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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. It occurred to me that this may be because I haven't moved the cm 103 executable to the Combat Mission directory yet, I am running it from where WinZip put it -- maybe not all bitmaps were shipped with the patch, because not all graphics were updated. Let me know if this makes sense.
  2. I am playing my first CM end-of-turn movie, winter scenario, snow. The snow looks fantastic! Great job guys. Mortar explosions however look strange, I see these pure qhite triangles going up, as if there were no explosion graphics, just empty (cleared) space for bitmaps or sprites. Was this intentional? I still can't believe how real the snowflakes look, I don't know if I will ever get over this one, they look COOL (pun intended).
  3. I played SL, Cross of Iron, Crescendo of Doom, GI Anvil of Victory. ASL a little, but not as much. Hundreds of hours of enjoyment, mostly against high school friends and for a few years later against Stefan and another guy who has three or four kids now so he can't play anything. Then maybe he's not playing anymore because he can't roll the dice in that "special" way that tended to give him more snake eyes than anyone else on the planet... Stefan and I had a blast, we expanded the game to do strategic plotting as well as tactical, because we were getting tired of "just" doing scenarios. Of course after the strategic was added we HAD to add air combat rules of our own. I still have all those rules we made up, they're in file cabinet behind me here as I type this e-mail.
  4. I am playing a scenario against Deadline, and so far his SS troops haven't taken a single prisoner. Instead there are whole squads lying in the field here and there, they just eliminated them all. No prisoners. After what I saw, I'm not going to take prisoners either, I am pounding them from a distance with my tanks, shell by shell... until there will be nothing left of them. You reap what you sow.
  5. I noticed that sometimes, when I ask the game to generate a map for me, there are little pyramids here and there. I think this happens when one square has a much higher location than the adjacent ones, and so we end up with a 4-sided spike.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom: Slight problem with the website.... How can it truely be Canadian without a French part? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, anglophones don't think about French, they live in English all the time because they are part of a majority. Then when francophones want French services, they can't understand -- uh, can't they get these services in English? Why should we provide services in French... Canada is bilingual only as long as everyone speaks English. I realize that we need a Canadian CM web site, and that the game is American so it's in English anyway, but as a francophone living in Nova Scotia I thought I should vent a little. Did you know, here the francophone and Acadian association discovered that the provincial government can't account for the money the Feds give them for providing french education? The province has appropriated some of the funding for themselves, who cares about these Acadians and French people anyway, right? I'm sure it goes both ways, I'm sure the Quebec government "forgot" to allocate all the funds for anglophone schools.
  7. I don't think you can do it, sorry. The game is pretty amazing as it is, maybe they will incorporate this later.
  8. More tiles, more types of buildings. Buildings that are tied to each other, like in Arnhem. A cathedral, there was one in almost every large town in Europe. If not a cathedral, you can usually find a basilica (almost as big), or very large chapels. Bridges that are at different levels above water, e.g. Arnhem bridge in the middle has to be more than 4 levels above the water, but near the ground it is.. well, 1 level or less above ground.
  9. Could be a conspiracy, but the same thing happened to me yesterday!!
  10. Stefan and I currently believe that if you are the Germans, and you are buying your units with points, you will get more bang for your buck than if you are playing the Allies. So if you are going to play a quick battle where you get to pick your own units, pick the Germans. I know this is inevitable, in Star Fleet Battles people kept complaining that "their" race was at a disadvantage... And the game designers never managed to convince people otherwise.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri: for example, the player is tasked with capturing a certain crossroads before the end of the scenario; if he succeeds , he might be given another objective as part of a larger battle, or he might be submitted to an enemy counter-attack to retake the critical crossroads and be tasked with holding the position for a certain length of time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This reminds me of timed artillery barrages against crossroads after D-Day...
  12. I played three turns against some opponents this evening, do I have any files from Stefan tonight? NO !!! WHERE ARE MY FILES? BJ, I thought he was planning his OOB against you, now I am wondering if he is doing anything at all!!
  13. I noticed too that if you brew up a tank, the crew sometimes pops up anyway. You would think they would all be eliminated if the tank is engulfed in flames.
  14. OK, no answer, so this must have been obvious to everyone but myself. I will take this as meaning that the experience selection has to be done BEFORE I select my troops, because if I change it after it has no effect.
  15. Ah, you see, when Stefan wants his files, it's an emergency. But then sometimes it takes him a couple of days to send me the files back, or he sends them after I have gone to bed. So the next day, when I return home from work, there is an e-mail waiting for me with this subject line: WHERE ARE MY FILES?! It's all relative. We have been pretty good so far, Stef, you are just brewing up trouble because you have nothing better to do. Remember, I am still designing that map for your other game... (Where's the tornado weather option in scenario design? No hail, either, I would love to see that, or freezing rain...)
  16. I noticed that I can select units for myself, then once I am just below my allotted total for the scenario, I can then change my troops' experience from normal to veteran and my total doesn't change. Is this because the drop down box for experience only applies BEFORE we click on the units we want and not for all our units?
  17. One leader even had a rating of 6+1, that guy never lasted long when he was part of my OOB. Probably he had good intentions, then power got to his head, and he became expendable. I sent him on long, lone recce missions...
  18. Is there a way to use a custom-made map, but then let players pick the units they want like we can for quick battles? I wish there was a way we could tell quick battle whether we want to use an existing map or whether we want it to generate one for us. I find that the city maps tend to be just a couple of blocks surrounded by countryside, I wanted to use the ported ASL mapboard 1 for a quick battle. Heh heh. January, snow, night time, ASL mapboard 1. Fog would be interesting too... TIA
  19. new is not necessarily better. Just look at the Volkswagen bug!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by deanco: Man, I got in too late. Well, I can start the next list, I guess. I wanna play 1 game with someone to see how I like it. [...] Small map, QB, not too long, OK? Great, I'm anxious to find out how this works. DeanCo-- deanco@cybercable.fr <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> DeanCo, Are you playing with the gold demo, or with the shipped version of the game? Let me know, if the demo I can play Close Encounter or Valley of Trouble against you, doesn't make any difference. I kind of lied when I said I was new to CM, I've been playing Advanced Squad Leader for years and I've been playing Combat Mission for a couple of months now. Now that I posted this maybe iggi you should slant the scenario 25% or 50% in your favour? I feel brave today.
  21. Iggy, I'm a newbie too, I know nothing about CM. Please send me a PBEM at lori.pat@ns.sympatico.ca I will play one turn per day.
  22. I am designing a scenario, how do I tell the map editor to place an objective flag on a specific spot on the map? I couldn't find any reference to this in the manual.
  23. I got confused, I thought roadblocks would be a map feature, turns out you buy them like any other unit. OK that's fine, I found them now. Thanks.
  24. Train artillery. I'm sure they are putting train artillery in there. I really need that.
  25. Uh, ho. Now he's going to be nasty! I better be on my guard...
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