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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard: This poll is only for those that have tried all the grasses: Which one did you find best to work within Combat Mission?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Seriously, I installed the mod but I didn't see much difference. Mind you I am running CM on a Pentium Pro laptop with unknown video card... I expect I'm missing a lot of the sublteties. My complaint has to do with the wheat fields, they look kind of flat.
  2. Maybe Hasbro will buy them out. Imagine... maybe they would release a Star Trek version with Klingons battling UFP troops based on the Combat Mission game engine...
  3. Welcome all. Play the demo until you get the copy, I spent hours playing that thing. Then, once you're addicted, you will get the final version and your life will be transformed.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blackhorse: You should put together a walk-thru on how to make textures. Some of us -not-so-artistic folks might wanna give it a try.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would like to learn how to do that too. Pretty soon we'll need a utility to keep track of the mods!
  5. I noticed since I received my copy of CM, the number of hours I spend watching TV have gone down. WAY down. This could be the start of a good thing.
  6. Another thing I just thought of -- the large stone bridges let you place them over a road, but the little ones don't. Yikes! I need both types of bridges then. What am I going to do...
  7. I think it's good to have both types of stone bridges, there are stone bridges everywhere in Europe. The steel suspension bridges are more rare, I am just asking people to think about doing this because I want one.
  8. FYI, I noticed while building my map that the labels I put on lose their place when I save and reload the map. I will add the labels once I'm done.
  9. I don't have the tools here, but would someone be willing to mod the graphics for the large stone bridge, converting it into a huge metal suspension bridge? Just an idea. I am modeling the map of Arnhem, you see... There must be more than one suspension bridge in Europe, other people might find this useful too.
  10. I am building a map, and noticed that when I pick roads within scattered trees, there is a thin strip of "scattered trees terrain" on each side of the road. That's fine. If I were to pick the tile for building a road in woods, do the woods have any effect on enemy fire? The strip is so thin, I wonder if it has the same effect as scattered trees, and whether scattered trees beside roads have the same effect as, say, brush. Thanks.
  11. I wouldn't want to speak for them, but BTS said a couple of months ago they weren't keen on the idea of having "rarity factors" for units. ASL had some, but I don't know how realistic they were. Imagine the amount of research you would have to do. Depending on the terrain, if your opponent picked heavy armour then buy units that can surprise it or outflank it and take it out. If you are in open fields, though, you had better buy equivalent armour or lots of AT gunes to compensate, or plenty of smoke shells. If your opponent keeps picking those heavy armour units, make him/her play in high hills with woods everywhere, or in heavy fog, or at night where range doesn't help you as much.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TURBO: If they were green or conscript it might scare the hell out of them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was the original purpose of the bagpipes, I think. Now people think it's music. In one ASL (General) magazine there was a bagpipe player.
  13. Nicolas, j'aime ta citation! I love his quote, it basically says that two intellectuals who are sitting down and talking won't go as far as a brute marching forward. I'm an intellectual so now you know why my life is such a mess.
  14. Netscape should be scanning your files when you receive the infected messages, not when you are replying to them! I recommend you buy Norton Anti Virus, or McAffee to protect your PC. If you are on the 'net a lot, and because there are just too many Outlook viruses out there, I think it would be a good idea. Some of these packages let you "clean" infected files, so you may not lose the information. One thing you should right away is let the other person know that they sent you a virus so they can disinfect their machine.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zaffod: BTW, i think "Cpt. Kirk" (Shatner, yah?) was from Iowa... maybe he grew up in Canada.. i dunno.. Zaff'<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I heard that he was from Montreal, but then again, maybe he just spent a few years there. Oh I forgot others the SCTV crowd, who ended up in such five-star movies as Ghostbusters... The Pillsbury dough boy was American I think. And Blues Brothers, Groundhog Day, there must be others. I heard one Canadian squad scream "Chicken!" after some Germans ran away, that made me laugh. It was in a British accent though.
  16. I found my manual! It was under a pile of old vinyl records, I'm repainting my living room and I just put my CD player, old turnable and a pile of records on top. Whew! I'm find now.
  17. Leslie Nielsen comes from Canada, but you can't judge an accent based on what HE does! Half the time he makes up accents as he goes along. Other Canadian actors, although I'm sure they all strive to speak with an American accent: Cpt. Kirk; Scotty; Jim Carrey; one or two of the actors on friends; the "nerds" in the X-Files, esp. the slim guy with long blond hair; Colin Mackerie on Whose Line Is It Anyway (the US copycat version, not the UK show); Michael J. Fox on and on help me out guys there must be dozens more. Partly because education costs little here in Canada, and so if someone has talent for acting then they are not really hampered by having to pay for their own education -- the bigger the pond, the more likely you will end up with quality fish. Bob and Doug MacKenzie were Canadian, although they exaggerated everything, eh?
  18. I lost my CM manual! Shame on me. Now I will have to turn my house upside down until I find it.
  19. I noticed that my Canadian troops often speak with a British accent... This was quite possible, but I am hearing more British accents than I would have expected. I am surprised too that the units never swear -- that was by design, I assume!
  20. I am running CM on a 2-years old NEC Versa LX, Pentium Pro chipset with 64M of RAM and no fancy video card that I know of. It runs fine.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadBot: Soon now, so very soon, I will ascend to my proper position of 'Member' status and then you and all your silly cadre of sycophant allies will know the true meaning of servitude! MadBot... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Keep posting silly messages like this, and you will truly be among peers once you are branded a member. Branded like a cow. Re. souls and machines, which came first? The soul or the machine? We all know the answer to the chicken and egg problem, the egg came first because dinosaurs laid eggs and birds are descendents of dinosaurs.
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