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Everything posted by Wilhammer

  1. Heh? The AI force seems about right too me.
  2. 1. Will it unduly attract enemy targeting? Is all that metal of Rubertanks (Rare Super Tanks) an eye magnet? 2. With such low ROF units (what is the ROF of a KV II?) will CM:BB add a new command, TacAI Off, so that these things won't mistakenly shoot at undesirable targets? Now how would i use it if things are pretty much like CM:BO, why gamey of course Eye magnetism so other units could go on by. Save the limited ammo for blowing apart buildings, hell if the damn thing misses, it can still ruin the neighborhood.
  3. The US TD doctrine was based on the kind of battle experienced in France 1940. As said, when the TD doctrine was used, it worked. US theater doctine in Europe was different than most others. The US essentially elected to grind down the entire front. Thus, with few exceptions, American forces were always on an offensive posture. If the war had been fought like it had in Russia or even in the early war, the difference would of been a front with offensives focal at few points and counter thrusts against the flanks by enemy not engaged in that region. Thus, the TD would of had greater opportunity to practice it doctrine. As it was, the only real armored counterattack by the Germans against post D-Day US forces showed that the doctrine worked.
  4. To sum it up, Naval aviation is to battleships as air superiority is to tanks.
  5. Does my handle still work? Another waste of server space...
  6. Was this the one they republished on the History Channel just last night? The saddest story was the death of the Goebbles children by the mother's hand and the gruesome relevation that, since the unit involved was a mobile unit, and no orders as to what to do with the bodies was given, the bodies were transported around with the unit for awhile. The other wierd part was that the Russian unit involved had to "steal" the bodies from another unit. The question I would like to have an answer too is why the Soviets are so wierd about this. One explanation I have heard was a concern for the location of his body bein a point of worship for some. If they ever bury McVeigh, won't that be a concern? (At this point, I doubt it will ever happen.) [ 05-13-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]
  7. The point of the quote is to strike swords with the quote by boy_Recon. We all know how complex the political aspects of the war were, and I don't think, personally, that Roosevelt wanted Pearl Harbor. The point is made that many Americans could not support any EMpire, and the many meetings between the US and Britain showcased this. NZ ships even withdrew from the Pacific War after VE day because they felt that way. And Tiger, you are correct, the US is and was an Empire of its own kind. Ironically, we somehow managed to nearly completely wipe out or subjects or assimilate them. boy_Recons quote is a bit offensive, so in true wargaming style, I slap it about Now back to PBEM, got some guys looking for moves this weekend.
  8. US HTs and Armored cars had a Bazooka or 2 in their TO&Es. AMOF, the use of the M-20s and Scout Cars was based on the crew dismounting and taking the zooks and Thompsons with them. So, it is a wash, in play balance terms. Maybe one day the future CM engine will allow the use of dismounted recon/HT crews. "The US wanted to sit out the war because we could not justify supporting any empire that forcefully subjugated other peoples and violated their human rights, whether Nazi, Japanese, or British." [ 05-04-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]
  9. I am curious as to how other people do this. 1. I have a shortcut link to the PBEM folder on the desktop. E-mail comes in, I save to desktop and then drag and drop the file to the folder link. Winzip will pop up if it is not a txt file. To send, I use winzip 8. I left click and select the context menu item Zip and email PBEMFILENAME.zip. I send a notice to the opposition over ICQ. The coolest new thing I do is send an ICQ SMS cellular text message to my friend Ciril in Split. This saves him the cost of checking his email to find his moves becasue they are charged by the minute for access, and his building has a party phone line. It is neat to send a text message to a cell phone thousands of miles away for no cost.
  10. My dog thinks it is a cat. It digs up moles or finds mice, brings them to the front yard, flings them in the air or traps them with her paws. She lets them almost escape, and then she recaptures them, wash, rinse, repeat. Was this on topic? Does it have antything to do with CM? HI MAtt!
  11. Finished a 1500 QB about 2 weeks ago. The AI chose a Pershing and a Chaffee. The Pershing survived the game intact. Best tank I picked was a IV/70. Lots of front bounces on the Pershing.
  12. The history of wargaming World War II is that you generally start with the Germans first, and then everyone else. CM had to be released sometime, so they released without some of the American HT variants, like the M-15 and M-16.
  13. On the second page, it appears the 88 on the East Front has kill rings along its entire length.
  14. Read up on the Nahomman Incident in 1939. The up to then invincible Japanese Army was crushed by a determined, well equiped and well led modern Soviet Force. This battle, routinely ignored by the west, had several important implications that affected WW2. 1. The Japanese were convinced they could not fight Russia and survive, much less win. Thus, the conquest of Manchuria was the end of the push north and west. SE Asia and Oceania was the only avenue to expansion to them. 2. Basic Soviet doctrine was inherently proved correct in this battle. Zhukov proved his points there, and built upon them to defeat the Germans. 3. The crushing defeat of the Japanese forces allowed the non-agression pact with Japan backed up by Japanese fear. This allowed both the USSR and Japan to essentially ignore their back doors while fighting their real wars; Soviet Expansion into Central Europe (with a German invasion thrown in to screw everything up) and Japanese expansion into SE Asia and the Pacific. CM in the Pacific would be bit boring, I have to admit. The Japanese Army was poorly equipped, and its doctines were Medieval. And both of its real enemies were technological and industrial giants. In the Pacific, the Stuart Tank was the Panther, and the Sherman was the King Tiger.
  15. Might want to work on your spelling Scenerios is not correct.
  16. Keep the Confederate flag. It is not illegal, it is just controversial with certain ethnic group and its supporters. South Carolina was under a black boycott last year until it was removed from the capitol dome, and Georgia is under intense political pressure as it is part of the State Flag. Many southern towns and cities have Confederate memorials, and some of them are under pressure by the "revisionists". I think Virginia had to drop its State song, and Lee-Jackson day was replaced with Martin Luther King Day. Controversy, not law. Actually, making it illegal would not fly due to the First Amendment, but economic and PC pressure will get some success. Again, nice mod. [ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]
  17. Once, vs the AI, I put conscript VS in some woods, behind a wall on a revese slope, a platoon of them with one HMG, and 3 waves of crack US paras came over the top and got slaughtered platoon by platoon, and the VS lost 2 guys and suffered morale no worse than pinned. I was very pleased with myself.
  18. Nice, but how long will the Confederate battle flag be legal? It is being treated as a swastika by some in the US now. (Tongue in cheek, but I'd thought that I let some Euros know that even US Democracy is subjected to threats).
  19. My 2 cents on these threads. An MG team could target a specific location/field of fire. It would declare a limited arc to a certain range and anything that entered that region took fire. This would be a special MG area sweep fire command. Area sweep target a point in space, and anything and EVERYTHING to the right, left, up or down in a limited arc can get whacked. This option should consume a lot of ammo. Another additional way to handle them could be parallell fire; if another unit at the same time was in the line of fire in front of and beyond a targeted unit, and the LOS traced marked intercepting elevations in this line with a small plus/minus variance, then those units took fire based on the range of the fire and a reduced fire since they were not aimed at. This would be just a change to the current fire rules. Also, it could be done to all kinds of direct rifle or auto fire, but MGs would stand out due to the far larger number of bullets they shoot. This is kind of like how gun fire is done now, in that a missed round has got to land somewhere.
  20. I too have experienced more effective artillery fire in the snow, but I think it is NOT because the fire is magically better, but that units moving through the snow move slower, and thus are exposed longer to the fire. On the defense, as in foxholes, the lack of vegetation and hence the loss of concealment shoulld increase exposure to damage of all kinds. [ 04-14-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]
  21. I run a Pentium 2 350 with 128 MB Ram and an Ultra TNT2, and I use the highest Res mods, including this one, and I am pleased. Minute slow down on huge maps, hardly any notice of slowdown nearly all of the time.
  22. Well, maybe if I had read the forums more closely in the past I would know this about men running to cover in enemy occupied areas instead of learning it the hard way yesterday as I watched a platoon that had been given Hide orders after moving to take a building instead decided to charge an enemy MG nest and got gunned down. They were about 30-40 meters away, in the open at night and died a stupid death, for if they had fallen back just 10 meters, they would of been behind a crest line. And what was real dissapointing to watch was the HQ, after watching its squads suffer casualties and panic, charged the building itself and was wiped out. Perhaps, in the future, the TacAI could not make HQs so "heroic".
  23. The yellow font on the header bar that starts with Hello,Username [log out] is hard to see. I am running Windows, BTW.
  24. Depends on the density of the target and the goal of the fire mission. Obviously you want highest density vs a non-moving target. The best way to slow down the enemy is with obstacles, like road blocks and barbed wire backed up with MGs, your MRL or minefields. If you can, try to channel the enemy with these kind of weapons into a nest of resitance to establish a killing zone. Mines can be the best way to do this. Once a minefield is spotted, you CANNOT voluntarily move into it. Backed up with well positioned MGs or guns, and you have formed a killing zone that you can then drop arty on. I have done this to others, and had a very recent experience having done to me. A band of AT and AP mines stopped my road bound army (it was in the snow) and a well timed 155 barrage killed 2 Panthers, 1 Tiger, 4 HTs and countless men, absolutely stopping that attack cold in that sector. The only thing keeping me gong is that it was ahuge battle and I was able to continue the offensive despite these heavy losses. On the attack, it is more complicated, but the principles of supporting combat arms still applies. This is when tanks supporting infantry is paramount as their long range fire can isolate an area, thus helping to prevent the run away from the spotting round thing. HMGs and MMGs are used for this blocking fire as well. Also, rmeber that if you keep your adjustments at under 100 meters in any direction, spotted or unspotted, you can walk your fire to maximum effect. For the long delay stuff, I plot it on turn one to the likely spot I will use it, and that helps cut down on the TOT when you actually get to the area. Tricks to do to slow down the delivery include slight shifting of the target point and moving the spotter. The suggestion to combine mortat OBA and gun OBA is a good one. The only concenr is I really like to save my 81mm for smoke missions, beacuse the use of smoke in offensive operations is crucial.
  25. In our collective ignorance, we have ignored the lowest number, 0. And that honor belongs to Mike D. When looking for his email, this message popped up. "No member profile found for member number" Now that is one insult I though one would only find in the cesspool. BTW, I found it trying to sse if Herman Munster was number 1313. This is the thread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=004290 Mike D cannot be found by searching by member number 0, so this poor fella likely is a member WITHOUT a number, 0 likely being the reported number for numberless members. Their be other member number 0s, like Thomas William Davie, Capt_Manieri, John Pender , and Zigster. [ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: Wilhammer ]
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