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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. LOL! OK, I get it. Very clever! Amazing, the amount of detail in this game, Charles did a great job.
  2. The Janes web site says there is a gash going from the front of the sub right to the crew compartments. The only part that may have escaped damage is the aft crew compartment, they are trying to reach it now. The front part was flooded right after the blast, so everyone in the front of the sub is gone. www.janes.com If there are any people left in the back, they must have a major case of claustrophobia right now, it must feel like a coffin in there. They don't know what caused the two explosions.
  3. How does that work? You lost me. (I know it doesn't take much). Why would it not be possible for the 88 to shoot you at close range? It should be easier, not impossible.
  4. I have DSL at home, here in Nova Scotia Canada. It's great! Now I can't understand how I could survive before with my 14400 modem... The fastest download speed I've seen so far is 130K/sec from the SUN Microsystems web site, while downloading Star Office. That's about 8M/minute. After a while the bottleneck is the server at the other end, not your own PC.
  5. When you create a map you can set the relief lines to be 2.5m or 5m, I think. I went as high as 19 lines on one map, so 2.5m x 19 = pretty high if you ask me. At 5m per relief line, you end up with mountainous terrain, but that makes vehicle movement difficult. To have level roads you need to leave some space for the 3D modeler, otherwise you end up with jagged roadways. You can't build caves, I'm afraid. Rumour is that CM2 (Russian Front) will have sewers but that's as close to caves as you'll get I'm afraid. To build cliffs you just set one square to be one level, and the adjacent one to be a dozen or more levels higher. That builds a cliff. There are no cliff "tiles", so you won't see a rock face, nothing like that. It will look like whatever other terrain is there, e.g. pine trees, woods, scattered tress. Vehicles won't be able to pass, they can only pass through slopes up to a point. So although there is no cliff tile per se, you can build cliffs by playing with the relief levels. The system is pretty flexible, you just have to spend time playing with it. Hope this helps. I am not one of the game designers / developers, so people correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. I played that scenario a number of times, and we found that if you're playing the Americans, the best thing to do is blast the Germans BEFORE they have time to get to the church. After that it's hard to get those shermans just with the three StuGs. The tactic you used sounds good to me!
  7. I would like an "Undo" button for the map editor as well. Nothing like Undo in the Microsoft software, they went overboard. Just undo the last change made to the map, if people have to undo two, three, four or more changes then they should just sit back and think a little more. Maybe take a break? I'm amazed at how big maps can be, this is great.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Durruti: Did the Canadians never use Cromwells in their Armoured Recce Regts? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> According to CM, the Canadians didn't use Ram II tanks either.
  9. Here we go, fallschirmjagger again. Those guys are EVERYWHERE!!! Seriously though, I don't know how many points you want to give the Allies. Do you want to make it "even", i.e. do you want a standstill at the end of the scenario? If the Americans are supposed to break through, then give them more points. Depends on the terrain, too, and how many fortifications the Germans have.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Red Devils: (or a Maus battalion for that matter.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunately, the Maus isn't part of the CM roster. Neither is the Tiger E.100, or any of the other experimental tanks for 1945/46. The Pershing didn't make it either. I know the Allies had other goodies on the way as well. I think the Germans were demonstrating a sense of humour when they named that tank the mouse instead of the mammoth or T.Rex. The Maus would make an effective road block, don't you think? Esp. if it's in a Y - shaped intersection, covering two roads at once... Then to block traffic I suppose we could just park it across the road, nothing could get through, even after the maus is out of commission. I'd love to see those heavy tanks in a mud scenario, they wouldn't get very far. I wonder if there are weight allowances on bridges, before the things collapse?
  11. That would be the Tiger E.100? Now we're talking.
  12. Here's another item for CM2 -- booby traps.
  13. Maybe it's my PC but when I go to the Canada CMHQ, I get a black screen. I'm using Netscape 4.72.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: There are no Arty Observation Vehicles. As far as I know, they've never even been discussed here on the board since it's inception.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not quite true, because I remember bringing up this topic before I got my copy of CM. I like the idea of putting an artillery observer on a tank with no ammo, that sounds like a possible solution. The Germans had all sorts of armored cars with funny-looking antennae on them, 6-wheeled and 8-wheeled things. I don't know what the Allies used.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ntg84: I've never heard any of the crews or men talk before. I know they say alot, just never heard it. Do they say more on camera level one?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you think you heard a unit say something, click on it, press 1 to go to level 1, and tab to lock onto it. Then press the back button in the movie to replay that segment. Chances are you'll hear what you thought you heard.
  16. Yes, they are very good at close range. Two German squads and an HQ decided to rush one of my engineer squads. After a demo charge, both squads are eliminated as well as the HQ. BANG! They were gone. My engineers are in a tight spot now, though -- there are more Germans than they can probably hold off...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: ... and secondly, the tanks cant simply by themselves pose a threat to soldiers by rolling over them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, that brings up a good point. Whatever happened to overruns like we used to have in ASL?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RMC: I like Pumas, but have learned not to want them in CM. They are too easily killed by MG fire. Firelflies are pretty good bargain. I also like the Churchill VIII (95mm Howitzer). It can kill pretty much any allied Ueber Panzer with a HEAT round and it has the armor like a Jumbo (almost) but costs around 60 points less.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I killed a Puma once with a 2 inch mortar. Shells right into the turret. Pop! I agree with the Churchills, lately I've been playing Canadians and I find it has great frontal armour to boot.
  19. In case you are curious, the URL for those maps is http://asl2cm.cjb.net/ Have fun.
  20. Aaahhh, .... no. Sorry. Not released yet. Someone ported the ASL maps into CM, and I used one (ASL mapboard 1) just to see what it would look like. Very humbling, the Fireflies look like little jeeps compared to the size of the buildings. (gulp!)
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: No grain silos in Europe that I know of (and I am from the countryside). But you have concrete silos for winter fodder, however these are built into the ground. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hah ha, I saw one in France, it was converted from a mediaeval fortified farm house, style was similar as for Roman style churches, i.e. about XIIth-XIIIth Century stone structure. Not a big deal, though, I would put more priority on tiles that let you create star-intersections, intersections with roads going off in three directions (e.g. -< or >- ), and houses that are so tight-packed that they won't let anyone walk between them. Also stream tiles, tiles for vertical embankments (e.g. 20ft walls), ... and the list goes on and on.
  22. You're right Fionn -- I've going to bed too late, the past two weeks. In fact, since I got my copy of CM in the mail. It's OK
  23. Ever tried rushing at night? I just finished a scenario, and almost every time my troops kept advancing even if the opposition was too strong for them. I took those positions, but the cost was way too high. (I'd say I lost 60 - 80% of the infrantry that did the rushing). Suppressing didn't work, esp. when the German troops were faced with US troops at point blank range. It didn't help that at night, the troops go beserk and RUN toward the enemy while they are getting mowed down. Truly bizzarre. Once I rushed a house, and oops there was an AA flak halftrack sitting at an angle behind the house. Ouch! Funny how troops have more courage at night than during the day!
  24. Reading this thread reminds me that I don't know much. I wish I knew as much history as you do!
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