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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. The Achilles sports the lovely, delicious 17 pounder, a weapon specifically fielded to declaw Tigers and Panthers at any range. At 300 to 400 metres I'm not surprised they're giving you grief.
  2. I suspect my jerkiness problem was due to virtual memory not behaving properly. In any event, I downloaded half a dozen various Win98 updates, reset my virtual memory, and deleted the CM prefs file. After restarting the game it now runs smooth and clean. And all I can say is... wow!
  3. My card was billed too. This is without question the most expensive computer game I ever shelled out for due to the current horrible exchange rate. There's still customs fees and GST to pay for too. Do I care? Nooooooo
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fiftymicrolitres: How consumed? Straight up in a brandy snifter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Amen, brother.
  5. That helps, Marty. Thanks. Still, given the numbers, I would be surprised if the IICs outnumbered the ICs. Actually, it's not that confusing. M4= Sherman I M4 with composite hull = Sherman Hybrid I M4A1=Sherman II M4A2=Sherman III M4A3=Sherman IV M4A4=Sherman V If it is armed with anything other than the standard 75mm gun the tank carries a letter designation: A=76mm B=105mm C=17 Pounder If it has HVSS suspension it gets a Y at the end of its designation. So a British M4A2 with HVSS and a 76mm gun is a Sherman IIIAY. Piece of cake really.
  6. According to Hunnicutt in "Sherman - A History of the American Medium Tank" Britain received 2,096 M4 (Sherman I) but only 942 M4A1 (Sherman II). I have only ever seen pictures of the Sherman VC (very common) and Sherman Hybrid IC (fairly common). I've never seen pics of any other C-armed Shermans. I think someone may have confused the cast front hull on the Hybrid IC with the cast hull of the Sherman II. Either that or the Sherman IIA (76mm gun M1A1 w/out muzzle brake)has been confused for a Firefly. Comments from BTS? It's far too late to beg for changes, but some clarification would be good.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: They said that if Britain hadn't declared War on Germany and left France to fend for itself that Germany could have easily won the war, preventing Germany's "bad taste" after their eventual loss in 1918. So therefore there would have never been WWII<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting leap of logic on the part of the film-makers, but I disagree. Imperial Germany was at the height of Colonial expansion at the time. Defeat of France would have brought her head to head with British Colonial interests. War would have been inevitable. My fraction of a dollar.10
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrapGame: Babra, Glenmorangie - how does this compare with Glenlivet? I see you have also tried the Lagavulin - any thoughts? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lagavulin is fabulous stuff. It will light a fire in your gullet and keep it stoked all day. Lag is my poison of choice for outdoorsy activities and after any meal involving a tasty dead animal. Can't say I have a clear recollection of what Glenlivet tastes like, so I won't make any comparisons, but Glenmorangie is silky smooth with a rich flavour. Very nice for company and before bed.
  9. I agree. Commando raids are also fun. Unfortunately, I don't believe units in CM are ever unalerted (or just plain asleep), so I don't think sneak raids are do-able in the game. Recon is fun though. Maybe just design a scenario with no victory locations, and agree between players on what really constitutes victory.
  10. Lagavulin for the peat. Glenmorangie for a smooth ride.
  11. G'wan b'y! you'm bluenosers'll get it first, eh? Say "hey" to Chebucto Road next time ya go by... Girlfriend lives there.
  12. I finally looked over the vehicles that will be included in CM and was surprised to see a listing for the Sherman IIC. I stand to be corrected by anyone with figures, but it was my understanding that the IC and VC were the most common 17 pounder variants, with Sherman II's (M4A1) being somewhat rare. Anyone got any insights on numbers of Sherman IIs in Commonwealth service? [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 06-16-2000).]
  13. Ah, Chatanooga... Just a hop skip and a minnieball from Lookout Mountain...
  14. We're all impatient. Relax. I'm guessing that if the game was in your hands you wouldn't bother picking on dyslexic kids and other favoured targets of opportunity. Manners are free, as grandma used to say.
  15. Count me in. Actually, I should probably just avoid this particular forum entirely.
  16. Why doesn't it make sense, Max? Two months overdue, no sign of a near release, and I have no previous experience with this company to judge their intentions by. I was just being prudent. Besides, how could I have known that it mightn't ship during a week that my credit card happened to be maxed out for some reason? Then I wouldn't have it at all. Actually, they were very good about it. "Your order has been cancelled per your request. Thank you" or something similar. Most companies wouldn't even throw in the thank you, even if they DID cancel it. Well, it's here now and I bought it and I'm happy. Even Adolf the Smilie is happy. /:=)
  17. Well, all I know on the subject is that they will have a different organization than the Americans, though the equipment is the same (apart from diesels on the Shermans). I expect most of them will be modelled as veteran, since most saw action in North Africa (not to mention Europe in 1940). As for "National Characteristics", kinda smacks of something the Nazi doctors would think up, dontcha think?
  18. Pardon me, boys; is this the Pas de Calais Choo Choo?
  19. Ah, such an opportunity for humour... But the lad deserves a real answer so I shall let it pass. But it's hard, hard I tell you...
  20. hmmm... I'm currently in possession of 64 MB on the main board. Sounds like 128 is the way to go. Okay, thanks for the tip.
  21. I know they get "some" protection from small arms fire, but they won't make your troops immune to casualties. Keep the tracks at the back to provide suppressing fire.
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