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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. Tiger, You're really good at this, plus you produce at least one new mod a week, that's amazing. So where can we download this new mod?
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: You know, the borg are about the only interesting thing in ST universe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Only if you don't watch reruns.
  3. No, don't bother. It's just people talking back and forth about two different types of little rodents: lemmings and something else. Now people are posting to it just to see how many messages that thread can reach.
  4. Er, I don't think anything in this thread was intended to be taken seriously. The Borg are in a science fiction TV show.
  5. I am 5 of 9, hoping to spend all my time with 7 of 9...
  6. In case there are people out there who don't know what a Borg is, it's a cyborg without a mind of its own. They are all part of The Borg Collective, whose only purpose in life seems to be to assimilate other cultures and integrate them into the collective. It's a new addition to Star Trek, after they decided to make the Klingons friendly and they stopped talking about the Romulans. They had to make up another villain somehow! Another way of seeing the Borg is as... human garbage recyclers. They transform mere biological beings into highly efficient biomechanical drones. They haven't encountered the Andromedans yet, that should be a short feud, the Borg will become irrelevant. I am still waiting for the Klingon TV show, enough of this Federation and their boring diplomatic problems. But Paramount will never be able to fix Star Trek, they sacrificed it on the altar of the great box office god. Gna gna I don't think I have been assimilated yet, if I have, I forgot about it -- it didn't stick. I don't see any Borg... haven't seen them for a long time... I am free! free! What's that buzzing noise?
  7. I noticed sometimes buildings show up as Heavy Building * or Heavy Building ** I assume this is an indication that the building took structural damage, and maybe I should move my troops out of them asap before the building collapses.
  8. I notice that sometimes the AI forces us to use a larger map than expected, probably because we have "too many" units to put on the map. So what? If we specify a medium-sized map, why does the AI bump it up to huge? Imagine in CM2, trying to replay Kursk. The AI will always try to increase the size of the map -- what will it do then? I am a little annoyed because right now I am playing a PBEM, and the attachments are about 3M in size because the AI increased the size of the map on us.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by infohawk: I agree. He was the only captain on that show who got into fist fights in every episode. You have to respect that. As for Picard and the Borg, I always thought he just sat there and increased paperwork for everyone on board. So probably the Borg would be so busy filling out forms that they would not be a threat on the Enterprise D.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by infohawk: Check out the Col.Kotz web site at , there is a post relevant to Highlander there. URL is: http://pub21.ezboard.com/fasl2cmgeneral.showMessage?topicID=24.topic
  11. Maybe they were just firing that bazooka backwards. It's hard to read instructions in the fog.
  12. I was wondering -- is there any reason why we can't tow an AT gun with a tank or a halftrack with no portage capability? The gun doesn't fit inside the vehicle, after all...
  13. No. It's much more fun to bother BTS with posts asking for this or that vehicle to be added in the next version.
  14. OK, I am going to demonstrate a French trait: The subject of this thread should have read: Réjouissez-vous, joueurs français de CM!
  15. Nothing fancy here, chips and beer. Chips and Coca Cola or Pepsi Max if I am on a low budget.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ncounio: To be crystal clear with the french version, We have not altered the wave files, germans yell in german, poles in poles etc... The free french voices were already in the game and are very nice (Thanks Joël). I can state that we will not tweak the voice files in order to do a 100% french speaking CM, that would IMO destroy a great part of the immersion factor. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> At least this isn't like Star Trek, where all the aliens speak English, no matter where they are from (I know about the Universal Translator, that's just a cop out). Je suis content de voir qu'il y a une version française de CM, bravo!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warren Peace: Hi all: Thanks for all the comments. After talking with my wife I think we will continue to let him playing, but I need to have a chat with him about the Waffen-SS and the history behind it. Unfortunately, Nazi Germany was all too real and not just the villian in a computer game. Warren<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Warren, I think that is the best approach. I have a four year old who told me the other day he didn't want to play Blue's Clues on the computer, he wanted to play "Daddy's Game." I explained that he might play later, when he is older. I took the time to explain that this is a game, not reality, and that what happens in games should NOT be acted out in reality. I showed him one movie sequence in the game where some squads were eliminated, and I explained that these people are hurt, some have died, and they will never come back because they are dead. (we lost a cat already, so I think he knows about how death prevents people from coming back.) I am not sure he understood, but I think he's getting it. One of his friends up the street plays DOOM of all things (in God mode no less) and my wife and I were concerned. We just told our son never to play that game, and we told the boy's mother that our son wasn't allowed to play Doom. She acted embarrassed but didn't stop her son from playing it, but when our son is there Doom stays off. I think if we keep explaining the difference intelligently and truthfully, our kids will understand. I am more worried about the kids on my street who walk around in camo pants and spend most of their days shooting each other, or the teenagers who can't seem to be able to walk down the street (they don't use the sidewalk) without having at least eight of their peers with them. It's that false bravado that worries me, people with low self-esteem who act powerful to compensate. Some of these (not most of them, thank God) may decided one day that they can feel strong for a while if they step on other people. They are after hurting others and power just for the sake of filling a bottomless pit inside. Those are the dangerous ones in my opinion, especially if they get addicted to that feeling of power over others. They feel immortal for a while, the feeling doesn't last so they have to do it again, and again. Lying and cruelty become a way of life for them. (ref. Escape from Evil, Ernest Becker). (can you tell I have a B.A. in Psychology?) Pat. [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 09-06-2000).]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The CM Borg: Ataru is assimilated <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> CM Borg, I congratulate the collective on this addition of a fine Borg smiley.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis: I thought roadblocks provided cover for infantry located in it. Playing Cheneux I did have a squad located in the roadblock, but I don't know if it helped since I don't know if it reduced my exposure or not. Could try a QB with a roadblock to test the theory though. Easy enough to do unless you're at work <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Juardis, if you want to play Cheneux, let me know. I am at home today, I did so much overtime the past three weeks that my bosses told me to stay home.
  20. I'm ambivalent about this. But then again I have rushed enemy positions knowing that unless something drastic happened, my troops would get wiped out. I do that sometimes if the enemy squad has changed back to the generic national logo. I am not absolutely sure that the enemy is still there -- but I know they probably are. So rushing is a foolish thing to do UNLESS they are gone. In your case though, whenever my troops have been in such a difficult position, they almost always end up getting wiped out. Esp. vs. the SS, who don't seem to know about taking prisoners, probably the concept is too complicated for them to grasp. If you had waited a turn would you still have any troops in that building? Probably not. War is FUBAR
  21. Will CM2 include all the SPW 251 variants? I just converted an ASL scenario, it called for a SPW 251/10 (37mm gun), but it doesn't exist in CM. I used the 20mm SPW instead. Also, I know it's just griping, but the ASL scenario had sidecars in it...
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Would be cool. Might throw a QB a bit off balance, if the attacker would have a river to cross, but no bridges. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well you know if you don't come prepared, then you can't win, can you? Everyone should have a boat or two in tow. Never know, they could come in handy. Maybe BTS will implement AFV snorkels.
  23. A cautionary note, although this is going to happen less and less as patches and versions are released. If there is a chart in the manual, and a patch overrides some of its values because this or that gun needed adjustment to its penetration values, BTS can't be expected to update the chart in everyone's manual. Having "false" charts will just cause confusion for new players. Maybe the info could just be posted on the BTS web site instead (?). The chart would be in one place. Easier to administer, don't have to worry about distribution. Also perhaps the units database could include info on vehicles. When a change is made then the database could be updated, and people who are interested could just download the new version. Just an idea. I don't want BTS to fall in the trap Task Force Games fell into with their rules and charts, seemed to me they kept revising their manuals and publishing "errata" ad nauseam. Just my $0.02, and that's in Canadian currency so it's not worth very much. [This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 09-05-2000).]
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