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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. You check the clock and say with certainty -- "just one more turn -- two hours sleep should be plenty before work..." Babs signing off at 4:00 am....
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Imperator: Here's an interesting (and probably gamey) use for flamethrowers: Set a row of tiles on fire to create a lasting smokescreen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wouldn't call that gamey. Rommel set houses on fire to provide a smoke screen for his crossing of the Meuse. I've read of Crocodiles deployed on the flanks of an advance to a) kill anything on the flank and seal it off with a wall of fire. Surrounding units with flame does seem a bit gamey though.
  3. They should definitely be able to embark, at least on trucks or other designated transport vehicles. It's a royal pain in the butt marching them around.
  4. I like how the inertia effect carries over from turn to turn. I had lost a Stuart which was hauling ass across a field at about 59 seconds into the turn. The following turn the flaming hulk carried on for quite a distance. Coolness!
  5. In fairness, they did run away from the units which had molested them, but they ran forward obliquely into buildings "obviously" (to me, anyway) held by the enemy. I'm thinking of a rally point designator which can be placed like a TRP. Broken or frightened units would move toward it until they find cover, &c.
  6. I was playing a night scenario. Visibility was about 50 metres. One of my platoons tripped an ambush and got shot up pretty bad. They broke and ran for cover -- forward -- right into the line of buildings occupied by the enemy. All were eliminated. If a rally point had been available to the rear, much of the damage could have been averted. Would a platoon or company rally point be any more difficult to add in than a TRP? The troops needn't move all the way to it, just towards it until they find cover.
  7. Gawd, there's so many, they're all startin' to run together in my head. I guess my favourite lucky moment was KIA'ing a King Tiger with a front turret penetration from about 100m on the first shot. I had just poked the nose of my 76mm Sherman up over a crest, and there it was right in front of me. The Tiger's first shot miraculously missed -- it never got another
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader: I personally feel the sniper ammo load out is WAY to low - he could carry ten times that and stil not rattle <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 200 rounds of 7.92mm? That's mighty heavy, son.
  9. Speaking of jammed turret rings, I've not seen that happen. Is it a game function?
  10. Churchill Crocodile and AVRE are in. With luck we'll see flails and such in a future patch.
  11. Well, in short, I LOVE the game, so don't take this all personal now... Sometimes when reinforcements arrive, they appear in a prohibited terrain location and end up stuck. In one scenario, I had an M7 and a Stuart enter about a hundred metres away from a road, but deep in the woods. Both vehicles were hors de combat as they could neither move nor see anything.
  12. Monday's a holiday, isn't it? Better put your money on Tuesday.
  13. Long Cold Day - Spoiler - Spoiler - Spoiler In Long Cold Day, I only just eked out a win against the a/i while playing the Germans. The JgPz IV did amazingly well, stopping the amis cold and wrecking 13 vehicles, and ruining the gun on the Jumbo. I thought it was all over for them, and then whammo -- the TDs showed up. The reinforcing german vehicles didn't fare so well, though the Tiger II did make an impressive roadblock for a few turns. Unfortunately it was immobilized early, buried in a smoke screen, and fell to close assault by infantry. The Tiger I got picked off at extreme range before it ever fired a shot. A very enjoyable scenario.
  14. I just talked a gaming friend into downloading the demo. I've kept mine installed to try a pbem with him. However, mine is the older gold demo and his will be the newer one. Are we going to be able to play?
  15. Well, I have now gone up against a Hetzer frontally with Churchill Crocs. Yep, those 75s just bounce right off. A little flame took care of him though
  16. Well, there's no bikes or motorbikes. As to the horses, you're right, but they don't have much place right up front, and that's what CM recreates. On the other hand, it would be nice to have them for what-ifs and rear area actions and so forth. Only had the game a day, so I haven't fully explored scenario making (well, not at all apart from a browse), but I didn't see anything that would enable unit tweaking.
  17. Chad. It is definitely worth the wait. I just got mine yesterday (in Canada), and it's without question one of the best wargames around, period.
  18. Aw well. Never liked them mattel products anyway. I'll take the FN any day.
  19. I just got the game and I wanted to play one of the canned scenarios. I wish I hadn't picked this one because it's AWESOME. I really enjoyed it, but it would have been so much better against a human opponent. Save this one for pbem if you haven't played it yet.
  20. I haven't tried the Hetzer in the game, but the front is basically where all it's armour is, and the good slope is obvious. I'd say it was a typical result. You won't have such good luck from the side though.
  21. I had left before the C7 and C8 were introduced, but if I'm not mistaken the C8 is the squad auto. One of the younger pups might know more
  22. It arrived today for me. Posted the 21st of June, arrived the 30th. Oh... and it's AWESOME!
  23. I hope Matt saves that screenshot to his site. That's classic.
  24. There isn't a dedicated board for the bored, so I'll just post here under your thread until my game arrives... Cheers.
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