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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Here you go: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013317.html ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  2. I can't think of any benefits to splitting them. They are uncontrollable until they recover (if at all), so you'll end up with two units doing nothing. Also, split units are in a more fragile state than full strength units, so the recovery phase might end up taking longer.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Phil, Thanks very much. With a company our size, every sale does in fact count (unlike every vote in certain assbackwards states ). Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HEY! Watch it there, buddy! You wouldn't want me to call for the van. Here's something to consider: Guess where all those short sighted, absent minded retirees that couldn't read a ballot came from? Yep, you got it...Maine All in good fun, Steve, all in good fun
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JessRobinson: Am I missing something critical here? How do you order infantry to dig foxholes? Is this something only defending troops can do in the first turn of a scenario? I'm very confused.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jess, You don't order troops to dig foxholes, they do it automatically during the first turns plot phase. Also, both sides will dig foxholes, not just the defender. Try this out: Fire up a small hotseat game and go thru the setup routine, noting what terrain type you place your men in. Now hit "GO" and you'll see their terrain location will all change to say "Foxhole" (apart from those in buildings or pavement). This will happen to both attackers and defenders AND it covers not only regular line infantry (HQs, rifle squads) but also support elements (MG / mortar teams & guns). Keep in mind that they will only dig foxholes in that first turn. That's why the split squad technique I mentioned earlier is important. If you only have one opportunity to dig foxholes, then it's best to dig as many as possible. I hope this clears it up for you
  5. Bruno, What are you upset about? Madmatt locked two threads that were totally OT. So what? That's his job.
  6. 2B, Split squads can be recombined, just move them together and in the next turn they will join. Keep in mind that you can't recombine units if they came from different squads, in otherwords you can't join units 1A and 3A, only 1A and 1B. Here's a technique that I use when defending. During setup I take my platoons and split the squads, putting half in front line positions and deploy the other half behind them in a second line. The terrain will dictate the distance between the two, but generally try to keep them within a turn's running distance. As soon as the first turn's plotting phase begins the troops immediately dig foxholes. Now move the rear units up to join the front line units in their foxholes. You now have a strong front line position composed of dug-in full strength squads, and a second set of foxholes that you can fall back on.
  7. How Quaint, My two favorite punching clowns here in the same thread, acting like little school girls at a sleep over, tickeling and teasing... SLAP! Now that I have your attention... Shug, When you do start another game with Freyland I suggest you buy a thousand points worth of AA units, for Doc has shown a unique talent of pulling extra Jabos out of his ass when you least expect it. He even laughs when it happens. Weird. Doc, I suggest you break out the depends, for I'm about to pull the lanyard on the geriatric brigade, and they'll need a change after I'm thru. Now, back to your PJ party.
  8. I have a Voodoo 2 and I get transparent smoke, along with Fog. Granted the smoke is blocky, but I can live with that. Nubes, I have a P2-233 Mhz, 160 megs of Ram, and the Voodoo 2. I have no problems playing any of the scenarios. Some of the really big ones like August bank holiday or Parker's crossroads will slow things down, but for the most part everything will run very smooth and quick. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm buying forces for a 7500 point monster game and am considering buying FBs. I know fighter bombers are a risk, a gamble, they may not show up, they might but hit your own troops, they might but not do anything, etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Or, you might get more than you purchased. I just finished up a 1500 pt QB against Freyland, he defended with Polish Airborne against my Mechanized SS troopers. Half way thru the game a FB (the only one he purchased) rolls in and blast a couple of my HTs to hell. On his second pass he gets blown away by my 20mm flak. So far so good. Fast forward 5-7 turns and out of nowhere another FB rolls in and wipes out my last 251/9, thus ending any chance of me capturing one of his VLs. He later rolled in again to get a track hit on another HT. Strangely my flak units did not engage the second FB at all. Freyland confirmed he only purchased one FB, and I can confirm that he was shot down on his second pass (the kill screen on one of my 20mm flak listed one plane shot down). The AAR screen also confirmed the airplane being shot down. Yet another one appeared and ruined my attack. Talk about being pissed Also, a few turns before the second FB attack Freyland tells me that 2 AT mines appeared out of nowhere on his side of the map, along the back edge. He is positive he didn't purchase any AT mines. All this was during a TCP/IP game. He has kept the saved turns to send to BTS, along with the errorlog. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 12-11-2000).]
  10. Your cries have been heard: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum8/HTML/000934.html ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  11. How about instead of "are you sure" we'll get Regis to chime in with "is that your final answer?"
  12. Any one of my split personalities. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  13. Yeah, well I once hit a Kubelwagon with a 14" naval round. It landed in the driver's lap and the damn thing still kept going! Top that. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  14. Bob, The Villers-bocage operation is included in the original set of scenarios that came with the CD. Check out the operation section. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  15. It's that damn Romulan cloaking device again!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deuce: curious, if one guy can run a flame thrower, what's the assistant for?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> He carries the Zippo and marshmallows ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  17. Check this out: http://combathq.thegamers.net/aars/game12/openindex.asp Pay particular attention to the way Fionn handeled his infantry. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  18. Try smoke to cover your advance. Have your men run in a zig-zag fashion to throw the aim off of big guns. Leapfrog platoons from cover to cover, with one platoon laying down covering fire for the other, both covered by MG and mortar teams farther back.
  19. Steve, Is there a reason why the M3 HTs can carry 12 riflemen but not 3 zook teams. Just curious.
  20. (CLICK) Damn, I meant to turn off my PC and I clicked "post reply" by mistake. Sorry about that
  21. Check the opponent finder forum, you'll have no problem finding someone.
  22. How about an army of flamethrowers against an army of lawyers. ------------------ Damn you, you MUST die!!!.....Ianc (after watching the last PBEM file I sent him).
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40: So don't play against people who insist on using a timer. What's the big deal? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah John, what's your problem!?! Wait a minute..what am I saying? I was his opponent. Ok, here's my take on TCP/IP. Definetly adds a whole new twist to an excellent game. If you're looking to bang out a quick 20-30, 700-1250 pt game, then TCP/IP is the way to go. Freyland and I managed to get in two games last night in about three hours, which is a hell of alot faster than any other method. However, of the two games, the first played out better and I think I know why... The first game was a converted PBEM game, so there was no time restrictions during (IMO) the most important phase of the battle - the strategy planning and setup phase. Once the battle began the timer did add a nice touch to the way the game progressed. The second game was the same size as the first (1000 pts) but we chose a three minute timer, which worked out to 6 minutes of setup. Even with that much time we both felt rushed and our strategy suffered from it. I'd much rather have unlimited time for setup and then kick in the timer. I guess the way to go is to start the game up as a PBEM, do your setup, and then switch to TCP/IP. I think in our next game we'll give PeterK's suggestion a try and play without the timer. Who knows, Freyland might even win this time ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  24. Question: Why is it that you can fit a 12 man squad in a M3 HT, yet can't fit 3 Zook teams of 6 men total? ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
  25. Griffin, I'm not an expert on rockets, but I believe the inaccuracy of rockets in due in large part to the differences of "burn-time" from one rocket motor to another. A difference in a second or two can be the difference between a rocket landing on target or off the map. ------------------ Frag Hanoi Jane
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