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phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Yes, I have posted in two different threads about it You need to either restart completely, or restart the scenario from the setup phase if possible. I went back an old save-game.
  2. Yes. If possible you need to go back to the beginning of the scenario - or restart it completely. Fortunately I saved the progress at the beginning of the scenario prior to setup, and I got my arty back. Edit: Good post regarding the issue -: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1166567&postcount=3
  3. nice thanks. I have failed this scenario at every attempt. I will use your tactics next time.
  4. ah I've just discovered the same issue. But I had saved it inbetween battles too, and it is still denied. I wonder if I have an older save game..
  5. I followed the destructions. It was at the 'inbetween' stage during briefing and between battles. Seems odd that I cannot call in 60mm off-map mortars though. Maybe a different FO team appear later during the mission? Okay someone else has noticed the same thing. But he said it was okay upon a restart. I thought my save-game was at the briefing before it began. Obviously not! http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?p=1166552#post1166552
  6. Peeps seem to have completely missed this. I said in an earlier post :- Might have stumbled across a bug already! I have continued my 1.20 Marines campaign as it says you can, and in one mission, my FO team cannot call in 60mm artillery anymore? Now I see that things may have changed slightly, but I am the Blue team and I cannot call in 60mm mortars at all with the force I have available to me from the outset of this particular campaign scenario. I have access to a FO team too. So is this a bug or is it because I have continued a 1.20 campaign over to 1.21?
  7. The map is so small that I don't think this can be won! You have very little time to organise anything, and with the potential of losing your spotter or machine gun teams on turn one due to random AI artillery (and the fact you can't move them much in the setup phase) makes this map impossible. I've tried it differently several times.
  8. Might have stumbled across a bug already! I have continued my 1.20 Marines campaign as it says you can, and in one mission, my FO team cannot call in 60mm artillery anymore?
  9. I've just played an epic scenario in the Marines campaign where I am pitted against many Syrian nasties. In fact, the map is so small that within a few minutes it could be over if you place your men in the wrong positions or reveal them too early. I just finished this and received a tactical defeat yet I had only 1 men KIA with 4 injured and knocked out nearly everything the Syrians had to offer. I held the rear ground. I thought I did well! Yet it was a defeat. Curious. The AAR suggests I secured the targets and the parameters and the Syrian side 'secured' the ground. But I disagree! I pushed them back off the map. They only had 22 men left at the end of play. So what is the trigger for failing this? Is it purely where they finish on the map, regardless of whether it is one man or the whole attacking force. They definitely got close, but I let them purposely before revealing my defence. I couldn't win if I started taking pot shots at distance! Edit, by the way, the enemy surrendered! Go figure!
  10. I had to format my drive, so I uninstalled SF, marines module and the British module by using the automated uninstall which the software provides. I had to unlicense a module. It was the British one. (No mention of SF or Marines) - so I followed the instructions and formatted thinking that the British module being the last to install would unlicense all modules along with it. Now I have come to reinstall, it is telling me error code 11, I have used all my licenses!! I obviously have not. I have had this game installed on two computers and had removed it properly from both, prior to formatting. So can someone please advise. I'll have a look at logging a call on the helpdesk too.
  11. Are you playing as the Syrians or the US? Maybe it is fog of war or something?
  12. Yes that is correct, 9.10 here and no crashes although I get some weird problems. Can be sluggish at times, and when I alt-tab out or exit the game my desktop pointer remains the same as in-game. Win7 x64 here too.
  13. Now that would make good television. Digressing slightly I wish there were more British-orientated war movies/series out there.
  14. I actually really enjoyed GK. I didn't think it portrayed the US soldiers as unprofessional in the most part, it just tried to reflect their personal opinions and how they handled them in a tricky situation. It certainly wasn't something I came away thinking anyway. I think it did a good job of portraying boredom and things like that. There is always going to be that love-hate relationship isn't there, it's historical.
  15. I can't print screens either! Fraps doesn't work too. I'm stuffed Windows 7 here. I managed a tactical victory in mission 3, I don't know how because there were lots of Syrian toys left over. I only suffered a couple of casualties however. One of my tanks took a direct hit, and was damaged although he still kept on moving. At that point I moved him into a semi hull-down position although he wasn't a lot of use from there. The problem I had was not being able to identify the postions of the ATGMs at the rear. I could have wasted all my ammuntion just guessing where they were so I crept my scouts forward over the hill and managed to attack the front line with infantry support, but I am still learning how to use over-watch and supporting my infantry with my tanks/vehicles. Thanks for the advice on the mission I will check it out. I am now on missin 4 which is quite a lot of fun for the US side, but murder for the Syrians I've 40 minutes left but have the checkpoint in my hands. I am now trying to attack the hotel.
  16. I loved the larger battles and operations in CMBB/CMAK because of the immersion factor. Lots of toys and arty to play with too which are out of the scope of smaller scenarios. Makes a big difference over a much smaller company sized engagement, but it is nice to have variety. I am looking forward to the 1:1 representation.
  17. spoilers and stuff... I did really well the second time round with this. I dismounted all my infantry in the main village complex and kept one vehicle on the left flank just above the the slope and another on the hill in front of me. I kept the third vehicle out of sight.. I hid all my infantry but loaded them up with hand-held AT toys just in case. When my armour arrived I quickly positioned two of the tanks completely hull-down to the rear of the map, but with good LOS of the hill position. I then positioned a third behind one of the houses in the village, but facing the left flank. It was an epic slaughter! I set my air assets on area target and left them be. Then my armour did the rest. I took one casualty, a soldier was wounded with what looked to be a stray shot, possibly friendly fire also.. But I completely obliterated the enemy force. My vehicle on the left flank knocked out all the suicide taxis and pickups at distance and killed or wounded all the infantry on that side of the map. My vehicle hiding amongst the village knocked out the enemy forces that appear at the rear of the map, whilst the tanks smashed every tank and pickup and bmp that they threw my way. They weren't even seen! The air assets took care of the rest. One of my best results.
  18. God thanks for the warning! It's not much fun. I'm trying to use those laser-guided Hummers as spotters, but they are not working particularly well although they seem to make good targets. I don't really understand how they work. I thought they would spot for the TOW2 or something, or just generally, but it doesn't seem to work lol.. I only have 7 minutes left and I'm not passed the first line yet.
  19. I'm playing TF Thunder too. My first attempt at it. My first battle was 1 KIA versus 350 odd KIA and injured, plus numerous tanks which was my best ever result in any scenario! Mission 2 was more difficult, although I gained a tactical victory with 11 KIA and 14 injured. Third mission to date, and it is really tough! The long and narrow map with loads of ATGM everywhere from what I can make out. Not entirely sure how to deal with this. Can't even see them. I can't get a Hummer into position long enough without him getting taken out. My scouts can't see for toffee. Bit stuck. I agree with you with regards to the lack of suitable equipment in my Brit campaign. Without those Javelins I got kicked bad, and indeed if memory serves I believe that is where my campaign finished? But the thing was, if we are indeed talking about the same mission ( I can never remember the names!!) I did not lose all my javelins from the mission prior - although I might well have expended most of the ammunition for them. I did lose a couple of men (perhaps a full crew) from a Javelin unit for sure, as they were hit by artillery whilst they were spotting on a hillside. But there was definitely men still available. I thought it was odd that I did not have any AT assets available to me apart from this solitary Challenger 2.
  20. I played this mission again during a fresh campaign and I had no Javelin support! Now that was murder. My Challenger 2 took out a number of tanks and 1 BMP before he was toast but my infantry had to huddle in the trees on the far right flank - it was a slaughter on a massive scale. Then my AFVs got hit one by one by fast firing canon from the BMPs. I had no answer to it. My infantry could not get close enough and were next to useless without Javelin support. I got a single tank reinforcement which I promptly lost within the same turn. I'e never been beaten so badly! I was shocked. I can only presume I didn't have Javelin or further armoured support because I had faired so badly throughout the campaign.
  21. Is that the mission in the Brit campaign you are doing? Where you are told to defend a small village and withdraw without taking too many losses. If so, good luck it's quite tricky. I just won a major victory with mine, but I had played it twice already so I knew what to look out for.
  22. I think the main problem here is not replenishing ammunition once in battle, it is simply being allocated tanks and vehicles to fight the next battle, (which will occur at least 24 hours later remember), without main gun ammunition. It's suicide! I had some AFVs continue with me throughout a couple of missions in the Brit campaign, one had a knocked out main gun and one had no main gun ammunition at all, so he was a sitting duck and next to useless. This is not realistic in my eyes. Even if the next mission was within the same day, the command would surely pull the damaged/depleted AFV from the front-line.
  23. hehe yes that is a tricky mission. I completed that yesterday. I did quite well but it is a challenge.
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