroo foot with a pinch of walla walla dust, which I heard leaves a quite a buzz and leaves your empty australian head.. more empty... I am using defrosting fluid.. cuz its soo damn cold here... my Drum Tabac is running out and I can't find a place that has it here...aarrgh! duck man was funny as hell I miss that too like donuts in germany... if anyone knows where I can buy all the seasons on DVD in PAL version.. that would be great! those self help grooops are for looosers... go figure mace would suggest it, after hes been attending that "SIW" group (thats Stalking Is Wrong) I hear he has almost given up the gig... but then poor li"ll Kitty showed up... good thing she has a gun.. well got to run off now and eat a healthy breakfast of coffee and donuts. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-08-2001).]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: (Places the Mask of Shame on mensch's head. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oh great.. kick a guy when his boxershorts are down, and its windy! geez now I not only have to exist without my CM with only Star Craft to play... she puts a funny face mask thing on me .. I go pout now. as to you ozzies.... you always have a mask of shame.. cuz when the world comes to an end.. you get it a day before us....!!! LOSERS!
  12. punt! geez you guys! I"m on holidays and look at the thread ones or twice and hit hits page two on the board! your all slackers! gits and shaggers!.. get to work and write something stupid like you guys and gals normaly do! now bugger off I'm in a bad mood... cuz my CM is in germany over 5000km away!!! your all buggers!
  13. mensch sits down for a glass of wine, he looks out the window and sees the snow falling in large and small flakes, like fallout. he looks at his watch. "hmm, 12:45 and I am so tired" he mumbles. duffy his moms dog comes down to him in the basement as he watches duckman on tv "hey hover" he says on the fact she sucks up anything that falls on the floor resembling food "whacha doing?" "?" she looks at him. "yup same here" he mummbles as he drinks a bit of wine. Mensch glances at his moms computer and then at duffy... "sigh" a deep groan from mensch as he looks at a top heavy blonde cartoon female character chums up to duckman. mensch thumbles with the controller and turns up the volume. "sigh" and he slumps in a shivering lump. "combat mission, pah who needs it, no not me. its been only f-f-five days" he gibbers. Thinking back he thinks... "damn I should have brought it with me, b-but noooo" he wispers to himself... a dog barks; more snow falls. mensch makes some mental notes... 1) use dental floss 2) eat in small bites and chew 24 times before swallowing. 3) q-tips are for your ears and not your nose 4) snow falls at a rate of 3cm/4.7seconds with a vellocity of 0.000005km/h 5) don"t ever leave home without your combat mission cd 6) bring you CM cd if you know a computer is available where your going 7) don't use after shave there.. it hurts 8) donuts are life food... damn germans why can't a tim horton's open up in Hannover!!! 9) why does it snow so much and 10) i hope these shakes go away... this withdrawl is killing me
  14. ok chuppie I'm game! I always wanted to see what your bronx-english-who-ya-look'n-at scotsman! pic looked like.. (tee hee.. back to pool i go) [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-07-2001).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra: Labatts! Ugh. "Chateau Stelco" you mean... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> just kidding.. I realy like Brick Brock and Steam Whistle Beer... I just took something very canadian..like labatts 50.. give me donuts though anytime!!!!!!!!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat: ho ho.. you think your so smug! I get me mom to buy my donuts.. I'm to busy downing my second case of Labatts and Upper canadian Lager! Mr. Canoehead is a minor problem... to the peanut bar!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: =) http://www.fluffkitty.com/dominate.wav Kitty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> damn you I fell of my chair laughing so hard I broke a synaps.... and had to strangly take a cold shower after..
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Oh well, if you give us your current address we can rectify this little problem quite quickly! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ya its Mace IMADUFUS Idiot Drive 4 URD UMB Austrailia c/o funnyguy with a sheep wrapped around his waist.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Mensch I await the return file with baited breath, after all its only been 3 weeks since the last move.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well you stinking sod! I am naturaly on holidays ..and before I left I tried the file... guess what! its in version 1.05.. so bugger me loading down that "old update" and get the round off before I left.. lucky people like senachai or mace or some other people whos names fail me because they have no importance in my life so why bother remembering thier names I got the rounds of since they updated to the new 1.24.... while I am away nuffelhead you can updated it and send it again. whos this new git that came in.. Bugger off you stinking sod of a snail mollester! things doing good here.. I gave the RCMP the slip at the airport so no jail for me here.. the bloody CISIS almost took my head off with some sharp shooter! And I am eating donuts to my hearts content and drinking Labatts 50.... yer all hosers eh! [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-04-2001).]
  20. TOODLES everyone I'm off to me home in Toronto!! muhahaha! and damn powerman Revolt is on MTV!! grr grr <center> <h5>Go Leafs!</h5> <h2>die Falcons</h2> </center>
  21. right I just got a email from Andreas.. fromt the first of January today.. on the 3rd.. wow.. whadda lag.. (yes kitty whadda) take your dischkonary and take it some where and pooter it up Maces back end..heh.. Can I help? so thanks for the email andreas.. the rest of you lot.. thanks for jumping in and giving your two cents worth of nonsense. I'm off home to canada!! whowho.. here I come Toronto! snow, cityTV, Donuts!, My favorate pub Firkin Fryer (sp.. its been so long since I've been there), History Channel, anoying video Jockeys, Silver Snail! (is it still there??), Anoying anti smoking laws!, Political correct crap! conservitive thinking and everything like that! oh boy! =D
  22. Ihre seit alle verueckt!! geh zurueck!!! back back to the pool.... or I'll have to take out my chainsaw! *sigh* [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-02-2001).]
  23. Dear Mr. Germanboy, well ICQ don't work and emails either.. and since I see you post off and on on the board I figure, heck I'll give it a try. Well me boy I figured you would call to meet up but now I am off to canada till the 11th. if your still here by chance ring me up after the 11th evening. if not maybe next time.. the rest of you poolers stay out of here so as not to get this thing locked up. *raspberry* your friendly neighbourhood Mad Mensch
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