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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. But wait, there's more... At 2100 hours on D-day a force of over 250 Horsa and Hamilcar Gliders appeared over the Sword beachhead heading inland. This was the British 6th air landing brigade, the fifth and final element of the 6th airborne division to land on that day. After casting off their tow lines, the gliders descended down to land inside the allied perimeter east of the Orne river near Ranville. Meanwhile, on the other side of the Orne river elements of the German 21st Panzer division were advancing into the gap between Sword and Juno beach. Witnessing the aerial armada as it passed overhead, and fearing that this force would be dropped in his rear, the German commanded issued an order to withdraw back to Caen. North of Caen depicts a fictional meeting engagement between elements of the 6th ALB, which due to navigational error had landed off course and well to the west of the allied perimeter, and the retreating 21st Panzer division. For the British player, you are stranded deep in enemy territory and with no hope of assistance from other forces, at least for some time. You must hold on with what you have in the face of the armored stampede. The Germans, on the other hand, must get back to the safety of their lines before night falls, or else end up stranded deep in a pocket, at night, in a country full of enemy airborne units. 45 turns / 5300 points total / German exit scenario. Flags are added to help guide the axis AI, but it really doesn't do a good job of exiting its units, so I may eliminate them altogether. I suggest it be played H2H. BTW, the map is a slightly modified version of the Desert Fox's "Crown of Thorns" map. Special thanks to DF for letting me use it. You can pick up the beta version at the proving grounds.
  2. The original program was designed to be run in DOS, and that is something I know next to nothing about. I took over midway through the third ROW (or was it the second?), but couldn't find anyone to help me with the scoring. After reading the manual, and a couple of test runs, I was able to score the tournament using the modified version. I have stuck with it ever since. In reality, the modified version is identical to the original with the exception of one step (step 6). Here is the original: 1. It first looks for scores that do not add up to 100 due to contested/unoccupied VLs, and split the dierence between the players equally (this is for CMBO, note that in CMBB CM points always total 100). For exam- ple, a final score of 70-20 would be converted to 75-25. Scores will always add up to 100 after this adjustment. There is a very good reason for doing this involving agreements between players designed to maximize their scores. Perhaps you can figure it out? 2. The median score for each side of all the scenarios is determined. 3. The dierence between a player’s score and the median score for the side he played will be determined for all scenarios. 4. The standard deviations from the median scores are determined for all scenarios. This value will always be the same for both sides of a given scenario due to step 1 above. 5. The dierence from the median will then be divided by the standard deviation resulting in the “normalized dierence from the median”. 6. The normalized dierence from the median is then assigned a Nabla score for the scenario. This is done with a formula created by Nabla that is at work inside the scoring program. 20 7. The average of all a player’s Nabla scores (one for each scenario) is then determined, resulting in the player’s final tourney score. The high score in each section is the winner of the section. You'll note that step 1 is not an issue with CMBB or CMAK, while steps 2 thru 5 can easily be done in excel. The modified scoring version skips step 6 and goes to step 7.
  3. Well, a good morning to all... Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been keeping a close eye on the discussions both here and GAJ's thread. Good to see so many people taking an interest in this, and offering constructive ideas on how to improve the system. That said, it should be made clear to everyone that ROW V will finish out with the current system in place. Switching over to a new program midway thru, without any comprehensive testing,[Fu Manchu voice] would be most unwise.[/Fu Manchu voice] As for Dawg, can't say I agree with his decision, but it is his decision. The door is open, so he can come in and return to his original spot.
  4. There isn't a formula or program per se. I'm simply using the same step-by-step process that I have used from ROW III to date. Here it is copied from the Tournament manual which is posted over at Boots and Tracks: 1. The median score for each side of all the scenarios is determined. 2. The difference between a player's score and the median score for the side he played will be determined for all scenarios. 3. The standard deviations from the median scores are determined for all scenarios. This value will always be the same for both sides of a given scenario due to #1 above. 4. The difference from the median will then be divided by the standard deviation resulting in the "normalized difference from the median". 5. The average of all a player's scores (one for each scenario) is then determined, resulting in the player's final tourney score. The high score in each section is the winner of the section. I'm not sure I understand exactly what the fuss is all about. Can someone explain it to me?
  5. This is impossible for several reason. First, the program Cpl Carrot created randomly assigned the 72 players to their respective sections. The only manipulation I did in this process was to shift a few players around based on their ROW experience, so as to ensure we had a good mix of vets and noobs across the board. Second, assigning who played what side was also done randomly. Take a look at the spreadsheet (which I can e-mail to anyone who is interested) and note how I organized the various matchups. Group 1 / section 1 was my template. Once I made sure all 6 players in that section played each person and scenario once I copied it, then changed the names to those in G1/S2, and repeated it for the other 10 sections. There was no attempt on my part to make sure player X got to play side Y in scenario Z. More on this in a bit...
  6. You'll need to contact Jwxspoon. He is the designer.
  7. You'll need to contact Jwxspoon. He is the designer.
  8. For what its worth, Bogdan posted a link to a Market-Garden site a couple of days ago. You can see a panoramic view of the area you mention, although as seen today. Still, the terrain wouldn't have changed all that much.
  9. I can e-mail the spreadsheet to all who would like it. Just drop me a line.
  10. Good eye. The mistake was in BigDog's score for St. Ed's. It is now fixed, and data has automatically updated. I love this program
  11. I believe the Panthers in question were destroyed during Operation Charnwood. Michael Reynolds describes elements of von Ribbentrop's 3rd company (Panthers) counterattacking on July 8th to rescue trapped remnants of the 25th PzGr regiment, which at the time was defending the area La Bijude - Galamanche - Buron. He mentions 7 tanks being lost.
  12. Speaking of still playing CMBO... Following the successful seaborne assault of Gold Beach, the British 50th division began its advance inland towards its D-day objectives. Around 1600 hours elements of the British 69th Brigade, with support from tanks of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards, ran into a sizeable German force outside the villages of Bazenville and Villers-le-Suc. This force was from the German 352nd infantry division, and was in fact ordered to counterattack the British beachhead. Bazenville is a 55-turn CMBO meeting engagement, with approx 8000 points total for both sides. You can pick it up at the proving grounds Enjoy!
  13. Are you sure about this? All the info I've read on this battle indicates only the II. Abteilung (Mark IVs) being involvde in the June 7th counterattack, with the Panthers of I. Abteilung not arriving until much later in the evening, and instead attacking further west in the vicinity of Bretteville L’Orgueilleuse.
  14. You tell me. I only enter what you guys submit. If it doesn't jive with your own data then send me the correct numbers and I will edit the score, but make sure your opponent agrees to the new numbers.
  15. In a nutshell, the player with the highest score in your section is the winner, and advances to the finals. So, looking at your section (11) I see that Platehead has the highest score with 3.86. However, that's not the whole story, for we still have yet to apply the AAR bonuses.
  16. Keep in mind that everyone is eligible to play in the finals, but only the winners from each of the 12 sections get to play for the wine. The reason to allow more players is to get more scores, and thus make the Nabla calculations more accurate. BTW, does anyone want to guess as to who the designers are for the first 5 scenarios?
  17. Assume no more! Last score was just submitted, results sent to database, and viola! The results are up for all to see. Excellent program. Everyone, Go now to the ROW V page, click on the results tab, then click on 'view players scores' next to your name. Verify that all the data is correct, not only scores but sides as well. Bring any mistakes to my attention ASAP! If all is good scroll down to the bottom of the page and click where it says 'see tournament outcome'. There you'll see the pre-bonus scores for the entire tournament. Note that the results you see are not your scenario scores, but the Nabla score.
  18. Yes. The ROW V page will automatically display the scores and averages once all are submitted. I'm giving the final 2 players until Friday night to contact me.
  19. My guess would be a FPS of 101st Airborne in Normandy, because it would be oh so original
  20. 4 received, 4 forwarded to Ace. So far no bounce back message I am down to one more game to complete. Raketenpanzerbuchse or Panzertwat, I need from either of you the final score or the latest game file you have for 'Highlanders in Hell'. Please send it to me asap!
  21. Still playing, still designing. I have a new one - Fontaine Henry - currently at the proving grounds, and am putting the finishing touches on another. After I launch the ROW V finals I will begin work on two seperate battle packs (St. Malo and Brest / Crozan).
  22. To those who still have games in progress, you have until tomorrow morning to send in your score. If you are sure you cannot finish in time then send me your latest file and I will cycle through the final turns to finish the game. I will send you the results.
  23. Dave, Look at the quote again. Besieged port city of Tobruk. Since when did Monty and Rommel ever face off at Tobruk?
  24. Try the CMAK conversion of 'Worthington Force'. One of my all time favorites.
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