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Everything posted by patboivin

  1. Someone mentioned to me about a month ago on this forum that roadblocks would be included in CM, as well as trenches. I don't see either of them mentioned in the manual. CM 1.02 or CM 1.03 perhaps?
  2. The manual mentions that small stone bridges are 2 levels higher than the water, but I can't find a tile for them in the scenario editor.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: The v1.03 patch needs about another week in testing. It's got a lot of stuff in it. Charles <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, now I am REALLY confused. I thought the 1.02 patch only came out for the demo, and I can't find it on the battlefront beyond overload web page. IF there's a 1.02 patch, where can I find it? The gamers.net web site definitely doesn't like Netscape. Thanks.
  4. Bummer. At one point he said he was playing twelve games at once, and that he was only losing one. I thought he was winning against me, I guess from what you wrote here that you were the one who beat him. BTW I picked off one of his tanks with a PIAT as well, from a wheat field. But now I don't know what to think, he's not sending the files anymore, maybe I was doing better than I thought. He still had at least 1 PzVI E, and 1 PzIV that I could see, plus one Puma I think. And I wasn't having an easy time of it, he played well from what I could tell -- I lost almost all my AFVs within about five turns! How am I ever going to claw my way up the ladder if people I play with stop sending me the files?! This is impossible. Are there any other takers out there? If you beat me, I promise I won't disappear into the fog, I'll see the game through to the end. Stefan can vouch for me, he's been asking me to capitulate for at least three turns now, and I just won't give him that satisfaction just yet. I expect my opponents to do the same. How else is the ladder going to work?!
  5. Where are my PBEM files?! We were playing a game, and now I don't get the PBEMs anymore. What happened, did your wife pull the plug on your modem?
  6. You forgot the last step: Upload scenario so other people can play.
  7. I registered for the ladder a few weeks ago, but haven't sent any battle results yet. Question: How would the ladder moderator know that the results being posted are true? Also, some people may be playing a number of games at the same time, but only send results for the battles they win. That wouldn't be right either, now would it.
  8. This is probably a silly question: When you tell a unit to pause, does it still shoot? i.e. does this just tell it to wait before moving, but still lets it fire whenever it wants? ------------------
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: Playing as the germans I had 1 stug destroyed, then the other 2 the next turn, on maybe turn 7 or 8. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I played this scenario at least eight times, and for the Germans, either keep your StuGs behind the hill across from the church, or introduce them to the far left of the field. If you want to keep them to the right of the church, ensure that if they are going to cross the ridge, they all do it at the same time, and that you are using hunt movement, not fast move (very bad for aiming) or move (still rather slow response from your StuGs if you do that). Keep them together, so you can do the equivalent of rapid-fire against the other tanks. Also, position yourself to where you just know the Shermans have to go, but stay where he can't see you while he's approaching. That way you will be waiting, not moving, while he will advance on your position -- your fire will be more accurate than his. And if he drives next to the church and you have three StuGs waiting for him, I can almost guarantee that thing will blow up into a ball of fire. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: One rolled up over a hill and sat there for a few seconds in front of 5 shermans, not aiming or firing or anything, just stopped (it had a target with los), before getting blown to kingdom come. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This will happen if you are buttoned up, the crew can't see much through the vision slits. Remember to stay unbuttoned, at least at the beginning of an engagement. Also, were you in hunt movement mode, or just move or fast move? In hunt movement mode your crew is actively looking for things to shoot at, in the other two modes they are more passive. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: The other 2 fired once each before getting blown away, one missing, the other doing "front hull penetration" or some such to a sherman, which did exactly nothing, the sherman was perfectly mobile, had all guns working, etc. My troops go "shaken", "panic", "broken", "routed", anything whenever they get shot at once by anything. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If I remember correctly, in Close Encounter a lot of the German troops are green troops -- teenagers recruited near the end of the war, people who weren't considered fit to server earlier in the war, but by the end the Germans rounded up anyone who could walk and gave them rifles. Also green troops could be qualified people, but who just haven't had much battlefield experience and so they break and panic really easily. Sometimes they just lay there, and get overrun instead of leaving hot spots. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: Panzerschreck guys couldn't hit the broadside of the empire state building. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's hard to believe, but from what range? Remember you have to be within 100m to have a reasonable chance of scoring a hit, and then when the tank realizes what happens, your panzershrek team either should high tail out of there fast, or score a hit right away otherwise they are toast. It's best to sneak them to an advantageous position where you know your opponent will move through, then hide them. When your opponent is getting close, unhide them and watch the results. It can be very satisfying to know that a measly PzShk blew up a pile of metal on tracks. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: 2 of my mg42's had jammed guns and apparently "broke" or "routed" because of that. One smg squad actually "broke" and ran out of a heavy building *toward* the enemy line. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> heh heh don't you just LOVE green troops. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: I quit the german scenario after a sherman actually leveled a 2 story building, killing several smg squads. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, that happens, and it makes for some pretty spectacular explosions. High-caliber artillery makes it look almost like a nuclear blast, it's great to watch esp. if it's your opponent's troops, of course. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dogcow: What am I possibly doing wrong? This game is impossible, when I quit that particular game it was at maybe the 15th turn and all 3 of my tanks were gone, most of my mg's and panzerschrecks were "routed" or killed. Anyone want to provide a basic walk through of either demo scenarios for those non veteran-army-commanders among us?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you want to play PBEM against me, we can go through it if you want. Just e-mail me the initial PBEM at lori.pat@ns.sympatico.ca. Pick the Germans again, so we can go through the same thing you just went through. I can provide commentaries along the way, if you want. Within a couple of games you'll be good enough to beat the AI that comes with the game, provided you plan properly and play your cards well.
  10. Stefan, who is also on this forum, sent me the following table: ARTILLERY Ammo Blast Cost Parity 75mm 20 39 94 0.4 = Blast/Cost 81mm MT 50 18 106 0.2 105mm 25 77 231 0.3 105mm VT 25 77 299 0.3 4.2 in MT (107mm) 20 72 177 0.4 4.5 in MT (114mm) 10 125 155 0.8 155mm 8 198 204 1.0 155mm VT 8 198 264 0.8 8" Howtzr (203mm) 307 8 in gun (203mm) 363 240 mm 348 Fighter Bomber 225 I don't know where he got it. If we look at the ratio, the mortar with the best bang for your buck is the 155mm. Why is the 82mm mortar so weak? And what would be the rating for the little 55mm mortars? With bunkers given a defensive rating of 500, how does that square with the offensive values here? Thanks.
  11. Sorry, I posted this in the wrong forum I think. Off to the general forum!
  12. Stefan, who is also on this forum, sent me the following table: ARTILLERY Ammo Blast Cost Parity 75mm 20 39 94 0.4 = Blast/Cost 81mm MT 50 18 106 0.2 105mm 25 77 231 0.3 105mm VT 25 77 299 0.3 4.2 in MT (107mm) 20 72 177 0.4 4.5 in MT (114mm) 10 125 155 0.8 155mm 8 198 204 1.0 155mm VT 8 198 264 0.8 8" Howtzr (203mm)307 8 in gun (203mm) 363 240 mm 348 Fighter Bomber 225 I don't know where he got it. If we look at the ratio, the mortar with the best bang for your buck is the 155mm. Why is the 82mm mortar so weak? And what would be the rating for the little 55mm mortars? With bunkers given a defensive rating of 500, how does that square with the offensive values here? Thanks.
  13. All I can say is... Sheeesh! I guess it just went right through the Sherman's turret. Hmmm I need bigger caliber guns, this 75mm just doesn't cut it. Oh, maybe it cuts too well and it goes right through! Maybe I should use tin shells to make sure they don't go right through the Shermans' turrets, this is a disappointing turn of events...
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan: ... why oh why are you making things easy for me? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because I don't want to make them TOO difficult.
  15. Thanks, but I have the final version now.
  16. I play on an old Pentium Pro laptop, 64M of RAM. I added the new grass textures and the MDMP-1, I like the new textures (esp. the trees for Fall), except I don't seen any difference for the grass Must be my video card. I didn't notice a slowdown, but I'm slow anyway.
  17. OK, sure, why not. If we're going down that road, I would like BTS to add an Ogre to the unit roster. In the mid-eighties there were a few microgames called Ogre, G.E.V., and a third module I think, about these massive armoured intelligent tanks that fired nuclear missiles (32 if I remember correctly), had Navy-size cannons, etc. It was pitted against heavy tanks, hover tanks, even a train I think. Even infantry Fun game.
  18. Are there any plans to add spectacular graphics for high-caliber shell hits against light armour? e.g. halftrack blown to pieces by an 88mm shell. e.g. Hellcat turret completely blown off by a 128mm shell. e.g. Kubelwagen or PzKpfw IIL blown to pieces by a Pershing shell.
  19. Just an idea, for those who want to add modeling mods, how about one for the wheat fields? They look kind of flat.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom: O.K. Is it possible to be a CM addict without ever having the d/l or the game yet?? I have spent 3 days straight reading hundreds of posts on this board..I have visited CMHQ and Annex, read every drop of information I could find on other sites and have even already gotten my wife almost tired of hearing about it! I don't even have the damn thing yet! Jeez. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GI Tom, Don't fret. It's well worth the wait.
  21. I know Stefan used to bang on the ASL map boards when he was really mad. Just one fist, then "Oooops!" and we spent the next fifteen minutes replacing all the chits. I wonder what he does now, maybe his PC is full of dents.
  22. Given your responses I am going to rethink my strategy. I have plenty of time, I only plotted turn 1 so far. I am not surprised he picked sone Hellcats, he loves them. If he sends me the PBEM files back in time tonight, I will change my placements a little. Good idea re. Wirblewind, I had only thought about using that as an infantry gardening tool.
  23. I have been toying with the scenario editor for two evenings now, that thing is NOT easy to use if you are trying to draw a map based on a real city layout. Wild Bill must have spent days tweaking the maps, I realize now how much effort he put in to make those maps LOOK simple. Great job Wild Bill.
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