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Formerly Babra

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Everything posted by Formerly Babra

  1. von shrad: why not tweak a texture or two to resemble them? Then again, ya might get pangs of guilt turning a flamethrower on 'em...
  2. My assumption would be that the fellow who received it had his shipped before ours. Really, a lot of people are assuming their order went out the first day of shipping instead of the last.
  3. To (loosely) paraphrase the spirit: "If they bill it, it will come."
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talenn: I cant see how you can really allow player purchases for a competitive game without something like that in place. Its just begging for people to purchase 'cheeseball' forces and to throw TO&E out the window.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just find players who are more interested in creating historical scenarios rather than fielding mega-smash super forces. You will enjoy playing them much more.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ron: Putting it in a situation where it is surrounded by the enemy is begging for disaster. If you limit the area of engagement you may get better results. Ron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sometimes a unit can find itself in such a situation without being "put" there. In those cases I need some assurance that the unit is going to strike out at what it can, when it can, and not sit there with its thumb up its arse deciding what to shoot at.
  6. Sounds like a bit of all right. Suppose we'll hafta fight to see who gets the fireflies...
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aaronb: So, when we get CM, we'll build a map of Ottawa, see, and practice... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> For THAT I'll want a Brumbar, hehehe....
  8. Although weapons like those (Dora, Karl et al) have a very high coolness factor, they just wouldn't ever be used anywhere within a reasonable distance to your own troops, so they really have no place in the game IMO. Sure they got used, but not in any tactical situation.
  9. Actually I always liked playing the Italians. Any fool can kick ass in a King Tiger. Try it in an M13/40.
  10. aka_tom, I was going to post the same thing, but since I don't have the game yet, thought I'd better wait and see if it wasn't in there already. Industrial tiles, cranes, warehouses, factories, docks, would be great.
  11. I just had the same thing happen playing the demo. The tanks get distracted by some distant nuisance and get toasted by the enemy armour. Did you try laying an ambush marker down the street with the tiger and using the hide command? That helps (not much, but it helps).
  12. Sounds like the same problem afflicting the famous gun in a certain demo scenario Slow traversing weapons should really be going after the target they can hit soonest. Not the closest, furthest, most threatening or whatever.
  13. Plot waypoints around the building if you want them to detour.
  14. What distance is your horizon set at, and what altitude are you viewing the sky from?
  15. The lack of spare parts alone should preclude captured "tanks" from being used, unless they were grouped in their own units as the Germans did. Transport, however, should be recoverable between operations and useable by anybody. What was that American division in '45 that Cornelius Ryan described? They were using everything from kubelwagens to fire engines in an effort to stay mobile.
  16. You did say "FOW is off." Just shows the importance of punctuation. But I have to agree with Fred anyway. If you don't want the info, why look in the first place?
  17. Play with fog of war ON. Frankly, I'm amazed it's even optional.
  18. He got his playtester's copy like in January or February -- maybe sooner. EDIT: D'oh! Guess not. [This message has been edited by Formerly Babra (edited 06-25-2000).]
  19. Wheat field tiles? For a beach? Could you cover it with gasoline too, just in case it doesn't burn fast enough? Just kiddin'. Hope it works.
  20. Unfortunately, retargeting causes serious delays in the barrage, which has the effect of a series of individual TOTs rather than a rolling barrage. Also, since the rounds are aimed at a target rather than a front, they impact in a cluster rather than in a line. I think artillery functions need to be expanded.
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