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Everything posted by Wilhammer

  1. The Midget tank, Why, its my old friend "Shift+C" I wonder if I have to use this device on a plastic model? Can you imagine attaching this to your cats? I have 3 of them, it would be damn funny. [This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 01-14-2001).]
  2. What happened to the real sniper? Stalin had, shall we say, a strong dis-like for anyone taking any recognition that might steal some attention from him. Marshall Zhukov was sort of shuffled off into oblivion after the war. In other countries he would of become a prime national leader candidate. Stalin had a saying that someone on this board uses as a sig, "No Man, No Problem", which was practiced with a ferocious appetite by him. How many "Heroes of the Soviet Union" would be gulaged or shot after the war just to protect Stalin from his paranoia?
  3. Very interesting about the halftrack M-2. I t would appear that each M-2 was carrying a squad and then some. Does this re-open the great HT capacity debate?
  4. If memory serves me, the first ever tactical armor game I played, Tobruk (1978 by AH), the historical notes describe this oblique approach as a general German armor tactic. The Germans would litteraly zig-zag into battle.
  5. One of my more thrilling battles was a night fog MEQB, and I bought a Churchill with the 94mm gun. Into the center of town, I encounter a StuH IV, a flamethrowing HT (this taught me the leson of not rushing to the center in MEs) and a Panther. After several minutes of close range combat (under 50 meters), my Churchill had sustained numerous direct hits, the final one knocking out my gun. The StuH IV was blown up, the Panther was shocked and immobilized (only to die from a Piat hit two turns later), and the flame HT was toasted. While all those German assets were tied up against this one seemingly impregenable AFV, I was able to consolidate my hold on the center of town, and out flank the guy with my Platoon in Kangaroos. I can think of no better tank than the 94 mm armed Churchill to take in with my infantry. It is so very tough, this one took a half dozen Panther 75 hits at less than 100 meters and survived.
  6. 3 Critical Errors? "I moved my halftacks up into a postion that looked like it had good fields of fire to me." Ususally giving your units good fields of fire results in giving the enemy excellent exposure to your units. If you see me, I see you type of thing. "Then I moved the Nashorn up" A Nashorn should not be moved up. It is a standoff weapon. This should of been in your rear overwatching and/or guarding your flank(s). "made sure my artillery spotter was behind a wall" While a wall provides protection, it does not provide very good concealment. I have never had arty spotters attacked by direct fire. I keep them in woods, pines, and buildings. Mine have never been spotted. Lessons Learned.
  7. Keep #2 handy for the Norweigan/Finland/Karelia scenarios. It looks almost like the aurora borlealis.
  8. Well, Mr. Johnson, apparently that fellow was basing his victory on the KT, so since he surrendered to your Piat teams, I'd say you did an excellent job. In these types of QBs, I have learned to not rush the town center. (I got flamed once doing that, it was not pretty). 2 things, I think, would really help MEQBs be more realistic, and that is much shallower setup zones, and maps with more depth.
  9. ::Puppchen is available on all dates:: Oh my gosh. I ran into those for the first time in a PBEM this week, and they are quite devestating. I guess I need more arty in my QBs to mask them. BTS, thanks for the patch and all your hard work.
  10. When you consiider the likelyhood that those Hamsters would be chased by Cats (Tigers, Panthers), then you can see that they would be extremely motivated rodentia
  11. On an M-8 website (link is at home) a story is told by a vet of waiting in Ambush with his M-8, watching a Tiger go by, driving out at high speed to point blank range, and pumping 37 mm shells into the ass end of the Tiget until it was killed, then he got the hell out of there.
  12. Olle, Mine sees both. Perhaps your reserve drive letter setting excludes L drive or an autoexec.bat file line has set lastdrive at less than L.
  13. http://normandy.eb.com/ Someone name jeers posted this link back in June. Pretty good stuff. Has some newsreel footage in QT format. One has Wittman in a starring role.
  14. I had a 3dfx card, a VooDoo 2. I need to replace it to get full CM enjoyment, and after much research, I felt it best to buy a Xentor 32MB Ultra TNT 2 video card, which I feel is the best card for my system I could buy. 350 MhZ Pentium II 128 MB SDRAM Asus P2B Motherboard
  15. I do not really consider it, tactically speaking, a tank. If you treat it as a mobile gun with excellent forward protection and almost nothing on the sides and rears, then it is superb, the best ATG in the game, IMHO. I hate the little bastards when I have to face them.
  16. Look at the guys sweater, it is a wargamer's sweater. I see American type stars in circles, and Swastika like things that reminds you of the double hammers used in "The Wall".
  17. Slappy and his psychodelic mod, sounds way cool! I was thinking that it would be nice to have a pool of Armor Mods with multi colored polka dots on them and troops that have big orange hair and big feet in parachute pants so when you take on some of the "clowns" you find here, you can really get into the mood.
  18. Define Victory The QB system sets up objectives. You take them, you win. Losses play a factor. Generally, if you take all of the objectives, your losses will not mean squat in the tally. That is the game method. How do you define victory? I will shoot myself first, and offer up my definitions. 1. I take into account the QB/Scenario goals. 2. How effeciently were they achieved? a. What kind of losses did you take versus how much you dished out. b. Did you have to resort to gimics to win? (The gamey debate). (don't define gimics in this thread, we have done so in other threads) c. If the enemy counter attacked with another force, could you keep your victory sites? 3. Disaster recovery. a. Suppose you did something real stupid, and got your best tank(s) or platoon killed, or a defensive location was a bad idea (the VP sites do not alwas represent a military objective. If a VP site is in a vulnerable area, it may not be a good idea to hold it. The military objective (woods, a ridge line, a hill, etc.) may be more valuable to control the site(s) than the actual sites); how well did you adapt to recover from this disaster? (I have won games VP wise, but I gave credit to my opponent for what I percieved as a stroke of tactical genius). 4. Success relative to the odds. a. So, he has a King Tiger and you got nothing but Sherman 105s. Did you just lay down and die, or did you do a serious well thought out attempt to spank the guy? b. Outnumbered. Again, did you fight well? 5. Did you learn something? 6. Did you get a new friend? 7. Did you have a good time? To summarize, you can win two ways; by raw VPs and by how well you played the game. In real life, like in business, the latter is usually irrelevant. In the game, victory is difficult to define, and BTS has done better than most to fix this.
  19. Kitty, That sounds a lot like my Orange Tabby.
  20. Lorak, Send me something, anything. (EDIT: I will send you something, and it will be simply a randomly generated by default 100-1500 pt. QB). Actually, I begin 4 new PBEMs tonight, three having just ended for me, one in bloody victory, the others conceeded to me. It does not seem that you live very far from me at all, I'm near Hwys 65 and 220. I will let you know about meeting, it would great to do a FTF discussion of CM over late lunch one weekend day before you go to work. Might even talk about going into the T-shirt biz. I agree on the simplicity. The old PanzerBlitz T-shirt was sharp, an isometric of a Panther in simple colors pointing right at you with the word PanzerBlitz written on the bottom, it was the cover from the old PanzerBlitz box. I work "normal" 7-6 hours Mon-Friday, sometimes more. Then their is Boy Scouts, Baseball Coaching, Church, Honey Do lists... Thank God for coffee. and CM. [This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 01-05-2001).]
  21. Its a fantastic infantry support weapon, and OK as anti-tank. It is best used in a combined arms role, i.e, move them with the infantry and as overwatch for infantry moves. Best bang for the buck, in my opinion. BTW, the M-8 HMC is a similar great tool for the US, except it ain't much on killing tanks, but it is dirt cheap.
  22. I am seriously considering buying a low end 3D card for my PC at work, and coming in weekends, telling my family "I have to go to the office this weekend to take care of a few things" so I can get more CM time in. I am weird, no? Where is the local chapter of the CMAA (Combat Mission Addicted Anonymous)?
  23. Looks like it will be a Third Party Mod. We need BTS permission to use their logos, etc. BTS does not need to invest ant of their time into this except in an approval process. 1. We need design(s). 2. We need someone to make the shirts with designs. 3. We need shirts. I think a good, if not great shirt would be the cover picture of CMBO Manual (in color) on an Olive drab tee shirt. It would be nice for us to have a list of interested customers, what should our first production run consist of? How much would a CM shirt be worth? Would it be cheaper to get a professionally made shirt, or home made iron on types? Lorak, I too like the Waffle House, when I can get to one, which is rarely. Mr. Lorak, can we PBEM each other? Might even have coffee at the Waffle House on Hanes Mill road (the only one I have been to in WS.). [This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 01-05-2001).]
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