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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. I usually put together a "kampfgruppe" to hold the fort, inflict casualties, slow the enemy, while the remainder (about 2/3) of my force beats a retreat. When the last of the retreaters has gone, then I start pulling back the kampfgruppe. Seems to work well enough.
  2. Oh, come on people. Why bother to call it a ford if it's not a ford? So the stream is impassable and has steep banks. No one's talking about the stream.
  3. I tried a flamer ambush. It was night. The buttoned up halftrack strolled right into the ambush marker, turned 45 degrees and hosed down the flamer before they had even got up from hiding. Something not quite right there. EDIT: Forgot to mention: Flamethrower Elite, Halftrack Green. [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 07-09-2000).]
  4. I also experience a rather perverse manifestation of "grazing fire". One of my precious tigers lined up his shot on a tommy. Unfortunately, the targetting line passed right through the rear turret of another tiger only meters away. SPLANG. Death by 88.
  5. What we have here are two camps. There's the attrition unit camp who feel that any cheap unit is expendible, and the leadership camp who want to keep their men alive to fight another day. If I'm in an MMG Carrier, I hope I'm serving under the latter.
  6. Ski, are your units actually targetting ambush markers? If not, they will fire at whatever they see.
  7. I use them (along with any other variety of carrier, truck, track) as a battlefield ambulance, rescuing my crews &c. They work quite well in that role.
  8. I find CM kinda sexual. Lots of "oohs" "ahhs" and "yeah baby!"
  9. And do we care if they care? CM is by far the best game I've ever owned in any medium, and with the inevetible changes for the next gen, will be well on its way to being THE ultimate tac-sim. Thanks.
  10. My local hobby shop stocks those. I'll have to try one out.
  11. Swing and Big Band hits of the forties, naturally.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talenn: WWI proved that charging unsuppressed MGs is NOT a good idea...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, WW1 (Well, the Russo-Japanese War really) proved that charging unsuppressed MGs pre-sited with interlocking fields of fire was a bad idea. Subtle, but important, distinction.
  13. Herr Peiper, that's what the edit button is for
  14. I would dearly love to try out the German conversion of captured Bren Carriers with a cluster of Panzerschrecks attached. Very similar in function and appearance to the Marine Corps Ontos.
  15. Got a rough outline done of the town scenario. Gotta rent the flick again and take some notes
  16. We are British Hair Men. Can you hide us in the burn? We have the madonna with the big boobies...
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: Ok...How about dis one eh? Who would win in a football game? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Achtung! Achtung! Today ist shports day! Ze American POWs vill play football against ze 12th SS Panzer Division. Any POW caught touching ze ball vill be shot. Amis kick off...
  18. Major Tom, how are you going to simulate the inability of the tanks to get off the beach? Steel on slimy shingle makes for no traction and thus the Churchills died in their first combat debut.
  19. Thanks for confirming my fear and making up my mind. Looks like it's Chicken Run for me
  20. I'm developing a real love affair with anything small, fast and armed with something. I got so annoyed being pinned down in one scenario while my tanks were slowly getting shot up, I took a Stuart on a buttoned-up death ride all by itself. It cleaned out the whole town single-handed!
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