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    wargames, duh!
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  1. First of all, I'd like to mention that many people go to see these more "realistic" like Saving Private Ryan and The patriot not because they want to be entertained but because they are under the impression that these movies are historically accurate. My dad didn't go to see SPR because he wanted to be entertained or else he would've watch a movie that was actually "pleasant" to watch. He probably would've chose someting that didn't make cringe every 5 minutes because someone just got a limb shot off. He went to see SPR simply because he thought it would be historically accurate. I think it is a travesty that many people who will watch "the patriot" will feel the same way. I wanna point out that i don't feel that movie producers should be reguated in any way whatsoever, because to do so, would hurt our freedom of speech. I do think.however, that it is the movie critics and historians RESPONSIBILTY to make a point of telling the people of the untruthfulness in these films. I also think educaters have a responsibilty to give students more than an overview of historical events. Last year in my junior year of high school, i was required to take 2 semesters of US history. However, all i got was a very very weak overview of what happened. This is because the class is required to graduate ;therefore, it had to be easy enough for the "lowest common denominators". Needless to say, i learned very little from this class. Today, i'm under the impression that people are taking more technical,computer related courses in college and fewer history, liberal arts, and humanities sorts of classes. Therefore this overview of history might be all they'll ever learn. My point is that our education system needs to get good enough that people will be able to spot the biasedness and warped nature of movies like the patriot. They'd be able to do this because they have at least a jist of the way thing were during the time period, it would be obvious that the English weren't so nazi-like like they were portrayed in the patriot. Thanx for reading Cory
  2. I have a rev.b imac w/ a voodoo 2 card by microconversions. I have tried many things to get it to work w/ combat mission including: turning my ATI extensions off, using 3dfx reference drivers, turning all extensions off except my rave driver, and various other things that i can't remember right now. Does anyone know how to get this card to work, or if it is even possbible to get it to work? BTW i have 160 meg of ram, if that's important.
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